F. R.S., 564; B. A. Sectional Procedure, 566; British As- British Museum, Catalogue of the Snakes in the, George Albert British Village of Marsh Dwellings, on a, Arthur Bulleid, 558 Brodmann's (Herr) Method of Determining Co-efficients and Friction of very Viscous Liquids, 132 Brogger (Prof. W. C.), on the Genetic Relations of the Basic Eruptive Rocks of Gran (Christiana Region), 531 Bromine, the Expansion of Chlorine and, under the Influence Brook (George), Death of, 376; Obituary Notice of, 420 Brown (H. T.), Chemistry and Physiology of Foliage Laws, 94 Brown (Horace T., F. R.S.), Starch of the Chlorophyll Granule and the Chemical Processes involved in its Dissolution and Brown-Séquard (M.), Physiological and Therapeutic Effects of Injection of Orchitic Liquid, 23 Browning (P. E.), Separation of Copper from Cadmium by Bruce (W. S.), Antarctic Exploration, Cruise of the Dundee Bruhl (Prof.), Atomic Refraction of Nitrogen, 60 Brunck (Dr.), Ozone Production at High Temperatures, 354 Bryan (G. H.), the Bulkhead Question, 279; the Moon's Atmosphere and the Kinetic Theory of Gases, 526; British Association Report on Thermodynamics, 616 Bryden (H. Anderson), Gun and Camera in Southern Africa, Buchan (Dr. A.), London Mean Temperatures 1763-1892, 155 Buchanan (J. Y., F.R.S.), Density and Alkalinity of Waters of Atlantic and Mediterranean, 168; the Publication of Büchner (Prof. L.), the Brain of Women, 350 Buckley (T. E.), a Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and the Inner Buckman (S. S.), the Bajocian of Sherborne District, 191 Bajwid (Herr), Choleroid Bacilli, 207 Balleid (Arthur), on a British Village of Marsh Dwellings, 558 Builetin de l'Académie Royale de Belgigue, 188, 332, 406, 583 Bulletin Astronomique for April, 62 Bulletin of New York Mathematical Society, 70, 187, 259, 359 Bulletino della Sociéta Botanica Italiana, 92, 333 Bulletin de la Société des Naturalistes de Moscou, 91, 188, 583 Burch (Geo. J.), a Manual of Electrical Science, 588 Burdon Sanderson (J. S., F.R.S.), Inaugural Address at the Nottingham Meeting of the British Association, 464; Origin and Meaning of the Term "Biology," 464; Origin and Burial Mounds of Japan, the Ancient, Romyn Hitchcock, 398 Burma, the Amber and Jade Mines of Upper, Dr. Noetling, Burmite, a New Variety of Amber, Dr. Noetling, 13 Burls (F. B.), Note on a Meta-azo-compound, 118; Azo-com- Burnside (Prof. W., F.R.S.), a Problem of Conformal Repre- sentation, 23; Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, Burton (Dr. C. V.), Dr. Lodge's Foundation of Dynamics, Butschli's (Prof. O.) Artificial Amoeba, Dr. John Berry Hay. Butterfly Production, Sex Proportions of, T. E. Bean, 231 Butterflies: Brief Guide to the Common Butterflies of the United States and Canada, the Life of a Butterfly, Samuel Hubbard Scudder, W. F. Kirby, 338 Butterflies, British, Charles G. Barrett, W. F. Kirby, 585 Cable, Submarine, laid between Queensland and New Cale. Cables, Submarine, and Submarine Borers, W. H. Preece, Cadell (H. M.), the Site of Edinburgh in Prehistoric Times, Cailletet (L.), Experiments on Resistance of Air, &c., to the Calbuco, Chili, Volcanic Eruption near, 618 Calculus, Differential, for Beginners, Joseph Edwards, 539 Calorimetry, Animal Heat and Physiological, Prof. Rosenthal, Calorimetry: Corrected Formula of Heat necessary to raise a gramme of water to t° C., Profs. Bartoli and Stacciati, 299 Cambridge: Mr. H. Y. Oldham appointed to Cambridge Geo- graphical Lectureship, 136; Flora of Pollard Willows near Cambridge, J. C. Willis and J. H. Burkill, 