The Works, Theological, Medical, Political, and Miscellaneous, of John Jebb: With Memoirs of the Life of the Author, Volume 3T. Cadell, 1787 |
From inside the book
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Page 9
... purpose to point out a cafe wherein not only a manifest incon- fiftency appears , between their conduct and pretenfions , but wherein alfo they are furely guilty of a very culpable neglect . It now is known , to almost every man in the ...
... purpose to point out a cafe wherein not only a manifest incon- fiftency appears , between their conduct and pretenfions , but wherein alfo they are furely guilty of a very culpable neglect . It now is known , to almost every man in the ...
Page 13
... purpose . It is now pretty generally known , that a scheme has been fome months in agitation , to petition parliament for relief in the mat- ter of subscription to the thirty - nine articles and liturgy of the church of England ; and ...
... purpose . It is now pretty generally known , that a scheme has been fome months in agitation , to petition parliament for relief in the mat- ter of subscription to the thirty - nine articles and liturgy of the church of England ; and ...
Page 14
... petition would be the most natural and fatisfactory method of acquainting the public , with the nature and whole extent of their purpose ; but they are reftrained j reftrained from giving this proof of the can- dour and ( 14 )
... petition would be the most natural and fatisfactory method of acquainting the public , with the nature and whole extent of their purpose ; but they are reftrained j reftrained from giving this proof of the can- dour and ( 14 )
Page 33
... purposes , by taking every unfair advantage , which my youth or ignorance fupplies him with , or holding forth ... purpose , they mourn and feel for others . I own , I find the fenfations of conjugal and paternal love , opposed to ...
... purposes , by taking every unfair advantage , which my youth or ignorance fupplies him with , or holding forth ... purpose , they mourn and feel for others . I own , I find the fenfations of conjugal and paternal love , opposed to ...
Page 55
... purposes , and , it is to be feared , in defiance of their own convictions , invariably laboured to up- hold the reign of fuperftition and enthu- fiafm in this land . That your petitioners are seriously per- fuaded , that nothing but ...
... purposes , and , it is to be feared , in defiance of their own convictions , invariably laboured to up- hold the reign of fuperftition and enthu- fiafm in this land . That your petitioners are seriously per- fuaded , that nothing but ...
Common terms and phrases
abfurd addreffed affert againſt alfo alſo anſwer becauſe biſhop brethren cafe Cambridge caufe cauſe chriſtian church of England cife circumftances clergy commons confequence confider confideration conftitution controverfy declared doctrine engliſh eſtabliſhed eſteemed exerciſe expreffed faid faith fame favour fcriptures fecond fecure feffion felves fenfe fentiments fhall fingle firſt fociety fome fons formulary friends ftate ftill fubfcribed fubfcription fubject fuch fuppofed fupport gofpel hath himſelf honour houſe impofing inftance intereſt itſelf Jefus juftly juſt laws leaſt liberty liturgy lord meaſure ment minifter moft moſt muft muſt myſelf neceffary obferve occafion oppofe oppofition parliament perfons perfuaded petition petitioners poffible prefent prieſt principles propofed proteftant publiſhed purpoſe queſtion raiſed reaſon reformation religion religious repreſentation repreſentatives requeſt requifition reſpect ſhall ſhould ſpirit ſtate ſtill ſub ſubſcription ſuch themſelves theſe thirty-nine articles thofe thoſe tion truft truſt truth underſtanding univerſity uſe virtue wiſh word worſhip yourſelf
Popular passages
Page 176 - Creed, and that which is commonly called the Apostles' Creed, ought thoroughly to be received and believed: for they may be proved by most certain warrants of holy Scripture.
Page 318 - Neither of the two parties shall conclude either truce or peace with Great Britain without the formal consent of the other first obtained; and they mutually engage not to lay down their arms until the independence of the United States shall have been formally or tacitly assured by the treaty or treaties that shall terminate the war.
Page 229 - I will conform to the liturgy of the church of England, as it is now by law established.
Page 154 - ' thou fhalt confefs with thy mouth the Lord Jefus, '' and fhalt believe in thine heart that God hath raifed " him from the dead, thou fhalt be faved. For with " the heart man believeth unto righteoufnefs, and with " the mouth confeffion is made unto falvation : for the " fcripture faith, Whofoever believeth on him, fhall
Page 334 - I command and straightly charge you, that you see the laws to be duly executed, and that you make them living laws when we have put life into them.
Page 407 - When error has obtained the fancYion of time, it appears to the unthinking mind under the femblance of truth ; and even men of reflection, who have formed a juft conception of its nature and its tendency, are in fuch circumftances alarmed with apprehenfions at the firft attempts for its correction.
Page 412 - an equal representation of the people, in the great council of the nation, annual elections, and the universal right of suffrage^ appear so reasonable to the natural feelings of mankind, that no sophistry can elude the force of the arguments which are urged in their favour ; and they are rights of so transcendent a nature, that in opposition to the claim of the people to their enjoyment, the longest period of prescription is pleaded in vain.
Page 412 - An equal reprefentation of the people in die great council of the nation, annual elections, and the univerfal right of fuffrage, appear fo reafonable to the natural feelings of mankind, that no fophiftry can elude the force of the arguments which are urged in their favour; and they are rights of fo tranfcendent a nature, that, in oppofition to the claim of the people to their enjoyment, the longeft period of prefcription is pleaded in vain. They were fubftantially enjoyed in the times of the immortal...
Page 400 - England were made poer, as be the Comons of Fraunce. For than, thay would not rebell as now thay done often tymes ; which the Comons of Fraunce do not, nor may do ; for they have no Wepon, nor Armor, nor Good to bye it withall.
Page 33 - Refutation of the Reafons advanced in Defence of the Petition, which is intended to be offered to Parliament by fome of the Clergy, for the Abolition of Subfcription to the Articles, &c. By no Bigot to, nor againft, the Church of England.