WORKS THEOLOGICAL, MEDICAL, POLITICAL, OF JOHN JEBB, M.D. F.R.Ś. WITH MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR; BY JOHN DISNEY, D.D. F.S.A. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III. LONDON: SOLD BY T. CADELL; J. JOHNSON; J. STOCKDALE. AND BY J. AND J. MERRILL, CAMBRIDGE. (x) MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. L JULY 6, 1771. AMONG the many efforts which have been made in fupport of religious liberty, by writers upon the fubject, I have seldom met with any, who place it upon a better foundation, than the author of a pamphlet lately published, entitled, "Thoughts on our articles of religion, with respect to their supposed utility to the state."* Syftemati cal confeffions of faith must indeed be of the moft fatal confequence to every fociety, which is perfuaded to adopt them; they have an immediate tendency to introduce and [This tract was written by the rev. Chriftopher Wyvill, LL.B. rector of Black-Notley, in Effex. The third edition, "corrected and enlarged," was publifhed 1773.1 |