Takes prisoner the wild motion of mine eye, That mount the Capitol2; join gripes with hands Made hard with hourly falsehood (falsehood, as With labour;) then lie peeping in an eye3, Base and unlustrous * as the smoky light to the manner in which the tenant performed homage to his lord. "The lord sate, while the vassal kneeling on both knees before him, held his hands jointly together between the hands of his lord, and swore to be faithful and loyal." See Coke upon Littleton, sect. 85. Unless this allusion be allowed, how has touching the hand the slightest connection with taking the oath of loyalty? HOLT WHITE. The very touch of such a hand would make the feeler swear to be true. BOSWELL. * FIXING it only here :) The old copy has-Fiering. The correction was made in the second folio. MALONE. That mount the Capitol ;) Shakspeare has bestowed some ornament on the proverbial phrase "as common as the highway." STEEVENS. 3 - join gripes with hands, &c.] The old edition reads : join gripes with hands " Made hard with hourly falsehood (falsehood as I read : "- then lie peeping-." Hard with falsehood, is, hard by being often griped with frequent change of hands.' JOHNSON. + Base and UNLUSTROUS-) Old copy-illustrious. Corrected by Mr. Rowe. That illustrious was not used by our author in the sense of inlustrous or unlustrous, is proved by a passage in the old comedy of Patient Grissell, 1603: - the buttons were illustrious and resplendent diamonds." MALONE. " A "lack-lustre eye" has been already mentioned in As You Like It. STEEVENS. Імо. My lord, I fear, Has forgot Britain. Lach. And himself. Not I, Inclin'd to this intelligence, pronounce The beggary of his change; but 'tis your graces That, from my mutest conscience, to my tongue, Charms this report out. Імо. Let me hear no more. IACH. O dearest soul! your cause doth strike my heart With pity, that doth make me sick. A lady Would make the great'st king double! to be part ner'd With tomboys, hir'd with that self-exhibition' 5 to an EMPERY,] Empery is a word signifying sovereign command; now obsolete. Shakspeare uses it in King Richard III.: " Your right of birth, your empery, your own." STEEVENS. 6 With TOMBOYS,] We still call a masculine, a forward girl, tomboy. So, in Middleton's Game at Chess : "Made threescore year a tomboy, a mere wanton." Again, in W. Warren's Nurcerie of Names, 1581: Again, in Lyly's Midas, 1592: "If thou should'st rigg up and down in our jackets, thou would'st be thought a very tomboy." Again, in Lady Alimony : "What humourous tomboys be these?- It appears from several of the old plays and ballads, that the ladies of pleasure, in the time of Shakspeare, often wore the habits of young men. So, in an ancient bl. 1. ballad, entitled The Stout Cripple of Cornwall : "And therefore kept them secretlie Which your own coffers yield! with diseas'd ven tures, That play with all infirmities for gold Which rottenness can lend nature! such boil'd stuffs, Recoil from your great stock. Імо. Reveng'd! How should I be reveng'd? If this be true, How should I be reveng'd? "He gave them for their cognizance Verstegan, however, gives the following etymology of the word tomboy: Tumbe. To dance. Tumbod, danced; hereof we yet call a wench that skippeth or leapeth lyke a boy, a tomboy: our name also of tumbling cometh from hence." STEEVENS. 7 hir'd with that self-exhibition, &c.] Gross strumpets, hired with the very pension which you allow your husband. JOHNSON. 8 - such BOIL'D stuff,] The allusion is to the ancient process of sweating in venereal cases. See Timon of Athens, Act IV. Sc. III. So, in The Old Law, by Massinger: look parboil'd, "As if they came from Cupid's scalding-house." Again, in Troilus and Cressida : "Sodden business! there's a stewed phrase indeed." Again, in Timon of Athens : "She's e'en setting on water to scald such chickens as you are." All this stuff about boiling, scalding, &c. is a mere play on stew, a word which is afterwards used for a brothel by Imogen. STEEVENS. The words may mean, such corrupted stuff; from the substantive boil. So, in Coriolanus : 66 boils and plagues "Plaster you o'er!" But, I believe, Mr. Steevens's interpretation is the true one. MALONE. IACH. Should he make me Live like Diana's priest, betwixt cold sheets; In your despite, upon your purse? Revenge it. Імо. What ho, Pisanio! IACH. Let me my service tender on your lips1. Імо. Away!-I do condemn mine ears, that have So long attended thee. If thou wert honourable, Thou would'st have told this tale for virtue, not For such an end thou seek'st; as base, as strange. Thou wrong'st a gentleman, who is as far From thy report, as thou from honour; and Solicit'st here a lady, that disdains Thee and the devil alike.-What ho, Pisanio!The king my father shall be made acquainted Of thy assault: if he shall think it fit, A saucy stranger, in his court, to mart As in a Romish stew3, and to expound 9 Live like Diana's PRIEST, betwixt cold sheets ;) Sir Thomas Hanmer, supposing this to be an inaccurate expression, reads : " Live like Diana's priestess 'twirt cold sheets; " but the text is as the author wrote it. So, in Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Diana says: "My temple stands at Ephesus; hie thee thither; Let me my service tender on your lips.] Perhaps this is an allusion to the ancient custom of swearing servants into noble families. So, in Caltha Poetarum, &c. 1599 : - she swears him to his good abearing, "Whilst her faire sweet lips were the books of swearing." STEEVENS. • As in a ROMISH stew,] Romish was, in the time of Shakspeare, used instead of Roman. There were stews at Rome in the time of Augustus. The same phrase occurs in Claudius Tiberius Nero, 1607: His beastly mind to us; he hath a court Half all men's hearts are his. Імо. You make amends. IACH. He sits 'mongst men, like a descended 66 god': - my mother deem'd me chang'd, and the author of this piece seems to have been a scholar. Again, Thomas Drant's translation of the first epistle of the second book of Horace, 1567: "The Romishe people wise in this, in this point only just." STEEVENS. 3 - and a daughter wном -) Old copy-who. Corrected in the second folio. MALONE. 4 such a holy WITCH, That he ENCHANTS SOCIETIES UNTO HIM:] So, in our author's Lover's Complaint: S 66 - he did in the general bosom reign "Of young and old, and sexes both enchanted "Consents bewitch'd, ere he desire, have granted." - like a DESCENDED god :) So, in Hamlet: - a station like the herald Mercury, "New lighted on a heaven kissing-hill." MALONE. The old copy has-defended. The correction was made by the |