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Iorish Foayr Yee ta shin er heet gys Toshiaght ny Hoie shoh; as ta shin wheesh shen sniessey gys nyn Laa jerrinagh.

Lhig dooin shoh y ghoaill gys nyn Gree, as guee er Jee shin y yannoo aarloo fon Oor y Vaaish.

Let us with penitent Lhig dooin lesh Creeaghyn Hearts beseech him to par-arryffagh guee erfyn dy leih don our Sins; and to de dooin nyn Beccaghyn, as dy liver us from the Evils livrey shin veih ny Huilk shen, which we have justly deferved ta shin dy cairagher hoilchin.

Let us refolve to amend where we have done amifs, and pray God that his Grace may ever be with us.


Lhig dooin goaill ayns Laue dy Lhiassaghey Cre-erbee ta shin er n'yannoo ass y Raad, as Padjer y yannoo gys Jee dy vod e Ghrayse've kinjagh ma


And that we may be As dy vod mayd ve fauchey fafe under his Protection, fo yn Choadey echeysyn, odwho alone can defend us from dys ny lomarcan nyn vendeil


the Powers of Darkness.

veih Pooaraghyn y Dorraghys.

For all which Blessings let

Son ooilley ny Bannaghtyn

us devoutly pray.

shoh thig dooin dy crauee Padjer y ghoaill.


Then all devoutly kneeeling, Eisht ooilley tuittym sheese er nyn Ghlioonyn, lhig da gra,

let him say,

Hiarn as Heavenly Ayr Flaunyf

Father, we acknowledge thy great Goodness to dty Vieys vooar hooin, ayns us, in Sparing us when we gymmyrkey lhien, tra ta thin deserve Punishment; in gi- toilchin Kerraghey; ayns cur ving us the Neceffaries of dooin Cooid nyn Ymmyrch 'sy this Life; and in setting before | Vea shoh; as ayns foiaghey us the Happiness of a Bet-roïn Maynrys Bea share.


The merciful God pardon Dy leih yn Jee myghinagh our Offences; correct and nyn Loghtyn dooin; dy fmaghamend what is amiss in us, tee eh, as dy lhiaffee eh cre-erthat as we grow in Years, bee ta foiljagh aynin, myr ta we may grow in Grace; and the nearer we come to our latter End, we may be the better prepared for it.

In the midst of Life we are in Death. Lord, grant that these Thoughts may make us careful how we live, that we may escape the bitter Pains of eternal Death.

Take from us all Ignorance, Hardness of Heart, and too much Carefulness for the Things of this Life.

Make us an Houshold fearing God, fubmitting ourselves to thy good Pleasure, and putting our whole Trust in thy Mercy.

shin gaase ayns Eash, dy vod mayd gaase ayns Grayse; as myr sniessey ta shin tayrn gys y Jerrey ain, dy bee mayd wheesh shen smoo aarloo er y


Ayns mean nyn Mea ta shin ayns Baafe. Hiarn, giall dy der y Smooinaghtyn shoh orrin 've kiaralagh jeh nyn Ymmyrkey-bea, dy vod mayd Pianyn sharroo yn Vaaish ta dy bragh farraghtyn y hagh


Gow voïn dy chooilley Vee-hubotey, Creoghys Gree, as rouyr Imnea fon Nheeghyn y Vea shoh.

Cur orrin ve nyn Lught-thie cummal ayns dty Aggle's, O Yee, biallagh gys yn Aigney bannit ayd's, as cur nyn ilane Treishteil ayns dty Vyghin.

May God, whose Kingdom | Dy jean Jee, ta'n Reeriaght





ruleth over all, bless our echey reill harrish ooilley, ban

gracious King, and fuch as are put in Authority under Him, that they may govern with Truth and Justice, and that we, whose Duty it is to obey, may do it for Conscience-fake.

naghey yn Ree grayfoil, as adsyn t'er nyn goyrt ayns Pooar fo, dy vod ad reill lesh Ynrickys as Cairys, as dy vod shinyn, ta'n Currym ain dy chur Biallys, shen y yannoo er Graih Cooinsheanse.

Grant that true Religion Giall dy vod Credjue firrinand Piety may be secured agh as Craueeaght ve er ny and countenanced amongst hickyraghey as cummit seose us; and that Impiety, Pro- ny mast' ain; as dy vod Meefaneness and Infidelity, may chraueeaght, Mee - arrym da effectually be discouraged, Fee, as An-chreeftiaght, ve dy that thy Judgements may bollagh currit sheese, nagh not fall upon this finful


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jean dy Vriwnyssyn tuittym er yn Afhoon pheccoil shoh.

Freill dooinyn as da dy chooilley Agglish ta er lhiaffaghey nyn Gredjue, ny Saafe. yn dy Ghrayse as dy Haualtys. Cur er Firrinys saualtagh y Tushtal dy ve er ny chredjal trooid ooilley yn Seihll, as

Continue to us, and to all the Reformed Church, the Means of Grace and Salvation. Cause that the faving Truths of the Gofpel may be received in all the World, and that Christians may not content themselves nagh jean Creesteenyn ad hene with Shadows of Religion, y volley lesh Scadoo dy Chredbut endeavour after that jue, agh streeu dy rofhtyn gys Holiness, without which no y Chasherickys shen, n'egooish Man must sce the Lord. cha vod Dooinney erbee yn Chiarn y akin.

