| William Eusebius Andrews - 1817 - 510 pages
...that they put he" relics to death, and allow of their " punishment in other countries; but their blood is not called the blood of saints, no more than the...thieves, man-killers, and 'other malefactors; for the shed' ding of which, by order of justice, ' no commonwealth shall answer." The reader will here see... | |
 | William L. S. Gregory - 1817 - 184 pages
...there they put heretics to death, and allow of their punishment in other countries. But their blood is not called the blood of Saints, no more than the...by order of justice, no Commonwealth shall answer, "f Sir John Temple, sworn. Q. Did you write the History of the Rebellion in Ireland, in 1641 ? *, A.... | |
 | William Blair - 1819 - 280 pages
...example of holy Elias, that in zeal killedfour hundred and fifty false prophets. ' (Rev. ii. 6. 20.) .." The Roman Catholics are also assured that, ' when...that Elias's fact was not reprehended, nor the Church nor Christian Princes blamed, for putting heretics to DEATH ' (Luke, " ix. 55 J: and, in another annotation,... | |
 | 1835 - 790 pages
...to death, and allows their punishment in other countries, their blood (the blood of the Protestants) is not called the blood of saints, no more than the...blood of thieves, man-killers, and other malefactors (is so called), for the shedding of which, by order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer." —... | |
 | 1839 - 1092 pages
...perfect harmony between the doctrine of Bossuet and that of the Rhemish translators ! — " Their blood is not called the blood of saints, no more than the...and other malefactors, for the shedding of which, by the order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer." It was in i his spirit that the Jesuits contrived... | |
 | 1826 - 918 pages
...their punishment in other countries ; but tlicir blood is not called the ' blood of saints,' no moVe than the blood of thieves, mankillers, and other malefactors...by order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer." (Rhemish New Testament on Luke xiv. 23 ; ix. 53 ; Apoc. xvii. 6.) " The Church," says Bergier, " denounces... | |
 | Hannah Adams - 1823 - 492 pages
...that they put heretics to death, and allow of their punishment in other countries : but their blood is not called the blood of Saints, no more than the...blood of thieves, man-killers, and other malefactors." Various other passages of similar import may be found in the authorities below referred to; these may... | |
 | Catholic claims - 1826 - 322 pages
...prophets. — When Rome puts heretics to death, their blood is not called the blood of Saints, any more than the blood of thieves, man-killers, and other...by order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer." &c. &c. &c. (See Acts x, 9 ; xxviii, 22 : Mark xi, l7; iii, l2 : Heb. v, / : Tit. iii, l0 : Rev. xvii,... | |
 | 1826 - 672 pages
...that they put heretics to death, and allow of their punishment in other countries : but their blood is not called the blood of saints, no more than the...blood of thieves, man-killers, and other malefactors !" Art. III. The manner in which the wonderful miracles were published and attested, recently wrought... | |
 | 1828 - 558 pages
...countries ; but their blood is not called the blood of saincts, no more than the blood of theeves, mankillers, and other malefactors ; for the shedding of which by order of justice, no commonwealth shal answer." Many Romanists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were no mean proficients in... | |
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