143; Plants dis- tributed by Dust Carts, J. H. Burkill, 143; Cambridge Philosophical Society, 143; the Rede Lecture, Prof. Michael Foster, Sec. R. S., 178; Tercentenary of the Admission of William Harvey to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 199; Proposed New Telescope for Cambridge Observatory, Cambridgeshire, Shower of Ants and Flies in, 351 Campbell (Prof.), the Spectrum of the Rordame-Guénisset Comet, 379; Nova (T) Aurige Spectrum, 524 Candolle (Alphonse de), Obituary Notice of, W. T. Thiselton- Cap of Mars, South Polar, Prof. George Comstock, 15 Capstick (J. W.), Ratio of Specific Heats of Paraffins and Mono- Caraccas, Capture of Electric Eels by means of Wild Horses in, Humboldt's Story contravened, 324 Carbon, the Specific Heat of, H. Le Chatelier, 72 Carhart (H. S.), a One-Volt Standard Cell, 309 Carr (F. H.), the Aconite Alkaloids, vi. ; Conversion of Aconi- tine into Isaconitine, 535 Carrier Pigeons, F. W. Headley, 223 Carus-Wilson (C.), Scotographoscope, 64; Vivisection, 317 Cast-iron, New Enamel for Protecting, Fletcher, Russell and "Castle in the Air" for forthcoming Antwerp Exhibition, 569 Catalogue, Official, of the Exhibition of the German Empire at Cats, Manx, A. de Mortillet, 108 Catskill, on the use of the term, Prof. J. J. Stevenson, 462 Cattle (Dr. C. H.), on certain Gregarinidæ, and the possible connection of Allied Forms with Tissue Changes in Man, 576 Cattle Food, Vine-leaves as, A. Murtz, 168 Cattle Losses in Madras, Statistics for 1891-2 of, 424 Cecil (Henry), Singular Swarms of Flies, 127 Celestial Photography at the Paris Observatory, 617 Cells, Living, Oligodynamic Phenomena of, Prof. Carl V. Nageli, Centenary of Gilbert White, 212 Century Magazine, Science in the, 250, 350 Cesaro (G. ), Simple Method of Measuring Retardation in Minerals Ceylon, the Big and Little Monsoons of, E. Douglas Archibald, Chamberland (M.), Greater Efficiency of Disinfectants at High Temperatures and with Moisture, 377 Chandler (Prof.), the Constant of Aberration, 112 Chantre (E.), Microbian Origin of Purulent Surgical Infection, Chapeaux (Marcelon), Nutrition of Echinoderms, 583 Chappe (Claude), Statue to, 297 Chappuis (M.), the Spirit Thermometer, 12; Investigation of Character, Prenatal Influences on, Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, Characters, Acquired, Non-Inheritance of, Dr. Alfred R. Wal- Charchani, Peru, Meteorological Station at, the Highest in the Charpentier's Experiments Demonstrative of an Oscillatory Chatin (A.), Multiplicity of Homologous Parts in Relation to Gradation of Vegetable Species, 167; Tubulane, a Caucasian Chatham Islands: Mr. H. O. Forbes's Discoveries in the, 174; Chemistry the Thionylamines, Prof. Michaelis, 14; Chemical Society, 22, 94, 117, 190, 262, 525; Limits of Accuracy of Gold Bullion Assaying, T. K. Rose, 22; the Volatilisation of Gold, T. K. Rose, 22; Boiling and Melting Points of Nitrous Oxide, W. Ramsay, F.R.S., and J. Shields, 22; Isomerism of Paraffinic Aldoximes, W. R. Dunstan and T. S. Dymond, 22; the Composition of Mineral Waters, C. H. Bothamley, 22; a Magnesium Compound of Diphenyl, W. R. Hodgkinson, 22; Dissolution of Gold in Potassium Cyanide Solution, R. C. Maclaurin, 22; Research Labora- tories attached to Elberfeld Farbenfabriken, 29; a Method of Preparing Nitriles in a State of Purity, Prof. Michaelis and Dr. Siebert, 39; Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Chemie, Dr. Wilhelm Ostwald, J. W. Roger, 49; Deport- ment of Charcoal with the Halogens, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Oxygen, W. G. Mixter, 