Nature, Volume 35

Front Cover
Sir Norman Lockyer
Macmillan Journals Limited, 1887

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Page 192 - Associate Member of the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects, Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Professor of Applied Mechanics in the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Medium 8vo.
Page 106 - And instead of this there is not a moment of any day of our lives when nature is not producing scene after scene, picture after picture, glory after glory, and working still upon such exquisite and constant principles of the most perfect beauty that it is quite certain it is all done for us and intended for our perpetual pleasure.
Page 144 - Assistant Physician and Lecturer on Materia Medica at St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Examiner in Materia Medica in the University of London, in the Victoria University, and in the Royal College of Physicians, London ; late Examiner in the University of Edinburgh. A TEXT-BOOK OF PHARMACOLOGY, THERAPEUTICS, AND MATERIA MEDICA. Adapted to the United States Pharmacopoeia, by FRANCIS H.
Page 100 - The perpendicular is the shortest straight line that can be drawn from a given point to a given straight line ; and...
Page 192 - ELECTROSTATICS AND MAGNETISM, REPRINTS OF PAPERS ON. By Sir WILLIAM THOMSON, •DCL, LL.D., FRS, FRSE, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. Second Edition. Medium 8vo. iSs. THE MOTION OF VORTEX RINGS, A TREATISE ON. An Essay to which the Adams Prize was adjudged in 1882 in the University of Cambridge.
Page 63 - The principal facts as to the use of oil are as follows : 1. On free waves, ie, waves in deep water, the effect is greatest. 2. In a surf, or waves breaking on a bar, where a mass of liquid is in actual motion in shallow water, the effect of the oil is uncertain, as nothing can prevent the larger waves from breaking under such circumstances, but even here it is of some service.
Page 257 - The competition is in no way confined to members of the Society, nor to residents in Australia, but is open to all without any restriction whatever, excepting that a prize will not be awarded to a member of the Council for the time being ; neither will an award be made for a mere compilation, however meritorious in its way — the communication to be successful must be either wholly or in part the result of original observation or research on the part of the contributor. The...
Page 64 - For boarding a wreck, it is recommended to pour oil overboard to windward of her before going alongside. The...
Page 144 - SCHORLEMMER— A MANUAL OF THE CHEMISTRY Of THE CARBON COMPOUNDS, OR ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. By C. SCHORLEMMER, FRS, Professor of Chemistry, the Victoria University, the Owens College, Manchester. With Illustrations. 8vo. 14^.
Page 144 - Roscoe and Schorlemmer.— INORGANIC AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A Complete Treatise on Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. By Sir Henry E. ROSCOE, FRS, and Professor C. SCHORLEMMER, FRS With numerous Illustrations. Medium 8vo. Vols. I. and IL— INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.

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