A New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns: For Private, Family, and Public Worship...P.A. Johnson, 1810 - 600 pages |
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A New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns: For Private, Family, and ... John Dobell,Isaac Watts No preview available - 2015 |
A New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns: For Private, Family, and ... John Dobell,Isaac Watts No preview available - 2018 |
Common terms and phrases
adore almighty angels Behold bless blest bliss blood bright cheerful Christ crown darkness death divine Dobell Doddridge dreadful dwell dy'd earth endless ESUS eternal ev'ry everlasting eyes faith Father fear foes forever giv'n give glorious glory God's gospel gracious guilt hail Hallelujah happy hast hath hear heart heav'n heav'nly hell holy hope hosannas humble humble souls Isaiah Israel Jehovah Jesu's Jesus join King L. M. Steele Lamb Lamb of God let thy live matchless mighty mourn o'er pain pardon peace pray pray'r precious proclaim Psalm ransom'd Redeemer reigns rejoice righteousness rise sacred salvation satan Saviour seraphs shine sing sinners sins skies smile song songs of praise sorrows soul sound sov'reign grace Spirit sweet tell thee thine thou art thro thy face thy grace thy love thy name thy praise thy word tongue trembling Twas voice wond'rous wonders ye saints
Popular passages
Page 57 - E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die.
Page 33 - Here's love and grief beyond degree! The Lord of glory dies for men ! But lo ! what sudden joys we see ! Jesus, the dead, revives again...
Page 206 - Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day.
Page 16 - Wide as the world is thy command; Vast as eternity thy love; Firm as a rock thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move.
Page 250 - Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head...
Page 197 - Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise.