LINES written during a Northern Gale. BUSHING from the frozen north, ee the frigid breezes blow, Wh Lo! the tempest issues forth, Serieg bail, and frost, and snow! Ching Winter, once again, Fe upon the piercing blast; Binding in his icy chain Fds, and fields, and vapours fast! Mutery pine the feather'd choir, Per hing on the leafless bough; And the flocks and herds retire, Asking man for shelter now. Dreadful is the wand'rer's fate, Pacing the unshelver'd plain, Weary, cold, benumb'd, and late Longing oft for home in vain! Dashing o'er the bursting wave, Mighty ships like atoms roll; Scud the mount, or plunge the grave, Owning not the helm's controul. Now the shatter'd fabrics fail, Found'ring sink, to rise no more; Or, urg'd onward by the gale, Scatter wrecks along the shore. Through the veins of hoary age Slowly life's red current creeps; And beneath stern Winter's rage, Shiv'ring Mis'ry silent weeps: Hov'ring o'er the embers glow, While the gust their hut doth shake, Wrap'd in wretchedness and woe, Round the glimm'ring hearth they quake. Ye who, clad in garments warm, Shelter'd in a safe retreat, Shudder when you hear the storm Rudely at your windows beat,Feel, oh feel, for those who need! Now, the Christian maxims prove; Clothe the bare, the hungry feed, Thus fulfil the law of Love! ........ ALIQUIS. Dost thou for riches vainly sigh? Can these, e'en all of them combin'd, Afford contentment to the mind, Midst life's tempestuous storms? Grant me, my God, this one request, To which my wishes soar! ........ ON THE MOTTO OF THE J. D. EARL OF KINGSTON'S ARMS. Spes tutissima Cælis. "The safest Hope is in Heaven." HOPE, sweetest comfort, steady friend, Who ever dost thy succours lend, Whene'er my mind's opprest: Oft have I found thy genial rays Dispel the clouds of darkest days, And set my soul at rest! But ah! on Earth I dare not cast Hope's precious anchor, lest the blast Of Time's rude winds should shake, And loose its hold, and in this gale Of snares and tempests me should fail, And my fond schemes should break. The safest hope's in Heaven above! Stable and firm 'twill ever prove, For God will ne'er deceive: 'Tis in his Son that I confide, And with his promise satisfy'd, I safe and joyful live! Westminster. Printed by G. AULD, Greville Street, London. EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE. MAY, 1807. MEMOIR OF THE LATE REV. J. MOODY. MR. James Moody was descended from pious ancestors, who resided at Paisley, in Scotland: his grandfather and grand mother were the first of the family who removed to London. When Mr. Moody was a child, he discovered many marks of genius; and it was soon perceived by those about him, that he was likely to become a superior man. He was active, sprightly, inquisitive, and enterprizing; and at the same time remarkably dutiful to his parents. At school he was attentive and studious, and gained the friendship of his master by his diligence. Here he acquired some knowledge of the Latin and French languages; but as no thoughts. were then entertained of his becoming a minister, he was taken from school at the usual period, and placed apprentice to a reputable tradesman. In this situation also he became a favourite with his master, by his industry and usefulness, so that he obtained peculiar indulgences. He was, however, strongly addicted to vain and worldly pursuits. His heart was devoted to music, dancing, and theatrical amusements. Of the latter he was so fond, that he used to meet with some young men of a similar cast, to rehearse parts of plays; and used to entertain a hope that he should make a figure on the stage. To improve himself in music he would rise very early, even in severely cold weather, aud practise on the German flute. By his skill in music and singing, with his general power of entertaining, he became a desireable companion, and was led into company in a manner very dangerous to youth. He would sometimes venture to profane the day of God, by turning it into a season of carnal pleasure,and would join in excursions on the water to various parts of the vicinity of London. But the time was approaching when the Lord, who had designs of mercy for him, and for many others by his means, was about to stop him in his vain career of sin and folly. There were two professing servants in the house where he lived. One of these was a porter, who, when brushing his clothes before he went out to the playhouse, would say, "Master James, this will never do. You must be otherwise employed. You must be a minister of the gospel." This worthy man, earnestly wishing his conversion, put into his hands that exoellent book, which God hath so much owned, "Allein's Alarm 'to the Unconverted;" which, it is believed, proved of great service to him. Several years before this, a person who knew him, tapped him on the shoulder, and said, "Well, James, how do you hope to be saved?" Ignorant of the gospel, he answered, "Why, like other people, by doing as well as I can;" but the question, and the conversation that followed, made an impression that he never forgot. One of the servants above mentioned, used to amuse herself by singing hymns; one of these was," Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched," &c. which words so struck his mind, that they followed him for many days together. About this time, it pleased God to visit him with a disorder in his eyes, occasioned, as it was thought, by his sitting up in the night to improve himself in drawing. The apprehension of losing his sight occasioned many serious reflections; his mind was impressed with the importance and necessity of seeking the salvation of his soul, and he was induced to attend the preaching of the gospel. The first sermon that he heard with a desire to profit, was at Spa-fields Chapel: a place which he had formerly frequented, when it was a temple of vanity and dissipation. Strong convictions of siu fixed on his mind; and he continued to attend the preached word, particularly at Tottenham Court Chapel. Every sermon increased his sorrow and grief that he had not earlier sought the Lord. It was a considerable time before he found comfort from the gospel. He has stood in the free part of the chapel, hearing with such emotion, that the tears have flowed from his eyes in torrents; and, when he has returned home, he has continued a great part of the night on his knees, praying over what he had heard. The change effected by the power of the Holy Spirit on his heart, now became visible to all. Nor did he halt between two opinions, as some persons do; he became at once a decided character, and gave up for ever all his vain pursuits and amusements; devoting himself with as much resolution and dili gence to the service of God, as he had formerly done to folly. Next to his own soul, the salvation of his former vain companions became his care. He went to them, one by one, and took his Bible with him, having previously turned down suitable texts; commenting on which, he gave them a faithful warning to " flee from the wrath to come;" and then took his final leave of them. |