EXAMPLE; OR, FAMILY SCENES. This is one of those useful and truly moral publications which can not fail to be read with delight by the youth of both sexes, who, as their hearts expand, and they advance in years, have need of some instructor to point out the path they should follow for their future happiness. The author has been triumphantly successful in attaining these laudable objects in this interesting publication.Weekly Times. Some of the 'Scenes' are sweetly touching, and, in our view, the author has succeeded remarkably well in presenting the sublime and yet simple truths of Evangelical Religion to the mind in a way of deep and abiding impressions.N. Y. Com. Adv. True religion is diffusive in its character, and when it is fairly exemplified in the life of an individual, it will excite attention, command respect, and perhaps lead to still happier results. 'Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven,' is a command of high authority, and one which presupposes the force of example. These Family Scenes,' which belong to the same class with Mrs. Sherwood's writings, are intended to illustrate the influence of example. The book is pleasingly written, and is characterized by a vein of pious and evangelical sentiment.-Presby terian. १० A HARMONY OF THE FOUR GOSPELS, Founded on the Arrangement of the Harmonia Evangelica, by the Rev. Edward Greswell. With the Practical Reflections of Dr. Doddridge. Designed for the use of Families and Schools, and for Private Edification. By the Rev. E. Bickersteth, Rector of Wolton, Herts. A beautiful duodecimo of about four hundred pages; and one of the best books which has appeared for many years, with respect to personal and domestic edification. It is next to impossible to read the ordinary Harmonies. The current of the narrative is broken by constant interruptions. In this, we have in convenient sections, the four Gospel histories, made up into one, in proper order, in the words of the common English translation. The devotional notes of Doddridge are better than any we have seen for reading in the closet, or at family worship. The name of Bickersteth, prefixed to a book, is enough to show that it is written simply to serve the cause of Christ.-The Presbyterian. THE SPIRIT OF LIFE. A Poem, pronounced before the Franklin Society of Brown University, Sept. 3, 1833. With other Poems. By Willis Gaylord Clark, Esq. We hope Mr. Clark may find sufficient inducements to place before the public, in a more accessible form than that in which they are now scattered through the periodicals of the day, more of the creations of his fancy, breathing as they do the fervor of moral purity, as well as chastened and beautiful poetry-we do not hesitate to say they will be most highly acceptable. The anonymous productions of his pen have long attracted the highest praise, and it is high time that he should, in his own person, reap the laurels he has so well earned, and boldly challenge a rank among the best of the American poets.-N. Y. Mirror. The "Spirit of Life" is a clustering of many of those beauties, which all, who admire poetry, have already seen and applauded in the different productions of Clark's gifted mind.-U. S. Gaz. This poetry is of no common order. The author beautifully describes the Spirit of Life as pervading all Nature, and triumphing over the power of death.Episcopal Recorder. The "Spirit of Life" is an essay of sound morality, in the guise of smooth and easy versification. It aims by graceful numbers to better the heart; to teach it contentment here below. -Poulson's Daily Adv. 9 THE HAPPINESS OF THE BLESSED, Considered as to the particulars of their state; their recognition of each other in that state; and its difference of degrees. To which are added, Musings on the Church and her Services. By Richard Mant, D. D. M. R. I. A. Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The design of the Rev. author in this production, is to adduce from scriptural authority, the most satisfactory evidence of the happiness and joy of those who by faith follow Christ, and who, in the exercise of those virtues required by the gospel, are emphatically denominated the children of God. The author has touched upon several topics connected with the subject, which must afford much consolation to the Christian, who, from the very nature of his organization, is liable to doubts and fearful forebodings as to the state of his heart and the grounds of his faith. Christian hope, confidence, and charity, are stamped upon every page, and the writer deserves well of the Christian inquirer, for the industry which he has displayed in collecting and arranging so many important and valuable arguments in favor of the glorious and resplendent state of the faithful and humble disciple of Jesus. In this world, mankind have need of consolation of the cup of sorrow all must drink-happiness is a phantom, a meteor, beautiful and bright, always alluring us by its glow-forever within our reach, but eternally eluding our grasp -but this state of things was designed by our Creator for our benefit-it was intended to withdraw our affections from the shadowy and unsubstantial pleasures of the world, to the Father of all in Heaven, and to prepare, by discipline and zeal, for a state, beyond the grave, of felicity, which eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive of. To our readers we cheerfully commend this delightful volume, confident that by its perusal the faith of the doubtful will be confirined, and the anticipative hope of the confident increased.