by him as assessor of the county of in the presence of G. H. A. B. (Seal.) C. D. (Seal.) E. F. (Seal.) Oath of asses The state of Ohio, I, A. B. assessor of said county, do solemnly ser. County, ss. swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state of Ohio, and that I will without partiality, to the best of my judgment and skill, truly appraise all property which by law I am required to appraise at its true value in money; and that I will furthermore do and perform all such other duties as may be required of me by law as assessor of said county. Sworn to and subscribed the day of Collector's Bond. 182 A. B. before me Collector's bond. Know all men by these presents, that we A. B. principal, C. D. and E. F. securities, all of the county of in the state of Ohio, are held and stand firmly bound unto the state of Ohio, in the penal sum of (double the amount of all the taxes on the duplicate) for the payment whereof, we bind ourselves, each of us, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents; signed with our hands, sealed with our seals, dated at The condition of the above bond is such, that if the said A. B. shall faithfully do and perform the duties of collector of the taxes for the county of the day of 182 the current year, and shall well and truly pay all moneys by him collected to the state treasury and county treasury, and which he may be by law bound to pay to such state treasury or county treasury in the time and in the manner pointed out by law, then the above bond shall be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and delivered A. B. (Seal.) C. D. (Seal.) E. F. (Seal.) Collector's county do solemnly oath. County, ss. swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state of Ohio, and that I will, to the best of my abilities, honestly perform the duties of collector of the taxes of the county aforesaid the current year. Sworn to and subscribed the Form of township list in the Virginia military district. List of property subject to taxation in the township of A. B. before me. NOTE. This form will be filled up the same as the other form herewite published, adding the original proprietors names, water course, etc. and ths form given for lists of town-lots and personal property will succeed after this in the same manner as in the other form. Form of a township list in the United States military district. List of property subject to taxation in the township of Ezekiel Brown 91 3 15 100 1000 1500 450 92 4 2500 7500 Unknown owner Whole quantity 4000 a's. O. Jones As, owner from home Orris Jones assessor. NOTE. This form will answer in all United States and Connecticut reserve surveys, merely omitting the quarter township column. 2100 Orris Jones ass. owner refused 500 to give list. in common J. Riley. lots. NOTE. The assessor will find a convenience in so arranging and dividing his book for receiving lists, as that a space sufficient be left after the head of each township as will receive all the lists of lands, and houses together, then in townships wherein towns are situate, then a head to receive the lists of lots and town property; but if no town be situate in such township, this head will be altogether omitted; in either case let the part calculated for the reception of the lists of personal property be set off at a sufficient distance, so as to let the preceding land or town-lot list be completed. If, however, the space first allowed prove too small, the course to be pursued will be to enter the land or town list in another place where there is room, and refer to the continuation on the end of the first place of entry. 19 800 71 568 James Brown. Orris Jones, assessor, 6 5000 Orris Jones, ass. 30,000 | Thos. Sylvester, ag't. NOTE. It will be well for the assessor to enter under the proper head, in each township, any list that may be forwarded to him by letter, or otherwise, from nonresidents, noting such entry in the column of remarks, and to file away and preserve the original list; as this mode will forward his businessand when he is prepared to commence his abstracts, and reduce them all into alphabetical order, he will have his lists all together, and will be much less liable to commit errors. Certificate to cause land to be transferred. To the county auditor of SIR-A. B. has sold and deeded to C. D. eighty acres, the west half of the northwest quarter of section six, township six, range eleven, (in Virginia military lands; the west half of one hundred and sixty acres of land, in entry number one hundred and fifty; J. K. original owner; Scioto waters;) which is part of one hundred and sixty acres standing charged for taxation in the The proportion of valuation to be transferred with name of You will therefore cause the eighty acres is agreed shall be $ the said eighty acres to be transferred on your books accordingly. day of 182 Witness, our hands, the A. B. C. D. Certificate for transfer. No. 1. Form of a duplicate, for U. S. military district; but will answer for all the U. S. surveys, and Western Reserve, by omitting the Qr. township column. A DUPLICATE of the taxes charged in the county of the year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, to wit: and part of township No. No. 1. Township of being township No. in range in range Coolridge Joseph Brown James Jones Ezekiel Riley Isanc Wilson George 651 65 352 25 No. 2. Form of certificate to close the duplicate: The several footings of the foregoing townships in this duplicate brought forward, viz: Capital of merchants & brokers. Pleasure Carriages. State tax. County Road tax. Township Amount. tax. tax. No. Value. D. | C. D. C. | D. C. D. | C. D. 15000 10 30000 222 80 222 222 80 80 111 90 780 90 4000 800 6400 20000 3600 600 4600 10000 15000 6 40 310 40 268 310 40 310 40 155 20 1063 40 268 268 40 20 134 910 | 40 300000 270 10800 1600 45000 12800 16 45000 801 801 60 60 801 60 401 30 2836 31899 19 40 10 115000 415000 The state of Ohio, I, A. B. county auditor of said county, certify that the foregoing is a correct duplicate of the taxes charged on property subject to taxation within said county, County, ss. the year eighteen hundred and twenty-that the footings of the several articles subject to taxation in said county, are correct as above stated, and that the taxes charged thereon, amount for state purposes to eight hundred and one dollars and sixty cents; for county purposes to eight hundred one dollars sixty cents; for road purposes to eight hundred one dollars sixty cents; for township purposes, to four hundred one dollars thirty cents; amounting together to two thousand eight hundred thirty-six dollars, ten cents. A. B. County auditor. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official signature, the twenty-fifth day of July, A. D. 1826. No. 4. Return of taxes delinquent for the county of made by C. D. collector of said county for the year 1826, viz: 15 100 1500 1 50 50 150 75 5 25 Wilson George 9 N. W. 160 2900 8170 8 70 870 4 25 30 45 No property. perty left. Proceed with all other townships in the same manner. 5 11 5 11 511 15 17|26|17|26|17|26|8| whereon to levy. ATTEST, C. D. Collector. I, C. D. collector of taxes as aforesaid, do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) that the foregoing list of delinquencies are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, truly stated, and that the reason for returning such taxes delinquent, as noted thereon, do, as I verily believe, truly exist. C. D. Collector. | 15 | 15 689 2 56 17 89 S No property 7 52 63 61 411 |