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Yn OARDAGH son Shirveish






vod oo

Homay Profit by gheddyn liority Choon

the following Affiftances, be advited to read the ey ta nish chebbit dhyt, bee

Communion Service, with the Directions and Meditations, some time before you go to the Sacrament, that you may attend to every Part of the public Service without Diftraction.

Whenever you have Time for your private Devotions, let them be so secret that nobody may be disturbed by you.

coyrlit dy lhaih Shirveishy Chreeftiaght, marith ny Coyrleyn as ny Smooinaghtyn crauee ta aynjee, Laghyn my jed oo gys y Chreeftiaght, dy vod oo goll marish dy chooilley Ayrn jeh'n Chirveish chasherick shoh fegooish veg y Rouail.

Tra vees Caa ayd fon goaill dty Phadjeryn er - lheh, lhig daue ve cha follit nagh bee Perfoon erbee boirit liort.

And if, instead of repeatAs ayns Ynnyd goll harrish ing the Prayers, and other ny Padjeryn, as ny Ayrnyn elParts of the Service, after ley jeh'n Chirveish geiyrt er y the Minister, as the Manner Taggyrt, myr ta Cliaghtey of too many is, to the rouyr dy eallagh, myr shoh Disturbance of fuch as are boirey adfyn ta er-gerrey daue; near them; if instead of do- ayns Ynnyd then, dy niarragh ing fo, you would fecretly oo Amen rhyt hene, ec Jerrey fay AMEN, at the End of dy chooilley Accan, yioghe oo every Petition, you would shoh dy ve yn eer Aght share find this the very best Way dy reayll dty Aigney foit er to keep your Mind intent dty Phadjeryn. upon your Devotions.

If any Person, who is or- My nee Perfoon erbee, ta dained to administer this Sa- pointit dy hirveish yn Sacracrament, shall think fit to ment shoh smooinaghtyn eh


cast his Eye upon this feeu dy lhaih yn Lioar shoh, Book, I would beseech him ghueein's dy jeean er dy to confider serioufly, how ma- fmooinaghtyn dy creeoil as dy ny Communicants there are, dowin, cre'n earroo dy eallagh who have no ordinary way ta cheet gys y Chreestiaght, of coming to the Knowledge nagh vel Aght erbee arragh of this great Duty, or other Help to their Devotion, befides what the Church has provided for them in this Office; that therefore in Compassion to such, this Service ought to be performed with the greatest Deliberation as well as Devotion, that the Unlearned, who are generally the greatest Number, may be edified as well as instructed.

of dy heet gys Tushtey jeh'n Ard-churrym shoh, ny Cooney erbee elley oc lesh nyn Graueeaght, cheu-mooie jeh ny ta'n Agglish er chiarail nyn gour ayns y Chirveish shoh; theny-fa ayns Chymmey da nyn lheid, lhifagh yn Chirveish shoh ve cooilleenit lesh goaill lane Traa, chammah as lesh y Chraueeaght smoo, dy vod adfyn nagh vel Ynjaghey oc (ta dy mennick yn Earroo fmoo dy Leih) Vondeilh y gheddyn liorish, chammah as ve er nyn ynfaghey.



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If you are confcious to yourself, [tho' your Paftor should not know hath given Offence or Scandal to your Chriftian Profession, do not go to the Sacrament, until you have given fome plain Proofs of your RepentLife. ance, and Purpose of leading a new

it] that your Life has been such as

And if any of those be an open and notorious evil Liver, or have done any Wrong to his Neighbour by Word or Deed, so that the Congregation be thereby offended; the Curate having Knowledge thereof, shall call him, and advertise him that in any wife he presume not to come to the Lord's Table, until he has openly declared himself to have yourself for then you never will

truly repented and amended

But then, as you hope for God's Grace and Mercy, do not put off the doing of this one Moment, lest you provoke God to leave you to



his former naughty Life, that the Congregation may thereby be fatisfied, which before was offended; and that he hath recompensed the Parties to whom he hath done Wrong; or at least declare himself to be in full Purpose so to do, as foon as he conveniently may.





Yn chied * Rubrick.


Hilleen as ta kiar-
dy ghoaill Ayrn

jeh'n Chreeftiaght chasherick Shob Shegin daue nyn Ennym y chur stiagh gys y Taggyrt yn chooid loo keayrt ennagh yn Laa roie.

Yn nah Rubrick.

As my vees unnane erbee jeu Shoh Peccagh ta leeideil Droghvea ayns Aght fofhlit as naareydagh, ny er n'yannoo Aggair erbee rish e Naboo liorish Goo ny Fannoo, myr shen tayrn Scammylt er y Cheshaght Chreeftee; lurg da'n Saggyrt ver gheddyn Toiggal jeb shob, shegin da geamash er, as Raaue y chur da nagh gow eh Aght erbee yn Daanys er dy heet gys Boayrd y Chiarn, derrey vees en dy fofblit er boil


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as t'er choyrt Oltooan ny Scammylt da dty Chredjue Creestee, ny gow gys y Chreestiaght, derrey t'ou er choyrt Prowallyn ennagh foshlit jeh dty Arleeideii Bea noa. rys, as jeh dty Chiarail shickyr dy

Agh eisht myr t'ou treishteil son Grayse as myghin Yee, ny lhig shaghey dy yannoo shoh er-y-chooyl, er-aggle dy brasnee oo Jee dy aagail bragh Arrys. oo dhyt hene, fon eisht cha gow dy

shaghey dy vel eh er ghoaill Arrys firrinagh as er byndaa veih e gbrogh Vea, liorish hen jannoo Lhiaffaghey da'n Agglish, da v'eh roie ny Scammylt; as dy vel eh er n'yannoo Cooilleen dauefyn ren eh Aggair; er-nonney ec y chooid floo dy hoilshaghcy eb hene dy ve dy flane kiarit shen y yannoo, cha leah as oddys eh.

* Order ny Hagglish kys dy ymmyrkey shin hene ayns goll trooid dagh Ayrn jeh Sairveish ny Killagh.

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