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Social and Private Worship.

[Jonathan Peele Dabney]com?








MAY 24, 1939


District Clerk's Office.

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the thirtieth day of June, A. D. 1826, and in the fiftieth year of the independence of the United States of America, J. P. DABNEY, of the said District, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit :

A Selection of Hymns and Psalms, for social and private worship. Fourth Edition.

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned:" and also to an Act, entitled, "An Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled, An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints."


Clerk of the District

of Massachusetts.

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781 D114se 1826 PREFACE


THE following selection has been arranged according to the natural succession of topics; which was thought to be the most simple, perspicuous, and popular principle of classification. If this has been followed out with the precision aimed at, the reader, as he becomes familiar with it, will seldom feel the necessity of an Index; although it was thought best to furnish that assistance. It has been the design of this work to embrace all those pieces which had the claim either from long popularity or decided me rit, to be esteemed as standard devotional poetry; and also, as far as possible, all that variety of subject which public instructions or domestic and personal circumstances require. Hence may have arisen a redundancy on certain topics; or, on the other hand, the insertion of hymns, in some instances, rather from the sentiment than the poetry. It would be a needless enlargement of the work to extend it further than these rules required; and there are few probably, who will not now regard it as abundantly copious.

The compiler has no anxiety after that praise, which with some, it may be, attaches to a work of this kind from the number of originals with which it is graced. Let the reader be apprized that the hymns which appear as anonymous, are such as, from the changes and combinations they have undergone, or from other causes, it was not easy to appropriate. As to many of the rest, alterations have often been made in this work, or adopted from those which preceded it. In the last instance, the authors of these changes are, of course, so numerous, and frequently so uncertain, that to specify them is impossible, and only this general acknowledgment can be made.

If the wish to satisfy the demands of the severest taste has led in any case to the sacrifice of what is far more important, the spirit of true piety, the compiler may say that he has failed where his solicitude was greatest; and with examples before his eyes, that if they were ineffectual to warn, may now serve to solace him. Too much of the devotional poetry which has of late appeared among us, evinces that this union is indeed a rare and high attainment; and also, that language however harsh and prosaical can be more easily forgiven than the sickly and finical elegance into which a fastidious taste so often degenerates. It has further been kept constantly in mind, that practical utility is, or ought to be, the only aim of a work like this. Some pieces accordingly, which might fall under the name of sacred poetry, and likely from the names they bear to recommend this volume to the mere reader of taste, have yet been thought far foreign from its character and design. It were easy to point to examples of this class; and none would be more surprised probably than the authors of such, to learn that they had ever found their way into collections of psalmody.

The compiler could not be insensible, while preparing this work, to its connexion with the cause of truth as well as that of piety. This truth, variously as it is apprehended, is or should be alike precious to every class of believers. To think therefore of conciliating towards this work universal favour, by merging in it all distinctive opinions, and those consequently, which meet with his own sympathy, -would be hardly less criminal than absurd. But with the earnest desire and aim to preserve herein the pure faith of the Gospel, he is not conscious of imbuing with a sectarian spirit this offering to the cause of Christ; or of neglecting to render it, as far as may be, inoffensive at least, to his followers of every name.

Cambridge, March 22, 1825.


Absurd and vain attempt, to bind
Again our weekly labours end
Again the Lord of life and light
Ah! why should this mistaken mind
Ah! worldly souls, who strive in vain
All nature dies and lives again
All nature feels attractive power
All-powerful, self-existent God
-All-seeing God! 'tis thine to know
Amidst a world of hopes and fears
And art thou with us, gracious Lord
And is the gospel peace and love
And is there then, no lenient art

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And must this body die

Watts. 289

And now my soul, another year
And wilt thou, great and glorious God

Browne. 344


Angel, roll the stone away

Scott. 133

Arise, my soul, extend thy wings

Doddridge. 301

Arise, my soul! on wings sublime
Arise, my soul! shake off thy fears

Gibbons. 273

Watts. 258

Arise, O God of grace! arise

Watts. 357

Author of being! at thy word

P. 51

Author of life! with reason's dawn

Logan. 181
Doddridge. 255

Kenn. 380

Barbauld. 259

Awake, my torpid soul! awake
Awake, my soul! and with the sun
Awake, my soul! lift up thine eyes
Awake, my soul! shake off the dream
Awake, my soul! stretch every nerve
Awake, my soul! to hymns of praise

Before Jehovah's awful throne
Behold the amazing sight
Behold the grace appears
Behold the Prince of Peace
Behold, where in a mortal form
Behold where breathing love divine

Browne. 204

Doddridge. 264
Merrick. 38

Watts. 5
Doddridge. 140
Watts. 319
Needham. 118
Enfield. 144
Barbauld, 187

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