Cooinee Yee ghrayfoil fon nyn Voays, orroofyn ooilley ta harrin ayns y Chiarn, ta freayll Arrey er ny Anmeenyn ain, myr adfyn fhegin Coontey y

Remember, gracious God, for good all those that are over us in the Lord, who watch for our Souls as they that must give an Account; that they may give it with choyrt; dy vod ad fhen y yanJoy. We commend unto noo lesh Gerjagh. Ta thin thy tender Compaffion all chymney gys dty Erreeith that are in Error, and fin- veigh adsyn ooilley ta fo Shaghcerely feek the Truth: rynys, as dy creeoil briaght


All fuch as are destitute of son yn Ynrickys:---Ooilley adnecessary Means of Inftruc- fyn nagh vel oc ny Saafeyn tion; All that are en- ymmyrchagh fon Ynsaghey; gaged in finful Courses, ---Ooilley adsyn ta geiyrt er that they may have Grace Cooishyn peccoil, dy vod and Strength to break their Grayse as Niart y ve oc dy Bonds:-All that labour vrishey nyn Gheulaghyn :----under Trials and Afflictions: Ooilley adsyn ta laadit fo Mio-All fick and dying Per- laghyn as Seaghyn ;------Dy fons, that they may omit chooilley Phersoon ching as

nothing that is necessary to make their Peace with Thee before they die: - And all fuch as never pray for themselves, that they may fee, before it be too late, the Danger of living without God in the World. Vouchfafe us an Interest in the Prayers of thy holy Church throughout the World, which have been this Day offered to the Throne of Grace.

Let thy Blessing, O Lord, be with us: - Defend us from all Perils and Dangers of this Night: And grant that when we depart this Life, we may rest in Peace, and in Hope of a blessed

Chrift our Lord. Amen.

t'ayns raad y Vaaifh, nagh jean ad Nhee erbee y lhiggey shaghey ta ymmyrchagh dy yannoo nyn Shee rhyt's, roish my vow ad Baafe :---As ooilley adfyn nagh vel dy bragh goaill Padjer er nyn fon hene, dy vod ad fakin my bee eh ro - anmagh, yn Dangeyr dy ve beaghey fegooish Jee ayns y Theihll. Dy gooidsave lhiat Vondeish y chur dooinyn jeh. Padjeryn dty Agglish casherick trooid magh y Theihll, ta'n Laa t'ayn jiu er ve chebbit gys y Stoyl-reeoil dy Ghrayse.

Lhig da dty Vannaght, O Hiarn, ve marin:---Freill thin veih dy chooilley Ghroghhaghyrt as Gaue jeh'n Oie noght: As giall tra aagys shin y Vea shoh, dy vod mayd Fea y gheddyn ayns Shee, as ayns

Refurrection, through Jesus Treifhteil jeh Irree-seose-reelht bannit veih ny Merriu, trooid Yeefey Creeft nyn Jiarn. Amen.

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our weak Understandings, ❘ rish y Tushtey annoon ainyn, but according to the full agh cordail rish slane Bree yn meaning of that Form of Pray- Phadjer shen, ta Yeefey Creeft er which Jesus Chrift hath er n'ynsaghey dooin : taught us:

Our Father which art in Hea- Ayr ain t'ayns Niau, &c.


ven, &c.

HE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Fellowship. of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.

On Sunday Evening, let the following Prayer be added to your daily Prayers.


GRayfe nyn Jiarn Yeefey

Creeft, as Graih Yee, as Sheshaght gherjoil y Spyrryd Noo, dy row marin ooilley er fon dy bragh. Amen.

Er Fastyr Jia-Doonee thig da'n Phadjer shoh heese ve er ny ghra marish nyn Badjeryn son gagh-laa.

YEE Coilley-niartal, lort

Lmighty God, by whom all Things were made, dagh and are preserved, give us chroo, as er ny choadey, cur Hearts to know, and Grace dooin Creeaghyn dy hoiggal to confider this, that we shoh, as Grayse dy ghoaill eh may chearfully commit our- gys nyn Greeaghyn, dy vod selves, and all that belongs mayd dy arryltagh shin hene to us, to thy merciful Care, as ooilley ny ta bentyn rooin that we may ever look to y hymney gys yn Ard-chiarail Thee for what we want; vyghinagh ayd's; dy vod be thankful for all thy Fa- mayd dy bragh jeeaghyn seose vours : never refift thy hood's son ny ta shin feme, ve Dealings with us, or neglect booifal fon dty Vannaghtyn, the Means of Grace which gyn dy bragh shassoo noi ny thy Providence affords us. t'ou dy oardagh my-nyn-gione, -Bleffed be God, whony Mee-rioose y yannoo er ny giveth us what is ever best Saaseyn dy Ghrayse, ta'n Ardfor us; who keepeth us chiarail ayd's fordrail dooin.from Dangers, and hath As bannit dy row Jee ta dy provided

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