70; Influence of Free Nitric Acid and Aqua Regia on Precipitation of Barium as Sulphate, P. E. Browning, 70; Series of well-crystallising Double Halogen Salts of Tellurium with Potassium, Rubidium and Cæsium prepared by H. L. Wheeler; Corresponding Selenium Com- pounds, Dr. Muthmann and Schäfer, 80; Analogy between So- lutions of a Gas and of a Salt in indifferent Solutions of Salts, I. M. Syctabenoff, 91; Chemistry of Foliage Laws, H. T. Brown and G. H. Morris, 94; Cellulose Thiocarbonates, C. F. Cross, E. J. Bevan, and C. Beadle, 94; Sulphocamphylic Acid, W. H. Perkin, jun. 94; Formation of Pyridine Derivatives from Unsaturated Acid, S. Ruhemann, 94; Chlorinated Phenylhy- drazines, Part II., J. T. Hewitt, 94; Oxidation of Tartaric Acid in the presence of Iron, H. J. H. Fenton, 94; Products of Interactions of Tin and Nitric Acid, C. H. H. Walker, 94; Interactions of Thiourea and Haloid Derivatives of Fatty Acids, A. E. Dixon, 94; the Quantitative Determination of Boron, Henri Moissan, 96; Hydrocyanic Acid in Plants, Mr. van Romburgh, 96; the Action of Heat and Light on Hydriodic Acid Gas, Prof. Victor Meyer and Herr Bodens- tein, III; Hydrates of Sodium, Potassium and Lithium Hydroxides, S. U. Pickering, 117; Detection of Arsenic in Alkaline Solution, J. Clark, 117; Improvements in Reinsch's Process, J. Clark, 117; Action of Light on Prevention of Pu- trefraction and Formation of Hydrogen Peroxide, A. Richardson, 117; Capillary Separation of Substances in So- lution, L. Reed, 118; Notes on a Meta-azo-compound, R. Meldola and F. B. Burls, 118; Influence of Moisture on Chemical Action, H. B. Baker, 118; New Haloid Derivatives of Camphor, F. S. Kipping and W. J. Pope, 118; Chloroborate of Iron, G. Rousseau and H. Allaire, 119; Heat Developed in Combination of Bromine with Unsaturated Hydrocarbons, W. Louguinine and Irv. Kablukov, 119; Preparation of Metallic Tung- sten, Molybdenum and Vanadium, M. Moissan, 144; Preparation of Thorium and Zirconium, L. Troost, 144; Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F. R. S., Sir H E. Roscoe, F. R.S., 145; Chemical Change, V. H. Veley, 149; the Conditions Determinative of Chemical Change, Prof. Henry E. Armstrong, F.R.S., 237; Some Comments on Prof. Armstrong's Remarks on, Prof. W. Ram- say, F.R.S., James Walker, 267; Decomposition of Steam by Heated Magnesium, Herr Rosenfeld, 157; Aluminium Chloride Compounds with Benzoyl Chloride and others of the Aromatic Series, MM. Perrier, Louise, Friedel, and Crafts, 157; Absorption of Seleniuretted Hydrogen by Liquid Selenium at High Temperatures, H. Pélabon, 168; Das Genetische System der Chemischen Elemente, W. Preyer, 173; Azoimide, Prof. Curtis, 183; the Treatment of Barium Sulphate in Analysis, J. G. Phinney, 187; Nature of Certain 30 Nature W. A. Shenstone and M. Priest, 190; Ozone-Production at rich, 232; Chromopyrosulphuric Acid, A. Recoura, 253, 264; Azo-Compounds of Ortho-Series, R. Meldola, E. M. Hawkins and F. B. Burls, 262; Researches on the Terpenes, III., Action of Phosphorous Pentachloride on Camphene, J. phonic Derivatives of Naphthalene, H. E. Armstrong and W. P. Wynne, 262; Supplementary Notes on Madder Colouring Matters, E. Schunck and L. Marchlewski, 263; Metallic Salts of Sulphophosphoric Acid, Dr. Glatzel, 275; Artificial Synthesis of Iron Pyrites, Dr. Glatzel, 275; Society of Chemical Industry, Sir John Evans, Treas. R. S., 279; Dis- sociation of Calcium Plumbate, H. le Chatelier, 287; Isola- tion of Crystallised Sodium Salt of Perchromic Acid, Dr. Haussermann, 300; Considerations