45 stibnite, manufactured bismuth oxide and bismuthinite. The following groups are also thought to be isomorphous, since they occur in isomorphous compounds: CdO and CdS, MnO and MnS, and FeO and FeS. Mr. Dudley describes pseudomorphs of vivianite after roots of coniferous plants, from the clay banks of the Cumberland River, ten miles above Eddyville, Ky.—In a short note Wulff suggests a method by which plane angles may be measured under the microscope when the apex af the angle cannot be seen, and when its two sides cannot be brought into the field of view at once.—Mr. Brünnel, of the firm of Voight & Hochgesang, has invented a heating apparatus, attachable to any microscope, for use in mineralogical investigations. New Books, etc.—The ninth annual report of the State Mineralogist of California contains statistics of the mineral products of the State for the year 1889, and accounts of the geology of the mining districts.47. -The Mineral Resources 48 of the United States for 1888, though late in appearing, is as welcome an addition to mineralogical literature as any of its predecessors have been. The wealth of information within the 630 pages of the present volume defies abstraction. The value of the metallic products of the country for the year in review exceeded the value of those mined in 1887 by about six millions of dollars; while the non-metallic products were larger by seventy-two millions than those of the preceding year. The totals for 1888 are: Metallic products, $256,257,517; non-metallic products, $322,293,159; unspecified, $6,000,000; grand total, $584,550,676. Of especial scientific interest is the description of the occurrence and association of the tin ore of the Black Hills, Dak.—The third part of Hintze's Mineralogy, which has but recently appeared, concludes the tourmaline group of minerals and takes up the humite, helvine, melanocerite, and other groups of rare silicates, as well as dioptase, staurolite, bementite, prehnite, and individual minerals of less common occurrence. Am. Jour. Sci., Aug., 1890, p. 120. 45 Zeits. f. Kryst., XVIII., p. 277. 46 Neues Jahrb. f. Min., etc., 1890, II., p. 87. 47 Wm. Ireland. Ninth Ann. Rep. of the State Mineralogist for 1889. Cal. State Miner. Bureau, Sacramento, Cal. 48 D. T. Day. Mineral Resources of the United States for 1888. Washington Govt. Print. Office, 1890. 49 Leipzig. Veit & Co., 1890, pp. 321-480, 79 Fig. Published January 10th, 1891. 1 Circular polariza Contact rims Crystal structure Etched figures Glass inclusions Heavy solutions Cordierite Cryptoperthite Diallage.. Eukotite-titanite Gedrite Glaucophane Cappelinite. 576 Ciplite. .1190 Cohenite. 364 Augitite 1072 Cupro-descloizites Daviesite .361, 772, 773, 774, 851 De-saulesite. .362, 668 71 Carrockite. Dudgeonite. .172 72 Durdenite Chlorite-gneiss 172 854 Elaterite. Ferrostibian. Flinki e. Fouqueite.. Hambergite .365 Crystalline-schists.. 170,171, 668, 773, 852, 1070, 1189 668, 669, 773, 850, 1186, 1187 852 Hamlinite Epidosite. 668 854 Eurite.. 172 Heliophyllite.. Hiortdahlite 361 Hydroplumbite 73 Gabbro. Inesite. .773, 850, 1071, 1188, 1189 1189 Johnstrupite 172 Karyocerite 576 Knoxvillite. Lansfordite .363, 1075 Lillianite.. Lussatite 775 Melanocerite Metagadolinite. Metastibnite. pyroxene. "6 sericite. porphyry 69 69 172 360, 362 360 364 Granulite 772 773 852 Michel-levyite. 74, 1194 Hornblende-schists.. 1189 Natrophilite. .171 Napalite 668 Neotesite 854 Nesquehonite Lamprophyre 668 363, 1075 Laurdalite Nordenskjoldite. 851 851 Phosphosiderite 171 Pleonektite.. 361 Pleurasite. 853 Limestone Plumbonacrite Quetedite 774 668 1190 Nepheline-basalt Redingtonite 1189 362 Rhodotilite 775 Rosenbuschite Nephelinite.. Nepheline-porphyry 71 852 364 Nordmarkite 852 Selen-tellurium 772 Sigterite 70, 1188 Spangolite 851 Stibiatite 853 Talcknebelite. 853 Tamarugite 1190 Tephrowillemite. 71 Thorogummite.. 72 Weibyite Phonolites Pisolite Pyroxene-gneiss. Quartz-syenite. Rhombic-porphyry. 171, 774 171, 362 69 852 852 576 Scapolite-gneiss.. 69 Wiluite 74 Wurtzilite Scapolite-rocks. 69, 70 365 Sericite-gneiss. 172 Yttrialite 71 Serpentine. 850 New Books 366, 776, 855, 1053, 1058, 1195 Siliceous sinter. .176 Optical anomalies .851, 852, 1189 Parallel growths. 70 Tachylite. .172 Parting planes.. 173, 1074 Teschmite 1072 Perlitic structure Pressure twinning. 171, 361 668 .671, 774, 1075, 1194, 1195 69, 171, 360, 361 Variolite. 1188 Rock structures. 822 Spherulites Syntheses |