-Christian's Magazine. We take the earliest opportunity of introducing to our readers this excellent little book, to which the deeply interesting nature of the subject, and the wellearned reputation of the Right Rev. author will secure no inconsiderable portion of attention. The vast importance of the topics herein treated, and the valuable practical effects they may assist in producing, induce us to call thus early the public attention to a work, small indeed in size, but which is calculated not a little to inform all candid and serious inquirers into a subject hitherto involved in much obscurity, but not a little elucidated by the present author.-Gent. Mag. MEMOIR OF MISS MARY JANE GRAHAM. By the Rev. Charles Bridges, M. A. author of Christian Ministry, &c. &c. We have seldom read a biographical sketch which we could more cordially or confidently recommend to the Christian reader. The highly gifted, accomplished, and spiritually-minded subject of the work has found a kindred spirit in the excellent author. He has used his valuable materials in such a manner as to render the memoir of Miss Graham not less rich in interest than full of instruction, to all who are capable of being interested in the highest mental endowments, sanctified and set apart to the service of God. There are few, either believers or unbelievers, who may not be instructed by the counsel, or benefited by the example of Miss Graham.-Episcopal Recorder. In many respects it is one of the richest pieces of biography with which we are acquainted.-Presbyterian. TALES OF ROMANCE, SECOND SERIES. The Tales of Romance, which Messrs. Key & Biddle have just published, are altogether above the ordinary collections of the day. Every author included among the contributors to the volume, has acquired previously a distinct reputation in other works. Such names as Malcolm, Roscoe, and others, will be sufficient to give an idea of the merits of these Tales. The story of Fazio, from whence is derived the tragedy of that name, is well and concisely told. We shall present the best part of it soon, to the readers of the Intelligencer.-Daily Intel. GENERAL VIEW OF THE GEOLOGY OF SCRIPTURE, In which the unerring truth of the Inspired Narrative of the early events in the world is exhibited, and distinctly proved, by the corroborative testimony of physical facts, on every part of the earth's surface. By George Fairholme, Esq. The work before us is adınirably calculatsd to enlighten the mind upon the subject of Creation, and we have rarely perused a work which has added so much to our stock of ideas, or which has given so much gratification. If the limits of our paper permitted, we should take pleasure in laying before our readers an analysis of the contents of this excellent production, but as that is out of the question, we must refer them to the work itself, where we can assure them they will find an abundance of information on the important subject of Creation. Phil. Gaz. The Geology of Scripture, by George Fairholme, Esq. is an admirable work. The circulation of it should be extensive; and, judging from its intrinsic merit, such is its destiny.-Christian Gazette. LIFE OF WILLIAM COWPER, ESQ. Compiled from his correspondence and other authentic sources of information, containing remarks on his writings, and on the peculiarities of his interesting character, never before published. By Thomas Taylor. Taylor's Life of Cowper has several private letters of the poet not found in other works, which serve to correct many false impressions relative to his mental aberration. It is due the cause of humanity, and of justice generally, that the truth should be received; especially when, by affecting the character of so great a man as Cowper, it in a great measure touches the whole of the human kind.-U. S. Gaz. A comprehensive and perspicuous memoir of Cowper has been much wanted, and will be read with gratification by the admirers of this amiable and pious man, whose accomplishments, excellencies, and peculiarity of character, have rendered him an object of interest to the world. We are indebted to Mr. Taylor for his excellent work, and for the happy manner in which it has been accomplished.