on Tautomeric Form of Glucose, Mr. Franchimont, 312; Action of Liquefied Am- monia on Anhydrous Chlorides of Chromium and Iron, Prof. Christessen, 325, 326; Density of Sulphurous Anhydride, A. Leduc, 336; Improved Mode of Preparing Ammonium Salt of Persulphuric Acid, Dr. Elbs, 400; Production of Ammo- nia in Soil by Microbes, Émile Marchal, 406; a Pro- duct of Incomplete Oxidation of Aluminium, M. Pionchon, 407; Arrangements for Work of Chemical Section of the British Association, Prof. J. Emerson Reynolds, F. R.S., 416; the Organo-metallic Compounds of Magnesium, Dr. Fleck, 424; Reduction of Nitrous Acid by Ferrous Salts, Charlotte F. Roberts, 431; Bolton's Select Bibliography, 445; Manu- facture of Oxygen from Air by means of Calcium Plumbate, G. Kassner, 446; Prof. Morley's Final Determination of the Atomic Weight of Oxygen, 461; Opening Address in Section B of the British Association, by Prof. Emerson Reynold-, F.R.S., 477; the Compounds of Phosphorus and Sulphur, Herr Helft, 482; Hydrazine and its Compounds, Franz Schrader, 483; Products of Sublimation of Arsenic, Dr. Retgers, 510; Nitro-metals, a New Series of Compounds of Metals with Nitrogen Peroxide, A. E. Tutton, 524; on our Present Knowledge of Electrolysis and Electro-Chemistry, T. C. Fitzpatrick, 527; Chemistry at the British Association, 529; G. J. Fowler on the Preparation and Properties of Nitride of Iron, 529; T. W. Hogg, on Cyano-Nitride of Titanium, 529; Report of the Committee for Investigating the Action of Light upon Dyed Colours, 529; Method of Isolation and the Properties of Fluorine, MM. Moissan and Meslans, 529; the Iodine Value of Sunlight in the High Alps, Dr. S. Rideal, 529; Report of the Committee on the Action of Light on the Hydracids of the Halogens in the presence of Oxygen, 530; the Expansion of Chlorine and Bromine under the Influence of Light, Dr. Richardson, 530; Prof. P. Frankland on the Present Position of Bacteriology, more especially in its Rela- tion to Chemical Science, 530; on Explosions in Mines, with special reference to the Dust Theory, Prof. H. B. Dixon, Mr. Hall, Mr. Galloway, Prof. Thorpe, Mr. Stokes, 530; the Aconite Alkaloids, vi. ; Conversion of Aconitine into Isaconitine, W. R. Dunstan and F. H. Carr, 535; ditto, vii. ; Modifications of Aconitine Aurichloride, W. R. Dunstan and H. A. D. Jowett, 535; Constituents of Kamala, I., A. G. Perkin, 535; Quantitative Method of Separating Iodine from Chlorine and Bromine, D. S. Macnair, 535; Use of Sodium Peroxide as an Analytical Agent, L. Clark, 535; Preparation of Mono-, di- and Tri-benzylamine, A. T. Mason, 535; Formula of Terpenylic Acid, S. B. Schryver, 535; Preparation of Active Amyl Alcohol and Active Valeric Acid from Fusel Oil, W. A. C. Rogers, 535; Estimates of Chlorates and Nitrates in one operation, Charlotte F. Roberts, 535; Iodide of Nitrogen, Dr. Szuhay, 547; the Glucoside of the Iris, F. Tiemann and G. de Laire, 560; Crystallised Silicide of Car- bon obtained with M. Moissan's Electric Furnace, 572, 573: Fixation of Iodine by Starch, E. Rouvier, 584; Relation between the Precipitation of Chlorides by Hydrochloric Acid and the Lowering of the Boiling-point, M. R. Engel, 608; Carbide of Boron isolated, Dr. Mulhäusen, 622; Separa- Chevalier (Rev. S.), the Bokhara Typhoon of October, 1892, China Sea, Typhoons of, 376 Coccidæ, the Use of Ants to Aphides and, Dr. Geo.J. Romanes, Coccidia of Birds, Alph. Labbé, 536 Colardeau (E.), Experiments on Resistance of Air, &c., to Cold Wave at Hongkong, the, January, 1893-Its after Cole (Martin J.), Modern