Tavo 4. Solo. Bafs. L PSAL. VIII. ORD, what is man, that thou art mindful of him: or the fon of man, that thou vifitest him? 5. Thou madeft him lower than the angels: to crown him with glory and worship. 6. Thou makest him to have dominion of the works of thy hands: and thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. 9. O LORD our governor : how excellent is thy Name in all the world! 10. Wherefore my heart was glad, and 11. For why? thou shalt not leave my 6 and at thy right hand there is pleasure for evermore. PSAL. XXVII. Twe HE LORD is my light, and my Voices. salvation; whom then shall I Bass, fear: the LORD is the strength of my contra- 3. Though an host of men were laid against 4. One thing have I defired of the LORD, 5. For in the time of trouble he shall hide tenor. PSAL. Solo. Tenor. I. Two Voices. Bafs, Treble. 1 PSAL. CXIII. RAISE the LORD, ye servants : O praise the Name of the LORD. 2. Blefsed be the name of the LORD: from this time forth for evermore. 3. The Lord's name is praised: from the rifing up of the fun, unto the going down of the fame. 4. The LORD is high above all heathen: and his glory above the heavens. 5. Who is like unto the LORD our God, that hath his dwelling so high: and yet humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven and earth? 1. Praise the LORD, ye servants: O praise the name of the LORD. Amen. I. him. PSAL. CXLIX. Sing unto the LORD a new fong: let the congregation of saints praise 2. Let Ifrael rejoice in him that made him: and let the children of Sion be joyful in their King. 3 4. For 4. For the LORD hath pleasure in his peo• ple: and helpeth the meek-hearted. 5. Let the faints be joyful with glory. 6. Let the praises of God be in their mouth. Ps. cl. 6. Let every thing that hath breath: praise the LORD. By Eight Two Twe Contra. tenors. Two Trebles. By Mr. JOHN TRAVERS, Organist of his Majesty's Chapel-Royal, and of the Parish of St. Paul, Covent Garden. Taken from the form of prayer to be used at fea. L ORD be merciful to us sinners, and save us for thy mercies fake. Thou art the great God, that haft made and rulest all things: O deliver us for thy Name's fake. Thou art the great God to be feared above all: O fave us; that we may praise thee. Thou, O Lord, art just and powerful; O defend our cause against the face of the enemy. O GOD, thou art a strong tower of defence to all that flee unto thee: O save us from the violence of the enemy. OLORD of hosts, fight for us, that we may glorify thy Name. Suffer us not to fink under the weight of our fins, or the violence of the enemy. 2 |