England's battles by sea and land, from the commencement of the French revolution, by lt. col. Williams, including our Indian campaigns [by W.C. Stafford] and the present expedition against Russian aggression in the East [by H. Tyrell]. Vol.1,2 [wanting all after p.312] 4,5,6 [wanting all after p.68. Issued in parts]., Volume 1

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Page 230 - May the great God whom I worship, grant to my country, and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory, and may no misconduct in any one tarnish it, and may humanity after victory be the predominant feature in the British fleet!
Page 45 - We must be contented: we have done very well." — "Now," said Nelson, "had we taken ten sail, and allowed the eleventh to escape, when it had been possible to have got at her, I could never have called it well done.
Page 232 - Hardy, the chaplain, and the medical attendants. He himself being certain, from the sensation in his back, and the gush of blood...
Page 190 - ... soldier to regret any one who has fallen in the service of his country, I might be excused for lamenting him, more than any other person; but it is some consolation to those who tenderly loved him, that as his life was honourable, so was his death glorious. His memory will be recorded in the annals of his country — will be sacred to every British soldier, and. embalmed in the recollection of a grateful posterity.
Page 86 - To be deserted by my fleet, in the face of an enemy, is a disgrace which I believe never before happened to a British Admiral ; nor could I have supposed it possible. My greatest comfort under God is, that I have been supported by the officers, seamen, and marines, of this ship ; for which, with a heart overflowing with gratitude, I request you to accept my sincere thanks. I flatter myself much good may result from your example, by bringing those deluded people to a sense of the duty which they owe,...
Page 176 - I am to make all my brave officers admirals, I should have no captains or lieutenants in my service.
Page 118 - This convention, which shall have the same force and effect as if it were inserted word for word in the present treaty, shall also regulate the relations of the army of occupation with the civil and military authorities of the country.
Page 170 - I have reflected, the more I am confirmed in opinion, that not a moment should be lost in attacking the Enemy : they will every day and hour be stronger ; we never shall be so good a match for them as at this moment. The only consideration in my mind is, how to get at them with the least risk to our Ships.
Page 88 - ... and on the quarter-deck of a Spanish first-rate, extravagant as the story may seem, did I receive the swords of vanquished Spaniards ; which, as I received, I gave to William Fearney, one of my bargemen, who put them, with the greatest sangfroid, under his arm.
Page 237 - Enemy, they will effectually complete the business of twelve Sail of the Enemy. Should the Enemy wear together, or bear up and sail large, still the twelve Ships composing, in the first position, the...

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