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Sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord all the earth.
Sing unto the Lord, and praise his name, declare his salvation
from day to day.




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In conformity with a resolution of the Delegates from the UNIVERSALIST CHURCHES in the west of Scotland, in conference in Glasgow, July, 1823, (which resolution was afterwards sanctioned by said churches;) the following selection of Hymns is published, not by any means to su percede in the above connexion the use of the Psalms and and the Assembly's Paraphrases, but rather, as an appendix thereto. Many of the Psalms are sublime compositions, and declare, in the most expressive strains, the vast extent and super-abounding fulness of God's 'free grace to the family of man; and even those Psalms which announce the severity of the Divine procedure, do at the same time announce this truth that mercy rejoiceth against judgment. For instance, the lxxxiii. Psalm, contains the most awful threatnings, but for what end are they inflicted? That men may know Jehovah, whom to know is life eternal.

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, conferred a signal benefit upon those who profess the doctrinal truth, that "God is Love," when they added the paraphrases to the psalmody; with two or three exceptions these compositions are compleatly adapted for the celebration of Gospel triumph. One exception is the 41st. where the phrase endless woes is inserted, and after praising the Messiah, as he who came, not to condemn the sons of men, but to save them, we are taught to deny this, by applauding their subjection to a never-ending horrific vengeance. Perhaps these anomalies were considered necessary to render the whole palatable to believers in decrees of repro bation: be this as it may, we are disposed to give honour to whom honour is due, and to express gratitude for the many excellent productions thus attatched to the psalmody

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