The History of the Life of King Henry the Second: And the Age in which He Lived, in Five Books: to which is Prefixed a History of the Revolutions of England from the Death of Edward the Confessor to the Birth of Henry the Second..., Volume 3

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Page 155 - King ; as to carry the banner of the King, or his lance, or to lead his army, or to be his marshal, or to carry his sword before him at his coronation, or to be his sewer at his coronation, or his carver, or his butler, or to be one of his chamberlains of the receipt of his Exchequer, or to do other like services, &c.
Page 466 - John, earl of Lincoln, gave Henry the Third 3000 marks to have the marriage of Richard de Clare, for the benefit of Matilda, his eldest daughter ; and Simon de Montford gave the...
Page 392 - Whereas the elections of knights of shires to come to the parliaments of our Lord the King, in many counties of the realm of England, have now, of late, been made by very great, outrageous, and excessive number of people dwelling within the same counties of the realm of England, of the which, most part was of people of small substance and...
Page 238 - ... belonged to it ; what had been added to it or taken away from it ; what was the value of the whole together in the time of King Edward, what when granted by William, what at the time of this furvey ; and whether it might be improved, or advanced in its value.
Page 61 - ... gallies, with only one tier of oars, which being fhorter, and therefore moved with greater facility, were fitter for throwing wild-fire, and made ufe of to that purpofe. The fame writer has related all the circumftances of a fea-fight, which the Chriftians, who were going to the fiege of Ptolemais, had with the Turks on that coaft.
Page 472 - ... withal ; but verily they live in the most extreme poverty and misery ; and yet they dwell in one of the most fertile realms of the world. Wherethrough the French king hath not men of his own realm able to defend it...
Page 474 - I offer you my special acknowledgments for the arrangements you have made for the state and comfort of my Royal Consort. I have also to thank you for the supplies which you have furnished for the public service.
Page 19 - ... the licentioufnefs of his clergy, and bringing them under the coercion of the civil authority, from which the weaknefs of government and the encroachments of the papacy, during the reign of his predeceflbr, had fet them free. To render this arduous work lefs difficult to him, he wanted a primate, upon whofe principles and affection he might depend ; who was no bigot ; who perfectly...
Page 371 - Tenure in villenage, is most properly when a villein holdeth of his lord, to whom he is a villein, certain lands or tenements according to the custom of the manor, or otherwise at the will of his lord, and to do his lord villein service, as to carry and recarry the dung of his lord out of the city, or out of his lord's manor, unto the land of his lord, and to spread the same upon the land, and such like.
Page 317 - ... or of other kings before him, exprefly faving his prerogative of the time of his grandfather, father, and of his own time. It will be well worth the reader's while to fee all that is faid by the abovementioned writer concerning the reftraint laid by Magna Charta, c. 32. on the practice of alienating fo much of a fief, as not to leave enough for the performance of the fervice due to the lord from his vaflal, and afterwards by the, ®uia emptores tcrramm, and De prerogattva regis.

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