Shirveish. t'eh hene er chur farey: Shen my vees shiu meerioofagh dy yannoo, fmooinee-jee dy dowin riu hene cre'n Aggair mooar ta shiu jannoo da Jee, as cre'n Kerraghey trome ta croghey harrish nyn Ghing son y chooid cheddin; tra ta shiu jeh nyn yioin cur cooyl rish Boayrd y Chiarn, as scarrey veih nyn Mraaraghyn, ta cheet dy veaghey er Cuirraghyn y Ghien fmoo flaunyssagh shen. Ny Reddyn shoh my fmooinys shiu dy creeoil orroo, nee shiu liorish Grayse Yee chyndaa gys aigney share: dy vod shiu shen y gheddyn, cha jean mayd scuirr dy yannoo nyn Accanyn imlee gys Jee Ooilley - niartal, nyn Ayr Flaunyflagh. Rubrick. Ec y Traa ta'n Chreestiaght er ny hirveish as ny Goaldee ayns y Voayl cooie dy ghoaill y Sacrament casherick, nee yn Saggyrt lhaih yn Choyrle Shob: Smooinaghtyn crauee. S'feer eh, dy vel mee neu-fecu (as quoi jeh hene nagh vel neu feèu jeh Myghin Yee?) as myr shoh ta aggle orrym goll gyn jannoo aarloo rolaue er y hon: Agh eisht goym gys my Chree, dy vel yn eer Aggle shoh dy chur Jymmoose er Jee, ayns Ayrn jannoo aarloo ny chour; as dy obbal tra ta mee cuirrit, cha jean eh agh my Pheccah y yannoo ny fmoo. Hem er-y-fa shen, dy voddym Grayse y gheddyn dy ve ny share aar loo ny chour, dy chooilley Cheayrt ta mee er my chuirrey gys y Sacrament shoh. Ynfaghey. My eaishtys oo dy geyre rish y Choyrle ta cheet ny lurg shoh, foddee oo briwnys ny share cre cha mie as t'ou kiarit ny chour:---Hee oo ny Bannaghtyn oddys oo jercal roo liorish ve dy feeu aarloo er y hon, as y Kerraghey t'ou cur oo hene ayns Gaue jeh, liorish goll gyn Tort, ny ass eer Cliaghtey, gys y Sacrament catherick shoh. Shirveish. aignagh dy heet Haarjyn graihagh ayns y Chiarn, shiuish ta gys y Chreestiaght chasherick jeh Corp as Fuill nyn Sau altagh Creest, shegin diu smooinaghtyn riu hene kys ta'n Noo : ( Communion. selves, before they presume to eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup. For, as the Benefit is great, if with a true penitent Heart, and lively Faith, we receive that holy Sacrament (for then we spiritually eat the Flesh of Chrift, and drink his Blood; then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us; we are one with Christ, and Christ with us); so is the Danger great, we * Directions and Devotions. Here say fecrely, May it be according to this Word to me, and to every Soul here prefent! Suffer us not, O God, to draw if we receive the fame unworthily. For then are guilty of the Body and these Judgments upon ourselves by going presumptuously to thy holy Blood of Christ our Saviour; Table. we eat and drink our own Damnation, not confidering the Lord's Body; we kindle Brethren, that ye be not I am indeed a miferable Sinner : judged of the Lord; repent God be merciful unto me. ye truly for your Sins past; have a lively and stedfast I believe; Lord, increase my Faith in Christ our Saviour; Faith. amend your Lives, and be And above all Blessed be the glorious Trinity for our Redemption. in perfect Charity with all Men; so shall ye be meet Partakers of those holy Mysteries. Things, ye must give most humble and hearty Thanks to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, for the Redemption of the World, by the Death and In these thy Sufferings, O Jesus, Paffion of our Saviour 1 fee the Punishment due to Sinners. Chrift, both God and Man; who did humble himself even to the Death upon the Cross, for us miferable Sinners, who lay in Darkness, and the Shadow of Death, that he might make us the Children of God, and exalt us to everlasting Life. And Paul Shirveish. Ynfaghey as Padjeryn. Ayns shoh abbyr rhyt hene, Myr shen dy row dooys, as da dy chooilley Annym ayns shoh kionfenish, cordail rith ny Goan shok! Ny sur uss shinyn, O Yee, dy hayrn ny Briwnyssyn shoh orrin hene, casherick. liorish goll dy daaney gys dty Voayrd Paul coyrlaghey dy chooilley Phersoon dy imneagh dy hrial as dy eysht ad hene, roish my gow ad orroo dy ee jeh'n Arran shen, as dy iu jeh'n Chappan shen. Son 'naght myr ta'n Bannaght mooar, my ta shin lesh Cree dy firrinagh Arryssagh, as Credjue bioal, goaill y Sacrament casherick shen; (fon eisht ta shin lurg Aght spyrrydoil gee Feill Chreest, as giu yn Uill echey; eisht ta shin baghey ayns Creeft, as Creest ayninyn; ta shin unnane marish Creeft, as Creeft marinyn :) myr shen ta'n Dangeyr mooar, my ta shin goaill y Chreestiaght cheddin dy neufeeu: son eifht ta fhin oolee jeh Corp as Fuill Chreest nyn Saualtagh; ta fhin gee as giu vn Kerraghey ain hene, fegooish Tastey 'choyrt da Corp y Chiarn; ta shin brasnaghey Corree Yee nyn 'oi, as greinnaghey eh dy Cherraghey shin lesh caghlaaghyn dy Ghoghanyn, as ymmodee Aghtyn Baaifh. Jeanjee shiu hene y Vriwnys er-y-fa shen, Vraaraghyn, nagh bee shiu er nyn mriwnys liorish y Chiarn; gow-jee Arrys firrinagh fon nyn Beccaghyn t'er n'gholl shaghey; lhig da Cred- Chredjue. jue bioal as shickyr 've eu ayns Creest nyn Saualtagh; Lhiaffee-jee nyn Mea, as bee-jee ayns Graih firrinagh rish dy chooilley Ghooinney; myr shen vees shiu feeu dy ghoaill Ayrn jeh ny Folliaghtyn catherick shen.