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THE Editor, in giving the Mistory of the Work of Redemption has followed the fourth Edinburgh Edition, printed in the year 1793. This is according to the form to which the manuscript was reduced by Dr. ERSKINE, and appears to have been printed with uncommon accurac, probably under the eye of the Doctor. This is poferred to the London Edition, published in the year 8 by Mr. PITCHER. The Editor of this Edition, though he appears to have been conscientiously careful to preserve the sentiments of Mr. EDWARDS, has so varied the style, that we cease to rely that what we read is the compo sition of the original cuthor. The copious notes attached to this Edition were evidently designed to embellish the work, and render it more acceptable among literary men. They are thought to be of no advan. tage to the reputasion of the author, and but in very few instances to be of any considerable importance to elucidate his work. Some of our subscribers may have expected to see them inserted; but if it had been expedient, we had absolutely no room for them.

WORCESTER, April, 1808.


THEY we have a relish for the study of the scriptures, and have access to peruse the following sheets, will, I am posuaded, deem themselves much indebted to the Reveren Mr. EDWARDS of Newhaven for consenting to pubh them. Though the acute philosopher and deep drine appears in them, yet they are in the general better valculated for the instruction and improvement of ordinary Christians, than those of President EDWARDS'S wroings, where the abstruse nature of the subject, or the subtle objections of opposers of the wuth, led him to more abstract and metaphysical reasonings. The man script being entrusted to my care, Lliave not presumed make any change in the sentiments or composition. I have, however, taken the liberty to reduce it from the form of sermons, which it originally bore, to that of a continued treatise ; and I have so altered and diversfied the marks of the several divisions and subdivisions, that each class of heads might be easily distinguished.

EDINBURGH, April 29, 1774.



IT has long been desired by the friends of Mr. EDWARDS that

a number of his manuscripts should be published; but the disadvantage under which all posthumous publications must necessarily appear, and the difficulty of getting any considerable work printed in this infant country hitherto, have proved sufficient obstacles to the execution of such a proposal. The first of these obstacles made me doubt, for a considerable time after these manuscripts came into my hands, whether I could, consistently with that regard which I owe to the honor of so worthy a parent, suffer any of them to appear in the world. However, being diffident of my own sentiments, and doubtful whether I were not over jealous in this matter, I determined to submit to the opinion of gentlemen, who are friends both to the character of Mr. EDWARDS and to the cause of truth. The consequence was, that they gave their advice for publishing them.

The other obstacle was removed by a gentleman in the church of Scotland, who was formally a correspondent of Mr. EDWARDS. He engaged a bookseller to undertake the work, and also signified his desire, that these following discourses in particular might be made public.

Mr. EDWARDS had planned a body of divinity, in a new method, and in the form of a history; in which he was first to show, how the most remarkable events, in all ages from the fall to the present times, recorded in sacred and profane history, were adapted to promote the work of redemption; and then to trace, by the light of scripture prophecy, how the same work should be yet further carried on even to the end of the world. His heart was so much set on executing this plan, that he was considerably averse to accept the presidentship of Princeton college, lest the duties of that office should put it out of his power.


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