Entered in the year 1833, according to act of congress, BY COREY AND FAIRBANK, in the clerk's office of the district court of Ohio. 152784 CINCINNATI: PRINTED BY F. S. BENTON. ΤΟ The Members of the Bar of Oblo, THIS WORK, UNDERTAKEN IN THE HOPE OF ABRIDGING THEIR LABORS AND FACILITATING THEIR RESEARCHES, AS WELL AS WITH A VIEW TO PLACE WITHIN THE CONVENIENT reach of all, THE WHOLE BODY OF STATUTE LAW, BY WHICH THE PERSONAL OR PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF THE CITIZEN HAVE HITHERTO BEEN, OR NOW ARE AFFECTED, ILLUSTRATED BY THE EXPOSITIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE EDITOR. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND VOLUME. THE second volume of the STATUTES OF OHIO is now submitted to the judgment of the profession and the public. Except a few acts embraced in the appendix to the general laws, it contains all the statutes of a general and permanent nature enacted by the legislature of Ohio, from the session of 1810-11 to that of 1824-5 inclusive. In general arrangement it differs, in no respect, from the first volume, and in point of accuracy, it is hoped, is not inferior. For the sake of convenient and certain reference, the pages and chapters are numbered continuously, without interruption on account of the commencement of a new volume. In some instances, notes of judicial decisions are repeated under different acts; but, generally, where a decision is equally applicable to laws of different dates, it is appended to the latest only. It may be here observed too, that, in the first volume, the chapter and section only of the repealing act are referred to in the margin, opposite the title of the act repealed; but in this, the date also of the repealing act is usually given. This, it is supposed, will be found to be an improvement. As this edition will contain no laws passed after the session of 1832-3, it may sometimes happen that an act included in this work, has been modified or repealed by an act not included, but passed before publication of the law repealed. When such cases occur, the volume and page of the original edition are referred to. For example, the divorce law, contained in this volume, (O. L. c. 624,) received very essential modification from the act of March 1, 1834, passed at the last session of the legislature; and the volume and page where this act may be found are indicated in the margin of page 1408 of this edition, by the reference 32 0. L. 37.' The indexes of this, as well as those of the first volume, are intended only for temporary use, and are far from being perfect: they will, however, probably be found more convenient aids to reference than the old guides. Full and complete indexes are reserved for the third volume, which will also contain the rest of the general acts, the appendix and the local acts, as promised in the preface. CINCINNATI, AUGUST 1, 1834. |