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the direction of the piece so as to hit the object н, will be thus easily found: Take AD = AH, draw DQ perpendicular to AH, meeting the semicircle, described on the diameter AP, inq and q: then aq or aq will be the direction of the piece. And hence it appears, that there are two directions AB, AB, which, with the same projectile velocity, give the very same horizontal range AH. And these two directions make equal angles QAD, QAP with AH and AP, because the arc PQ = the arc


86. Corol. 3. Or, if the range AH, and direction AB, be given; to find the altitude and velocity or impetus. Take AD= AH, and erect the perpendicular De, meeting AB in Q; so shall de be equal to the greatest altitude cv. Also, erect AP perpendicular to AH, and QP to AQ; so shall ar be the height due to the velocity.

87. Corol. 4. When the body is projected with the same velocity, but in different directions: the horizontal ranges AH will be as the sines of double the angles of elevation.Or, which, is the same, as the rectangle of the sine and cosine of elevation. For AD or RQ, which is AH, is the sine of the arc ae, which measures double the angle QAD of elevation.

And when the direction is the same, but the velocities different; the horizontal ranges are as the square of the velocities, or as the height Ar, which is as the square of the velocity; for the sine AD or RQ or AH is as the radius or as the diameter AP..

Therefore, when both are different, the ranges are in the compound ratio of the squares of the velocities, and the sines of double the angles of elevation.

88. Corol. 5. The greatest range is when the angle of elevation is 45°, or half a right angle; for the double of 45 is 90, which has the greatest sine. Or the radius os, which is of the range, is the greatest sine.

And hence the greatest range, or that at an elevation of 45o is just double the altitude ar which is due to the velocity, or equal to 4vc. Consequently, in that case, c is the focus of the parabola, and AH its parameter. Also, the ranges are equal, at angles equally above and below 45°.

89. Corol. 6. When the elevation is 15o, the double of which, or 30o, has its sine equal to half the radius; consequently then its range will be equal to ar, or half the greatest range at the elevation of 45°; that is, the range at 15°, is equal to the impetus or height due to the projectile velocity.

90. Corol. 7.





90. Corol. 7. The greatest altitude cv, being equal to AR, is as the versed sine of double the angle of elevation, and also as AP or the square of the velocity. Or as the square of the sine of elevation, and the square of the velocity; for the square of the sine is as the versed sine of the double angle.......


91. Corol. 8. The time of flight of the projectile, which is equal to the time of a body falling freely through GH or 4cv, four times the altitude, is therefore as the square root of the altitude, or as the projectile velocity and sine of the elevation.



92. From the last proposition, and its corollaries, may be deduced the following set of theorems, for finding all the circumstances of projectiles on horizontal planes, having any two of them given. Thus, let s, c, t denote the sine, cosine, and tangent of elevation; s, o the sine and versed sine of the double elevation; R the horizontal range; r the time of flight; v the projectile velocity; и the greatest height of the projectile g = 161⁄2 feet, and a the impetus, or the altitude

due to the velocity v. Then,

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And from any of these, the angle of direction may be found. Also, in these theorems, g may, in many cases, be taken = 16, without the small fraction, which will be near enough for

common use.


93. To determine the Range on an Oblique Plane; having given the Impetus or Velocity, and the Angle of Direction.

LET AE be the oblique plane, at a given angle, either above or below the horizontal plane AH; AG the direction



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to AG, and Fi parallel to ME;

so shall the projectile pass through 1, and the range on the oblique plane will be AI. As is evident by theor. 15 of the Parabola, where it is proved, that if AH, AI be any two lines terminated at the curve, and IF, HE parallel to the axis; then is EF parallel to the tangent AG.

94. Otherwise, without the Horizontal Range.

Draw Pe perp. to AG, and ad perp. to the horizontal plane AF, meeting the inclined plane in K; take AE = 4AK, draw EF parallel to AG, and Fi parallel to AP or De; so shall AI be the range on the oblique plane. For AH =4 AD, therefore EH is parallel to Fi, and so on, as above.

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95. Draw Pq making the angle Arq = the angle GAI; then take AG = 4aq, and draw Gi perp. to AH. Or, draw qk perp. Also kq will be equal to co the

to AH, and take AI = 4ak. greatest height above the plane.

For, by cor. 2, prop. 20,

AP: AG:: AG: 4GI

and by sim. trianglès,

AP: AG:: Aq: GI


AP: AG:: 4Aq: 4GI;

therefore AG = 4aq; and by sim. triangles, AI=4ak.

Also qk, or Gi, is = to cv by theor. 13 of the Parabola.

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96. Corol. 1. If ao be drawn perp. to the plane Ar, and



AP be

[blocks in formation]



AP be bisected by the perpendicular sro; then with the cen-
tre o describing a circle through a and P, the same will also
pass through q, because the angle GAI, formed by the tangent
AI and AG, is equal to the angle Arq, which will therefore
stand on the same arc aq.

97. Corol. 2. If there be given the range AI and the velocity, or the impetus, the direction will hence be easily found thus: Take Ak=1A1, draw perp. to AH, meeting the circle described with the radius ao in two points q and g; then aq or aq will be the direction of the piece. And hence it appears that there are two directions, which, with the same impetus, give the very same range AI. And these two directions make equal angles with A1, and AP, because the arc eq is equal the arc aq. They also make equal angles with a line drawn from A through s. because the arc sq is equal the arc sq.


98. Corol. 3. Or, if there be given the range AI, and the direction ag; to find the velocity or impetus. Take ak = AI, and erect kq perp. to AH, meeting the line of direction in q; then draw qe making the AqP = ∠Akq; so shall AP be the impetus, or the altitude due to the projectile velocity.

99. Corol. 4. The range on an oblique plane, with a given elevation, is directly proportional to the rectangle of the cosine of the direction of the piece above the horizon, and the sine of the direction above the oblique plane, and reciprocally to the square of the cosine of the angle of the plane above or below the horizon.

For, put s = sin. LqAI OF APq,


c = cos. LqAH or sin. Paq,

c = cos. LIAH or sin. akd or akq or aqr.

Then, in the triangle APq, C: S:: AP:Aq;
and in the triangle akq c:c::Aq: Ak;
theref. by composition,


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100. The range is the greatest when ak is the greatest; that is, when kq touches the circle in the middle points; and then the line of direction passes through s, and bisects the angle formed by the oblique plane and the vertex. Also, the ranges are equal at equal angles above and below this direction for the maximum.

101. Corol. 5. The greatest height ev or kq of the projectile,





tile, above the plane, is equal to X AP. And therefore it


is as the impetus and square of the sine of direction above the plane directly, and square of the cosine of the plane's inclination reciprocally.


For - c (sin. Aqr):s (sin. APQ) :: AP: Aq,
and c (sin. Akg):s (sin.kaq)::Aq: kq,

theref. by comp.c3:s2:: AP: kq.

102. Corol. 6. The time of flight in the curve AVI is =


28 AP, where g = 16 feet.
where g = 16 feet. And therefore it is as the
velocity and sine of direction above the plane directly, and
cosine of the plane's inclination reciprocally. For the time
of describing the curve, is equal to the time of falling freely
through Gł or 4kq or



× AP. Therefore, the time being

as the square root of the distance,



√8:AP:: 1", the time of flight.





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103. From the foregoing corollaries may be collected the following set of theorems relating to projects made on any given inclined planes, either above or below the horizontal plane. In which the letters denote as before, namely,

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And from any of these, the angle of direction may be found.


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