Vapour, formation and dispersion of, 269, 270; force developing, 277. Variable stars, periodic fluctuation of lustre in, 390, 391; new, appear ing and vanishing, 392, 394; miss- ing, 395.
Variables, region of the, 122. Vegetation, effect of, in lowering tem-
perature, 243; the two requisites for, 248; strength and vitality of, 249; chemical action of light in- fluencing, ib.; laws of its distribu- tion, 249-252; distribution of marine, 252, 253; theories of specific diversity of original distri- bution of, 253, 254. Veitch, James, comet with luminous
rings discovered by, 374, 375. Venus, zone of instability between
the sun and, 21; perturbation in the mean motion of the earth and, 26; eclipsing Mercury, 42; tran- sits of, parallaxes calculated from, 52, 53; astronomical tables of, 63; climate, 226.
Vernal equinox, planetary motions estimated from, 9.
Vesta, astronomical tables of, 63; no atmosphere surrounding, 226. Vesuvius, revived volcanic action of, 234.
Vibrating plates used in experiments
on musical sound, 144, 147. Vibrations of the air producing sound, 129; in music, 131; number made by the human voice in a second, 132.
of the ether in natural and po- larized light, 193; in fluorescence of light, 196; plane of, in polarized light, 223.
Vico, Padre de, comet discovered by,
Vienna, observations on comets from, 370.
Vincent, St., revival of an extinct volcano in, 234. Virginia, daguerreotyped spectral image obtained in, 213. Virgo, planetary conjunction between Libra and, 42; variable star in, 392; star vanished from, 395; nebulous zone passing, 416, 417.
Viviers, transit of a comet across the sun observed from, 374. Volcanic regions of the globe, 232; annual number of eruptions, 233; celebrated eruptions, ib.; earth- quakes caused by, 234; supposed causes of action, 235; Sir John Herschel's theory, 235-237. Volta, Professor, electricity rendered manageable by, 297; the world's debt to, 328.
Voltaic electricity, first suggestions of, 297; theory of the transmission of, 298; construction of the bat- tery, 298, 299; theory of its pro- duction, 300; characteristic pro- perties, 300, 301; action of, gene- rating heat and light, 301-303; arc, experiments, 303-305; the, discharge oxidizing silver, 305, 306; stratified light, 306, 307; chemical decomposition effected by agency of, 307, 308; crystalliza- tion, 308; an agent in the fine arts, 309; conductors of, ib. ; relations of heat and, 310; fish producing effects of, 310, 311; science sug- gested by its influence on a mag- netized needle, 312; rotation ef- fected by, 313, 314; inducing magnetism, 314, 315; distinction between static electricity and, 317; unvarying dual force of, 334. Voltaic pile, the, invention of, 297; perfected, 298-300.
Vortices, molecular, theory of, 104. Vosges mountains, temperature of mines in the, 228. Vulpecula, nebula in, 409.
WARDHUS, transit of Venus observed at, 53. Watches, irregular action of, corrected by the laws of unequal expansion,
272. Water, constituent parts of, 111; boiling point of, an estimate of mountain heights, 120; as a me- dium for sound, 135; light polar- ized circularly by, 194; experiment deciding the velocity of light in, 202; law of expansion of, 271;
process of congelation, 276; boil- ing points of, 277; decomposed by electric agency, 307; as an electric conductor, 309; rotating by elec- tricity, 314.
Waterspouts, origin and cause of, 128. Waterstone, Mr., magnetic property
of the ethereal medium maintained by, 357.
Waves neutralized by interference, 99. —, atmospheric, over local districts, periods, dimensions of, 121, 122.
of sound, 131; furnishing an illustration of reflections of sound and light, 137; interference of, pro- ducing calm, 139.
Wedgwood, Dr., attempts of, to trace
objects by means of light, 203, 204. Week, the, of seven days, the most ancient and universal division of time, 85.
Wells, increase of temperature in, 230, 231.
Welsh, Mr., observations made by, in a balloon ascent, 119.
West Indies, the, cause of hurricanes in, 126.
Wheels invented to test intensity of sound, 132, 133.
Wheat, range of its cultivation, 250. Wheatstone, Professor, experiments in
acoustics of, 132; musical instru- ments invented by, 143; paper on musical vibrations read by, 145; experiments on sounding boards of, 150; experiments on sound rein- forced by resonance, 151; instru- ment measuring velocities of elec- tricity and light invented by, 202; spectrum of an electric spark ob- served, 289; speed of electricity measured, 289, 290; experiments on the spectrum of Voltaic flame, 303.
Willis, Mr., articulating machine in-
vented by, 151; investigations of, into the mechanism of the larynx,
Winds, trade, 122, 123; monsoons, 124; extra-tropical, in the North Atlantic, ib.; currents above the trade winds, 124, 125; pheno-
mena of rotatory motion, 125; hurricanes, 125, 128; agency of, in- fluencing temperature, 244, 245. Wines, range of cultivation of the best, 250.
Winter, atmospheric electricity in, 291.
mean temperature of, varying in the same latitude, 246, 247. Wolf, Professor, periods of variation in solar heat computed by, 225. Wollaston, Dr., experiments of, on sensitiveness to sound, quotation from, 132; experiment of, to show the effect of variable media on re- fraction, 156; discovery of rayless lines in the solar spectrum, 162; observations of, on the chemical properties of the solar spectrum, 203, 209; magnetic rotation sug- gested by, 313; light emitted by the heavenly bodies calculated, 404.
XI Ursa Majoris, periodic time of, 398; velocity of the revolving star, 400.
YEAR, a, in Jupiter and Saturn, 66; tropical change in its length, 80; length of the sidereal, ib.; period of the mean, 83; estimation of the Egyptian, 85; first of our era, 86; length of the, affected by a comet's passage, 359.
Young, Dr., his calculation of the possible compression of solids, 78; date of a horoscope determined by, 89; density of a liquid column estimated by, 114; exception ad- duced by, to a general law in acoustics, 137; his theory of the pleasures of harmony, 142; undu- latory theory established by, 169; data used by, to test his theory of light, 175; illustration of, proving sound and heat kindred forces, 280, 281.
ZETA Cancri, a triple star, 395; periodic time of, 398; revolution, 400; colours, 401.
Zeta Herculis, periodic time, eclipse
of, 398; light, 402. Zinc, seleniate of, effect of tempera- ture on its crystals, 107; sulphate of, its crystals boiled in alcohol, 108.
-, electricity communicated to plates of, 220.
Zodiac, the, signs of, change in their positions, 80.
Zone of constant temperature in the atmosphere, 119; laws of storms in the temperate and torrid, 127, 128; of spots on the sun's surface, its breadth, 224; of constant tem-
perature below the earth's crust, 228; comparative unequal distri- bution of land in temperate and torrid, 244; of fixed stars, 385; of stars nearest the sun, 390; ne- bulous, 416; of nebulous patches, 417; of meteoric nebulæ, 423. Zones of instability of planetary orbits,
of temperature in the ocean,
of vegetation on the Peak of Teneriffe, 250.
Zoophytes, specific distribution of, 254.
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