Microscopy, 246 Chinese Observations, Early, on Colour Adaptations, Kuma- Coleridge (Lord) and Vivisection, Prof. Percy F. Frankland, Chinook Wind, the, H. M. Ballou, 21 Chlorine and Bromine, the Expansion of, under the Influence of Light, Dr. Richardson, 530 Cholera and Articles of Diet, Mrs. Percy Frankland, 375 Cholera Nurseries and their Suppression, Ernest Hart, 322 Chorley (J. C.), Sodium Potassium High Temperature Ther- Choughs, the Identity of Shakespeare's Russet-pated, J. E. Chree (Charles), Appointment as Superintendent of Kew Christensen (Prof.), Action of Liquefied Ammonia on Anhy- Chronophotography, Motion of Liquids Studied by, M. Marey, 47 Church (Prof. A. H., F.R.S.), Turacin: a Remarkable Animal Churchill (William), Curious Phenomenon, 616 Ciona, the Pervisceral Cavity in, A. H. L. Newsted, 332 Clark (Daniel Kinnear), the Steam Engine: a Treatise on Clark (Prof.), the Available Water-power of Maryland, 324 Claude (M.), Instruments for Measuring Difference in Phase Clava in Nairn, Investigation into the Sheli-bearing Clays of, 140 Clayton (H. H.), Six- and Seven-Day Weather Periodicities, Clerke (Ellen M.), the Planet Venus, 447 Cleveland Iron and Steel Industries, Recent Developments in, Climates, Geological and Solar, their Causes and Variation, Climatological Table for British Empire, 1892, 607 Clocks, New System of Electric Control of, E. F. von Hefner- Clowes (Prof. Frank), British Association, Nottingham Meeting, Club, Proposed Learned Societies', 322 Coakley (Prof. G. W.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 398 F.R.S., 268 Colin (J.), Influence of State of Surface of Platinum Electrode Colladon (J. D.), the Work of, M. Sarrau, 360; Obituary Collinge (Walter E.), Conjoint Board's Medical Biology, 75; Colour: Perspective and Colour, Prof. Einthoven, 186; Con- Coloration, Sexual, of Birds, T. C. Headley, 413 Combustion, Spontaneous, Prof. Vivian B. Lewes, 626 Comparative Anatomy at Oxford, Human and, Prof. E. Ray Comstock (Prof. George), South Polar Cap of Mars, 15; a Conference of Delegates of Corresponding Societies, 576 Congress on Aerial Navigation, Chicago, 596 Congresses, Chicago Anthropological and Meteorological, 570 Congress, International Maritime, 272; Madison Botanical, 597 Conjoint Boards' Medical Biology, Walter E. Collinge, 75 Constellations of the Far East, Kumagusu Minakata, 541 Cook's (Captain) Journal during his First Voyage round the Cook (C. J Bowen), British Locomotives, N. J. Lockyer, 586 Cooke (M. C.), Bleeding Bread, 578 Copper, a New Method of Electrolytic Bright Depositing, J. Copper, Turacine, a Remarkable Animal Pigment containing, Prof. A. H. Church, F. R.S., 209 Coral Reefs: Prof. W. J. Sollas, F. R.S., 575; Dr. Rothpletz, Gilbert Bourne, Prof. Bonney, Sir H. Howorth, Mr. Steb- bing, H. O. Forbes, 576; the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, W. Saville Kent, Prof. Alfred C. Haddon, 217 Cordoba Durchmusterung, the, 401 Corinth, Isthmus of, Opening of Ship Canal across, 426 Coronal Atmosphere of the Sun, the, 301 Corresponding Societies, Conference of Delegates of, 576 Coupin (Henri), Elimination of Foreign Bodies in Acephala, Cowper (E. A.), Death of, 78 Crafts (M.), Aluminium Chloride Compounds with Benzoyl Crandall Basin, Wyoming, on the Dissected Volcano of, Prof. Criminals and their Detection, E. R. Spearman, 249 Cripps (R. A.), Galenic Pharmacy, 27 Crocodile's Egg with Solid Shell, J. Battersby, 248 Croft (W. B.), Apparatus for Observing and Photographing Cross (E. F.), Cellulose Thiocarbonates, 94 Cross (M. J.), Modern Microscopy, 246 Cross and Mansfield (Messrs.), Excursions of Diaphragms of Darnell-Smith (G. P.), a Method of obtaining Glochidia, 223 Dartmoor, Notes on, Lieut.