| Charles Leslie - 1702 - 354 pages
...afffofy Nation, Exod. xix. 6. What Nation « there fo great, •who hath God fo nigh unto them, as tbe Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for ? Deut. iv. 7. God made therri bigh above above all Nations which he had made, in praife, and in name,... | |
 | Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1717 - 320 pages
...B oo /c i. Deut. iv. 7, 8, 9. For what Nation is there fo greatt who hath God fo nigh unto them , M the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for ? And what Nation it there Jo great that hath Statutcs, and Judgments fo right eouj as all this Lawt... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...thy HEART, and with all thy SOUL. Dtat. iv. 7. For what Nation is there fo great, who hath G o D fo NIGH unto them, as the LORD our GOD is in all Things that we CALL upon him for ? Jojbna x. 12. Then fpakc Jojhua to the L o RD^ In the Day when the LORD delivered up tha Aittoritei... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pages
...WISDOM, and to DEPART from EVIL is UNDERSTANDING. 7 e For what Nation is there fo great, who hath GOD fo NIGH unto them, as the LORD our God is in all Things that we CALL upon Jiim for? • P/W. exlv. S The Loan is gracious, and full of Companion; flow to Anger, and of GREAT... | |
 | African Merchant - 1772 - 198 pages
...great nation is a wife and underftanding people : For what nation is there io great, who hath God fo nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for ? And what nation is there fo great, that hath ftatutes and judgments fo righteous, as all this law... | |
 | Martin Madan - 1780 - 474 pages
...yation is a wile and tinder/landing people. For •what nation is there fo great, 'who hath a GOD fo nigh unto them, as THE LORD OUR GOD is, in all things that we call upon Him for ? And what nation is there fo great, that hath STATUTES AND JUDGMENTS SO RIGHTEOUS, as ALL THIS LAW... | |
 | Richard Watson - 1791 - 506 pages
...Ver. 26. i Kings viii. 52, 53. Deut. iv. 7, " For what Nation is there fo great that hath God fo near unto them, as the Lord our God is in all Things that we call upon him for ?" Pfal. cxlviii. 14, — " The Children of Ifrael, a People near unto him." 50. And here I may obferve,... | |
 | Richard Watson - 1791 - 500 pages
...Kings viii. 52, 53. Deut. iv. 7, " For what Nation is there fo great that hath God lo near unto the:n, as the Lord our God is in all Things that we call upon him for?" Pial, cxlviii. 14, — "The Children of Ifrael, a People near unto him." 50. And here I may obierve,... | |
 | Joseph Priestley - 1794 - 448 pages
...great nation is a wife and underftanding people. For what nation is there fo great, who hath God fo nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for ? And what pation is there fo great, that hath ftatutes and judgments fo i$6 7 'be Evidence of fo righteous,... | |
 | Luke Booker - 1794 - 340 pages
...the peculiar Favour and Protection of God.—" For what Nation is there fo great, that hath God fo nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for?" Permit me to dired your attention to the following very fingular Events which dignify the Annals of... | |
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