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SINCE my first acquaintance with the works of Dr. Owen, I have admired the great talent and ability which have been universally accorded to them, and, (I trust,) have been edified by the marrow of sound doctrine, and the rich delineation of Christian experience by which they are characterized. Of his numerous and valuable writings, the treatises "On the Person," and "On the Glory of Christ," stand conspicuous for the importance of their subjects, and the manner in which they are treated. I long felt that the republication of them here, and a more general diffusion of them among American Christians, would greatly subserve the interests of sound and experimental religion. In consequence, I issued some time since proposals for their republication, and with considerable labour I have obtained a respectable number of subscribers. I feel happy in now being able to supply my subscribers with an edition in every respect beautifully and thoroughly executed. I doubt not that the remainder of the edition, beyond the supply of subscribers, will meet with a ready demand. There is no religious work which more richly deserves it.

As the Godhead of Christ, and that eternal redemption which he wrought out as Mediator in our nature, lay near my heart, so the greatest anxiety which I felt as a preacher, and do still feel, is that, by the blessing of God, I might have some small share in setting forth the glory of the Lord Jesus in as full an orb of glory as is possible before the eyes of men. Christians in general do not know half as much as they might of the person of him whom their souls profess to love. While the enemies of the true divinity, and mediatorial glory of the Redeemer, employ their intellectual power and skill in perverting Scripture, and assailing the truth, it becomes every Christian to be well-instructed, rooted, and grounded in these fundamental and vital doctrines of his faith. To expand the mind, inflame the hearts, and establish the faith of Christians in relation to the person and work of Christ, I could not conceive any way more effectual than to put in their hands, "OWEN ON THE PERSON AND GLORY OF CHRIST." It will fill the mouths of God's people

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