-General McMahon, 142 Darwin (Prof. G. H., F.R S.), Roche's Limit, 54 Daubrée on the Geological Work of High-Pressure Gas, 226 Daubrée (M.), Exceptionally High Temperatures in Pechel- David (Prof.), Sphene Discovered in Bathurst (New South Davis (W. M.), Proposed Subjects for Correlated Study by Davy (M. Marié), Death of, 272 Day of the Week, a Simple Rule for finding the Corresponding, Death, Proofs of, Dr. Edwin Haward, 156 Defforges (M.), Distribution of Gravitation on Surface of Deichmüller (Herr Fr.), New Variable Stars in Cygnus, 573 Delahaye (M.), M. Foubert's Map of Smokes of Paris, 78; Delboeuf (J.), Megamicros, or Sensible Effects of Proportional Delebecque (A.), Changes in Tête Rousse Glacier since St. Delegates of Corresponding Societies, Conference of, 576 Denning (W. F.), the April Meteors, 5; Meteor Observations, 135; the August Meteors (1893), 374 Denny (Prof.), on the Ovipositor of the Cockroach, 576 Crova (M.), Photographic Study of Sources of Light (Carcel Depolarisers, the Nature of, Prof. H. E. Armstrong, F. R. S., Crump (W. B.), the Early Spring of 1893, 414 Crustacea, Decapod, Nephridia of, E. J. Allen, 115 Crystals, Instruments for Study of, H. A. Miers, 63; Dielectric Cumming (L.), Thunderbolt in Warwickshire, 342 Simplified Multiplication, 316 Cunningham (J. T.), the Coloration of the Skins of Fishes, 70 Curious Phenomenon, William Churchil', 616 Curves by their Curvature, Drawing of, C. V. Boys, F. R. S., Cyano-Nitride of Titanium, T. W. Hogg, 529 Cyclone of August 28 and 29, the American, 444 Cyclone in Gulf of Mexico, 569 Cyclone at Williamstown, 205 Cyclones of November, 1891, the Three Indian, Mr. Eliot, 545 Dabchick in St. James's Park, Adventures of a, T. D. Pigott, Dakotas, Certain Climatic Features of the Two, Lieut. J. P. Dallas (W. L.), Upper Air Currents over Arabian Sea, 239; the General Motions of the Atmosphere, 341 Dallinger (Dr. W. H., F.R.S.), Modern Microscopy, M. J. Dancing, Ethnographic Aspect of, Mrs. Lilly Grove, 557 Daniel (John), Polarisation, using a thin Metal Partition in a Daniell (Alfred), a Substitute for Ampère's Swimmer, 294 308 Deslandres (M.), the Total Solar Eclipse (April, 1893), 81 Determinants, a Short Course in the Theory of, L. G. Weld, Determinations of Gravity, 158 Determination, New, of the Constant of Universal Attraction, Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung Exhibition at Muni ch, the Deutsche Seewarte Report for 1892, 445 Dewar (Prof. J., F.R.S.), Magnetic Properties of Liquid 620 Diamond, Artificial, obtained by K. D. Khroushchoff, 207 Diatomaceæ, an Introduction to the Study of the, Frederick Diatroptoff (M.), Discovery of the Bacillus Anthracis in Well- Dickie (Dr. Hugh), Elements of Physiography, 3 Dielectrics, on the Electric Strength of Solid Liquid and Diet, Cholera and Articles of, Mrs. Percy Frankland, 375 Dieterici (C.), Vapour Pressure of Aqueous Solution, 620 Differential Calculus for Beginners, Joseph Edwards, 539 Difficulty in Weismannism Resolved, a, Prof. Marcus Hartog, Diffusion, Gaseous, Prof. Herbert McLeod, F.R. S., 104 Digestive Ferments of a Large Protozoon, on the, Prof. Marcus Hartog and Augustus E. Dixon, 575 Dinosaurs, some Recent Restorations of, Prof. O. C. Marsh, Disinfectant, Value of Ammonia Vapour as a, Herr Rigler, 298 Disinfectants and Micro-Organisms, 161 Disinfectants at High Temperatures and with Moisture, MM. Distichopora