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Clasht-jee myrgeddin rish ny

ta'n Noo Paul dy ghra :

Shoh Raa firrinagh, as feeu Ta mee, O Hiarn, goaill hym Ard-foiagh ve jeant jeh liorish pene yn Raa firrinagh shoh, lesh Cree dy chooilley Ghooinney, Dy booifal. O ny lhig da'n Chymmey shen ve caillit orrym's, ren uss y veiygbey daink Creeft Yeesey gys y dy heet stiagh 'sy Theihll dy hauail Theihll dy hauail Peccee. Tim. i. 15.

Clasht-jee myrgeddin rish ny

ta'n Noo Ean gra:

1 Рессеę.

Ta mee er n'yannoo Peccah, O Charrey bannee; as shen-y-fa ta mee cur my Chooish ayns dty Laueyn; liorish dty Uill as dty Hoilchinys, as dty Phleadeil pooaral er my hon, dy vod

My ta Dooinney erbee jannoo Peccah, ta Fer ain ta loayrt er nyn fon rish yn Ayr, Yeesey Creeft yn fer-cairagh: as she eshyn yn Lhiassaghey o Leih my Pheccaghyn y chosney fon nyn Beccaghyn. I Ean ii. 1.



Ny lurg shoh hed y Saggyrt er e Hofhiaght, gra,

Trog-jee seose nyn Greeaghyn,

Anf. Ta hin troggal ad feofe gys y Chiarn.
Saggyrt. Lhig dooin Booise y choyrt da nyn Jiarn Jee.
Anf. Te cooie as cair shen y yannoo.

Eisht nee'n Saggyrt chyndaa gys Boayrd y Chiarn, as gra,

TE feer chooie, cair, as nyn Gurrym kianlt, dy lhifagh shin ec dy chooilley Hraa, as ayns dy chooilley Ynnyd, Booife y choyrt Dhyt's, Ó Hiarn, Ayr Chasherick, Ooilley-niartal, Yee dy bragh Farraghtyn!

Here Communion.

Here shall follow the proper Preface, according to the Time, if there be any specially appointed: or else immediately Shall follow,



Herefore with

Directions and Devotions.

If this Form of praising the most

tians Mouths than it is, it would

Angels and Archangels, and high Gud. were oftener in Chrifwith all the Company of most certainly render them more Heaven, we laud and mag- worthy both to join in this Service nify thy glorious Name, e- here, and in Heaven, with the Anvermore praising Thee, and gels of God, hereafter.

faying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, Heaven Glory. Glory be to Thee, O

Proper Prefaces.

Upon Christmas Day, and feven Days after.

and Earth are full of thy Lord most High. Amen.

These short Prayers following may be made use of in your private Devotions, either in Church or at home.

Orm in me, O God, by the Power of the fame Spirit, all the Graces and Virtues, which thy Holy Son came to teach us, when he cloath

B ECAUSE thou didst give F Jesus Christ thine only Son to be born as at this Time for us, who by the O- ed himself with our Flesh; in order to peration of the Holy Ghost, restore us to thy Favour, and to fit was made very Man of the

us for Heaven.

Substance of the Virgin MARY his Mother, and that without Spot of Sin, to make us clean from all Sin. Therefore with Angels, &c.

Upon Easter Day, and seven
Days after.


UT chiefly are we bound to praise Thee for the glorious Refurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord:


MAY that all-powerful Spirit,

which raised Jesus our Lord from the Dead, Raise me from the Death of Sin unto the Life of Righteousness; that living in thy Ayns


Ayns shob vees er ny thaib yn Phadjer chooie, cordail rish yn Imbagh, my ta theid er-lheh pointit er y bon: er-nonney chellee. ragh vees er ny lhaih,


Hen-y-fa marish Ainleyn,

Ynfaghey as Padjeryn.

Dy beagh yn Aght sheh dy volley as Ard-ainleyn, as marish vn Jee imoo fyrjey, ny s'menkey ayns 8 ii Creesteenyn, son shickyrys yinooilley Sheshaght Flaunys, ta nagh eh ad y yannoo ny s'cooie chamshin cur moylley as ard-voyl-nah dy ghoaill Ayrn 'fy Chirveish ley da dty Ennym glovroil; dy hoh sy Theihll thoh chammah as bragh moylley oo, as gra, Cayns Niau, marish Ainleya Yee, ny sherick, Casherick, Casherick, Turg shoh.

Hiarn Yee jeh'n Cheshaght

Flaunyssagh, ta Niau as Thalloo lane jeh dty Ghloyr. Gloyr dy row hoods, O Hiarn finoo Ard. Amen.

Ny Padjeryn Imbee.

Son Laa Nollick, as shiaght
Laa ny lurg.


dy dug oo Yee

Foddee ny Paljeryn giarey shoh, ve cliaghtit er-lheh, edyr ec y Cheeill, ny ecy Thie.


