Whichever way I turned, nothing appeared but danger and difficulty. I saw myself in the midst of a vast wilderness in the depth of the rainy season, naked and alone ; surrounded by savage animals, and men still more savage. The Evangelical Magazine - Page 3521807Full view - About this book
 | John Todd - 1799 - 200 pages
...those who had plundered him in the very heart of Africa. " Whichever way I turned, nothing appeared but danger and difficulty. I saw myself in the midst of...on my recollection, and I confess that my spirits hegan to fail me. I considered my fate as certain, and that I had no alternative but to lie down and... | |
 | Mungo Park - 1799 - 520 pages
...some time, looking around me with amazement and terror. Which ever way I turned, nothing appeared but danger and difficulty. I saw myself in the midst of...settlement. All these circumstances crowded at once oh my recollection ; and I confess that my spirits began to fail me. I considered my fate as certain,... | |
 | William Bingley - 1803 - 524 pages
...subject, that to many persons would appear extremely insignificant. " Whichever way I turned," says he, "1 saw myself in the midst of a vast wilderness, in the...naked and alone: surrounded by savage animals, and by Men still more savage. I was five hundred miles from any European settlement. All these circumstances... | |
 | Mungo Park - 1807 - 594 pages
...around me wrth amazement and terror. Which ever way I turned, nothing appeared but danger and dfficulty. I saw myself in the midst of a vast wilderness, in...and I confess that my spirits began to fail me. I considered my fate as certa1n, and that I had no alternative, but to lie down and perish. The influence... | |
 | Priscilla Wakefield - 1809 - 234 pages
...describes in such an affecting manner, I shall quote his own words. " Whichever way I turned," says he, " I saw myself in the midst of a vast wilderness, in...naked and alone, surrounded by savage animals, and by men still more savage. I was five hundred miles from any European settlement. All these circumstances... | |
 | Mungo Park - 1813 - 372 pages
...some time, iooking around me with amazement and terror. Which ever way I turned, nothing appeared but danger and difficulty. I saw myself in the midst of...in the depth of the rainy season ; naked and alone j surrounded by savage animals, and men still more savage. 1 was five hundred miles from the nearest... | |
 | Charles Buck - 1815 - 430 pages
...and confidence on the good providence of God. " Whichever way I turned, nothing appeared but danr ger and difficulty. . I saw myself in the midst of a vast...and I confess that my spirits began to fail me. I considered my fate as certain, and that 1 had no alternative but to lie down and perish The influence... | |
 | Mungo Park - 1816 - 580 pages
...some time looking around me with amazement and terror. Whichever way I turned, nothing appeared but danger and difficulty. I saw myself in the midst of...and I confess that my spirits began to fail me. I considered my fate as certain, and that I had no alternative, but to lie down and perish. The inflence... | |
 | R. P. Forster - 1818 - 508 pages
...religion tranquillizing his heart at this awful moment, when he was in the midst of a vast wilderness, naked and alone, surrounded by savage animals, and men still more savage, and 500 miles from the nearest European settlement ; even at that moment he could view with delight... | |
 | Edward Bishop Elliott - 1821 - 60 pages
...bodies are periodical, and permanency ensured to our system in its original constitution. 479.—"All these circumstances crowded at once on my recollection,...and I confess that my spirits began to fail me. I considered my fate as certain; and that I had no alternative but to lie down and perish At this moment... | |
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