-Boston Trav. Thirty years nearly have passed since we first read with great delight Hayley's Life of Cowper, and we have never cast our eyes on the volumes since, without wishing to unravel a few things in the poet's history which were then left in mystery. Taylor professes to deal openly, and remove all concealmert. In one beautiful volume, he has given us the substance of all which is known concern. ing the most sensible and pious of all the English poets; whose writings will be regarded as the best of their kind wherever the English language shall be read. In all his numerous works, he has no line of measured jingle without sense. Can this be said of scarcely any other child of the muses? Those who have Hayley's two volumes, will be thankful for the labors of Taylor; and those who have neither, should purchase this new compilation without delay. It is a work which will be found interesting to all classes, especially to the lovers of literature and genuine piety, and to place within the reach of general readers, many of whom have neither the means nor the leisure to consult larger works, all that is really interesting respecting that singularly afflicted individual, whose productions, both poetic and prose, can never be read but with delight.-Philadelphian. Messrs Key & Biddle deserve credit for placing within the reach of all, in so cheap and convenient a form, what must be salutary in every instance in its general effect. The character, pursuits, performances, and sufferings of Cowper, combine more interest than belongs to the life of any of the great English authors who spent any considerable part of their days in retirement.-Nat. Gaz. A beautiful American edition, from the press of Key & Biddle, has just been published, and cannot fail to meet with a welcome reception from all who admire that best of men and most agreeable of poets. It is the most complete and valuable edition of the Life of Cowper extant, and contains a well-executed portrait.-Poulson's Daily Adv. 11 WORKS PUBLISHED BY KEY & BIDDLE. LEGENDS OF THE WEST. By James Hall, second edition, containing the following beautiful told tales: -The Backwoodsman; -The Divining Rod; -The Seventh Son; - The Missionaries; -The Legend of Carondolet ;The Intestate;- Michael De Lancey; -The Emigrants; -The Indian Hater; The Isle of the Yellow Sands; - The Barrackmaster's Daughter; -The Indian Wife's Lament. We are glad to see a new edition of these well-told tales of Judge Hall has recently been published.-Bost. Eve. Gaz. The deserved popularity of these tales of Judge Hall, have secured to them the publication of a second edition. His sketches are admirably drawn, and his personal familiarity with scenery and life in the West, have furnished him with incidents of peculiar interest, greatly increased by felicitous description.-N. Y. Com. Adv. The rapid sale of the first, has created a demand for a second edition of the work, whose title heads this article. The "Legends" comprise twelve articles, one of which is poetic. The scenes of these tales are all located in the "far, far West," and the characters are taken from the aborigines and early emigrants. The difficulties and dangers which the first settlers had to undergo ere they were established in security, are depicted in glowing colors, and with a master hand. The rude and savage warfare of the Indians, the secret ambuscade, the midnight slaughter, the conflagration of the log hut in the prairie and forest, the shrieks of consuming women and children, are presented to our minds by the author in vivid and impressive language. These tales possess much interest, as they are founded in fact, and are illustrative of the habits of the Indian, and the life of the hunter. As a writer, Judge Hall is more American than any other we possess; his scenes are American; his characters are American, and his language is American His personages are invested with an individuality which cannot be mistaken, and his conceptions and illustrations are drawn from the great storehouse of Nature.-Daily Intel. THE CHURCH OF GOD, In a Series of Dissertations, by the Rev. Robert Wilson Evans, of Trinity College, Cambridge. The object of the writer is to show that the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Religion have been taught in the various dispensations, from the institution of the Church in the family of Adam, to the more clear and perfect exposition of its principles by the Savior and his apostles. He is thus led to deal wholly with general principles-those in which the great body of Christians agree. This frees his work from all savor of sectarianism, and the ingenuity and talent exhibited in its execution, commend it to the religious of every name. It would perhaps be well to say, that the above work is by the author of "Rectory of Valehead." -Episcopal Recorder. THE PROGRESSIVE EXPERIENCE OF THE HEART, UNDER THE DISCIPLINE OF THE HOLY GHOST, FROM REGENERATION TO MATURITY. By Mrs. Stevens. This is a work which may be recommended to religious readers and to serious inquirers, with great safety. It is written in an impressive style, and is evi dently the production of a mind and heart thoroughly imbued with Christian knowledge and experience. The operations of the Holy Ghost upon the soul of man, are traced with a discrimination which nothing but a personal experience of his influences could have furnished. Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, is an admirable book on this subject, but Mrs. Stevens's treatise deserves an honorable place at its side, Ministers of the Gospel should consult the spiritual welfare of their people, by recommending and promoting the circulation of such works.-Presbyterian. WORKS PUBLISHED BY KEY & BIDDLE. A BOOK FOR MOTHERS. Aids to Mental Development, or Hints to Parents, being a System of Mental and Moral Instruction exemplified in Conversations Conver between a Mother and her Children; with an Address to Mothers. By a Lady of Philadelphia. To know how to interest and expand the mind of a child with the lessons of wisdom to impart knowledge in such a manner as at once to gratify and excite a thirst for it, is an acquisition possessed by very few; but it is an acquisition indispensable to the right discharge of the duties of a parent. Many must be the hours of vacancy, or mischief, and most generally the latter, of the child whose parents have not the faculty of alluring him to knowledge and virtue, and converting the pains of affliction into pleasure; and he who contributes any thing towards aiding them to discharge the duties devolving on them, deserves the gratitude of the public. We have before us a book in this department, entitled Aids to Mental Development, or Hints to Parents; just from the press of Key & Biddle of this city; 12mo. 335 pp. It is in the form of a familiar conversation between a mother and her children; in a style delightfully natural, affectionate, and easy. The topics selected for discussion are those with which parents of intelligence and piety would wish to make their children familiar; and the manner in which they are discussed is happily adapted to nurture the growth of both the intellectual and the moral powers.-Christian Gazette. As the subject of education is one of great importance, and is beginning to be felt as such, by many who have hitherto bestowed upon it too little consideration, we cannot doubt that this work will meet with a ready sale, and extensive circulation; and we can sincerely recommend it to the earnest and careful attention of all parents who have young children.-Saturday Courier. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JOHN GALT, ESQ. "I will a round unvarnished tale deliver." "A work of commanding interest; its every page is an illustration of the remark,-that the romance of real life exceeds the romance of fiction. This is decidedly the happiest effort Mr. Galt has made."-New Monthly Magazine. Mr. Galt's book will be read by every class of readers. It is a work full of interest and amusement, abounding in anecdotical recollections, and every where interspersed with the shrewd and searching observations for which the author has been always distinguished.-Saturday Courier. To our readers we cheerfully commend the book as amusing and instructive: it is full of interesting matter, and as an autobiography will rate with the best of the day.-Philadelphia Gazette. It is full of striking illustrations of the remarkable character of its author; and for the mind disposed to study the individualities of our species, it contains much that will reward the investigation. Commercial Herald. It is no less entertaining and much more useful than any one of his novels.National Gazette. It is what it purports to be, "the autobiography of John Galt," and is interesting as presenting faithful illustrations of the singular character of the author -who is justly regarded as one of the best, as well as one of the most voluminous writers of the age. Boston Mer. Eve. Jour. CELEBRATED SPEECHES Of Chatham, Burke, and Erskine; to which is added the Argument of Mr. Mackintosh in the case of Peltier. Selected by a Member of the Bar. Much is gained in richness and energy of expression, and fertility of thought by the frequent perusal of the masterpieces of rhetoric. Historical knowledge too, is derived from them, vivified by the spirit of debate and indignant exposition of wrong. Some of the speeches in this acceptable collection relate to American affairs and character-we mean that of Burke on American Taxation, and those of Chatham which burst from his soul of fire. The selection is judicious, and the book indispensable for the library of every citizen who would be a public speaker.-National Gazette. 13 |