EAN ufs cummey aynym's, O Yee, horish Pooar y Spyrryd cheddin, coilley ny Grayseyn, as ny Obbraghyn mie, haink dty Vac Gasherick dy ynfaghey dooin, tra choamree eh eh hne lesh yn Doogbys ain; dy chosney tooin seefht yn Foayr ayd's, as shin y yannoo aarloo son Niau.

sey Creeft dty Vac ynrycan dy ve er ny ruggey corrym rish yn Imbagh thoh er ny fon ain; va liorith Pooar y Spyrryd Noo er ny yannoo nv eer Dooinney jeh stoo yn Voidyn Moirrey e Voir; as shen fegooish Spot dy Pheccah, dy yannoo shinyn glen veih dy chooilley Pheccah. Shen-y-fa marith Ainleyn, &c.

Son Laa Caifht, as shiaght Laa


ny lurg.


Y jean y Spyrryd ooilley-pooarGH erskyn-ooilley ta shin ta fhin Dr brog feofe Yeefey nyn fiarn kianlt dy chur moylley Velt ny Merriu, Mish y hroggal veih Dhyt fon Irree - seose - reeiht | Baafe Peccah gys Bea dy Chairys: as

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for Communion.


for he is the very Pafchal, Favour, I may die in Peace, Lamb which was offered for and reft in Hope of




who by his Death hath destroyrising to Life again, hath restored Therefore with Angels, σι.

us, and hath taken away
the Sin of the World;
ed Death, and by his
to us everlasting Life.

Upon Afcenfion Day, and

Seven Days after.


St. John xii. 26. Where I am, there also shall my Servant be.

IVE me, O God, fuch a lively Faith in this Promise,


HRO' thy most dearThy beloved on G Jefus Christ our Lord, who after may influence my Will, my Heart, and Life; That devoting myhis most glorious Refurrec- felf intirely to thy Service, and tion manifeftly appeared to following the holy Example of thy all his Apostles, and in Son, I may, through his Merits their Sight afcended up into and Mediation, be made eternally Heaven, to prepare a Place happy.

for us; that where he is, thither we might also afcend, and reign with him in Glory. Therefore with

Angels, &c.

Upon Whitsunday, and fix |
Days after.



Adore thy Goodness and Mercy, O God, for the invaluable

THRO' Jesus Chrift our I Lord, according whose most true Promife, Blefling of the Gofpel, established in these Nations by the Power of the Holy Ghost came down, the Holy Ghost! - May the same as at this Time, from Hea- good Spirit, fanctify, govern, and ven, with a fudden great Sound, as it had been a mighty Wind, in the Likeneis of fiery Tongues, lighting upon the Apostles, to

preferve this Church!-Keep all her Members from the Spirit of Error and Delusion ! - Guard her Faith against the restless Attempts of Satan and his Agents: and lead us all in the Way of Life eternal,




gloyroil dty Vac Yeesey Creest beaghey ayns y Foayr ayd's, dy vodnyn Jiarn: fon eshyn yn Eayn- dym Baafe y gheddyn ayns Shee, as

Fea 'ghoaill ayns Treishteil jeh Irree - seose - reesht bannee veih ny Merriu.

caifht firrinagh, va er ny hebbal er nyn son, as ta er n'ghoaill erfooyl Peccah yn Theihll; ta liorish e Vaase er stroie Baase, as liorish e irree seose gys Bioys reefht er chosney dooinyn yn Vea dy bragh farraghtyn. Shen-y-fa marish Ainleyn, &c.

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UR dou, O Yee, lheid bioal ayns y Ghialdyn shoh, as oddys reill my Aigney,, my Chree, as my Vea;--Kiangley mee hene dy flane

gys dty Hirveish, as geiyrt er Sampleyr casherick dty Vac, dy voddym, trooid e Hoilchinys as e Loayrt er my Lieh, ve jeant maynrey fon dy bragh.

nyn Jiarn; ren lurg e Irreeseose-reefht smoo gloyroil ehhene y hoilshaghey dy fofhlit da ooilley e Ostyllyn, as hie seose ayns y Chilley oc gys Niau, dy yannoo aarloo Ynnyd er nyn fon; raad t'eshyn, dy vod shinyn myrgeddin goll seose ayns shen, as reill marish ayns Gloyr. Shen-y-fa marish Ainleyn, &c.

Son Jea-doonee Kingeesh, as
Shey Laa ny lurg.



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mee cur Ooashley da dty as dty Vyghin, O Yee, fon y Bannaght erskyn - insh

jeh'n Tushtal, t'er ny hoiaghey seose

Rooid Yeefey Creest nyn Jiarn; cordail rish y Gialdyn smoo firrinagh echeyfyn haink y Spyrryd Noo neofe corrym rish yn Imbagh shoh doaltattym veih Niau lesh Feiyr mooar, myr dy beagh eh Geay lajer, ayns caflys Chengaghyn dy Aile, cheet neose er ny Of as dy Volterys Coadee n Credjue eck noi Kialgyn anveagh tyllyn, dy ynfaghey ad, as dy Noid ny-Hanmey as e Harvaantyn; as teach

ayns ny Afhoonyn shoh Pooar y Spyrryd Noo! Dy jean y Spyrryd mie cheddin, casherickey, reill, as coadey yn Agglish! Freill ooilley ny Oltyn eck veih'n Spyrryd dy Haghryn

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