-As erskyn dy chooilley Nhee, shegin diu Booise inlee as cree oil y choyrt da Jee yn Ayr, y Dy jean Jee Myghin orrym! Ta mee dy jarroo Peccagh treih : 1 Ta mee credjal, Hiarn, bishee my Bannit dy row yn Trinaid ghloyr Mac, as y Spyrryd Noo, fon oil fon y Taualtys ain. Kionnaghey - reefht y Theihll Ayns shoh dty Hurranse, O Yee liorish Baafe as Surranse nyn sey, ta mee fakin y Kerraghey ta cair Saualtagh Creest, chammah Jee da Peccee. as Dooinney; ren eh hene y injillaghey dy jarroo gys y Baase er y Chrosh, er ny fon ainyn to ; Communion. to the end that we should always remember the exceeding great Love of our Master, and only Saviour Jesus Christ, thus dying for us, and the innumerable 1 Directions and Devotions. Blessed be thy holy Name, for this Instance of thy Love and Concern for Sinners, lest they should forget themselves and Thee. Benefits, which by his precious Blood-shedding he hath obtained to us: He hath instituted and ordained holy Mysteries as Pledges of his Love, and for a continual Remembrance of his Death May I never forget this invaluable Bleffing!-- May I never neglect this way of preserving the Remem to our great and end- brance of it! less Comfort. To him therefore, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, let us give (as we are most bounden) continual Thanks, submitting ourselves wholly to his holy Will and Pleafure, and studying to serve him in true Holiness and righteousness all the Days of our Life. Amen. Communion. Then shall the Priest say to them that come to receive the holy Communion. Communion. that Directions and Devotions. I do fincerely repent, and I am Y Early depetrulyouand forry for my ins I forgive, as I hope to be for given. This I purpose, by the Grace of your Sins, and are in Love and Charity with your Neighbours, and intend to God, to do. lead a new Life, following the Commandments of God, and walking from henceforth in his holy Ways; draw near with Faith, and take this holy Sacrament to your Comfort, and make Peccee Shirveish. Insaghey as Padjeryn. Peccee hreih, va nyn lhie ayns Bannit dy row dty Ennym casheDorraghys rick, son y Cowrey shoh jeh dty as Scadoo yn Ghraih as dty Aigney-mie da Peccee, Vaaish, dy voddagh eh shin yer-aggle dy jarroodagh ad ad-hene as yannoo nyn Gloan dy Yee, as ufs. shin y hroggal seose gys y Vea dy bragh farraghtyn. As dy voddagh shin dy kinjagh cooin. aghtyn er Graih feer vooar nyn Mainshter, as nyn ynrycan Saualtagh Yeesey Creest, myr shoh geddyn Baase er nyn fon, as er ny Bannaghtyn erskyn-earroo t'eh liorish deayrtey e Uill fmoo ooafle er chosney dooinyn; t'eh er phointeil as er n'oardaghey Folliaghtyn casherick, myr Cowraghyn jeh e Ghraih, as fon Cooinaghtyn kinjagh jeh e Vaase, gys y Gerjagh mooar ainyn nagh bee dy bragh ec kione. Nagh row Nouyn dooys dy bragh jarrood yn Bannaght erskyn-earroo shoh !---Nagh row Nouyn dou dy bragh beg y hoiaghey jeh'n Aght shoh dy reayll seose Cooinaghtyn jeh! Dafyn er-y-fa shen, marish yn Ayr, as y Spyrryd Noo, lhig dooinyn (myr ta fhin dy mooar kianlt) Booise kinjagh y choyrt; ginjillaghey shin hene dy flane gys e Aigney casherick, as im neagh dy hirveish eh ayns Craueeaght firrinagh as Cairys ooilley Laghyn nyn Mea. Amen. Shirveish. Rubrick. Eisht nee'n Saggyrt gra roofyn ta cheet dy ghoaill y Chreeftiaght chasherick. S Hiuish Ynfaghey as Padjeryn. Shirveish. ta dy firrinagh as dy Ta mee dy creeoil goaill Arrys, as ta mee trimshagh fon my Pheccaghyn. Ta mee leih, myr ta mee treishteil Leih ygheddyn. creeoil goaill Arrys fon nyn Beccaghyn, as ta ayns Graih as Giastyllys rish nyn Naboonyn, as kiarail dy leeideil Bea Yee, dy yanoo. noa, geiyrt er Annaghyn Yee, as gimmeeaght maghey shoh ayns e Raaidyn casherick; Tayrnjee er-gerrey lesh Credjue, as gow-jee yn Sacrament catherick shoh gys y Gerjagh eu; as gow-jee rish nyn Beccaghyn dy R your |