violacea, Early Stages in Development of, Dr Dixon (A. E.), Interactions of Thiourea and Haloid Derivatives of Fatty Acids, 94; on the Digestive Ferments of a Large Dixon (A. L.), on a Theorem for Bicircular Quartics and November 30, 1893 Cyclides corresponding to Ivory's Theorem for Conics and Conicoids, 95 Dixon (Edward T.), the Fundamental Axioms of Dynamics, 101, 149; Dr. Lodge's Foundation of Dynamics, 166 Dixon (Prof. H. B.), Explosions in Mines, with special reference to the Dust Theory, 530 Doberck (Dr. W.), Typhoons of China Sea, 376 Documents, Smithsonian Institution, Prof. Cleveland Abbe, 6 Dodgson (Charles L.), Pillow Problems, 564 Dohrn (Prof. Anton), Publications of the Zoological Station at Naples, 440 Donald (C. M.), Antarctic Exploration Cruise of the Dundee Whalers, 555 Donnan (F. G.), Organisation of Scientific Literature, 436 Doolittle (Prof. C. L.), Variations of Latitude, 451; Latitude Determination at Bethlehem, 1892-3, 460 Drainage in the Rock River Basin in Illinois, on Changes of, Frank Leverett, 462 Drawing, Compulsory Laws of Error in, Arthur L. Haddon, 402, 416 Dredging Expeditions in the Irish Sea, 575 Dreyer (Dr. Julius) Die Gastropoder. vou Häring bei Kirchbichl in Tirol, 567 Drought, the Great, of 1893, 295 Drought and Heat at Shirenewton Hall in 1893, E. J. Lowe, F R. S., 436 Drought Cycles, M. C. Maze, 482 Drude (P.), Relation of Dielectric Constants to Indices of Drummond (A. T.), Lake Memphramagog, 12; Colours of Dublin, Rain making Experiments at, 522 Dubois (Eng.) Die Klimate der Geologischen Vergangenheit und ihre Beziehung zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Sonne, 266 Dacretet (C.), Method for making High Resistances without Dufour (M.), the Scintillation of Stars, 600 Dulcin, a New Saccharin Substance, Prof. Kossel, 47 Dumont (M.), the Quantities of Water contained in Arable Land after a Prolonged Drought, 72 Dundee Whalers, Cruise of the, to the Antarctic Regions, W. S. Bruce and C. M. Donald, 555 Dunér (Prof. N. C.), the Variable Star y Cygni, 301 Dunlop (Dr. Andrew), Raised Beaches and Rolled Stones at High level in Jersey, 191 Dunn (E. J.), the Bendigo Gold Fields, 207; Palæozoic Glaciation in the Southern Hemisphere, 458 Dunstan (W. R.), Isomerism of Paraffinic Aldoximes, 22; the Aconite Alkaloids, vi. Conversion of Aconitine into Isaconitine, 535; vii. Modifications of Aconitine Aurichloride, 535 Duparc (L.), Changes in Tête Rousse Glacier since St. Gervais Durham College of Science, Agricultural Scholarships, 36 Dust Whirl or (?) Tornado, a, J. Lovel, 77 Dvorak (Prof. V.), Apparatus for Demonstrating Oscillation of Air, 13; Improved Apparatus for Exhibiting Phenomcna of Gaseous Diffusion, 79 Dwarfs, Racial, in the Pyrenees, J. S. Stuart-Glennie, 294 Dyeing, a Manual of, Edmund Knecht, Christopher Rawson, Dynamo Machinery and Allied Subjects, Dr. J. Hopkinson, F.R.S., Prof. A. Gray, 244 Dyson (F. W.), the Potential of an Anchor Ring, 45 Ear, the Morphology of the Vertebrate, Howard Ayers, 184 Early Asterisms, the, J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., 438, 518 Early Spring of 1893, the, W. B. Crump, 414 Early Temple and Pyramid Builders, on the, J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., 55 Earth, New Determination of Mass and Density of, Alphonse Berget, 251 Earth, the Mean Density of the, Prof. J. H. Poynting, F.R.S., 370 Earth, Magnetism of, in neighbourhood of Magnetic Rocks, Earth Lore, Fragments of, James Geikie, F. R.S., 385 Earthquakes: Earthquake in Baluchistán, 348; at Colwyn Ebert (Prof. H), the Production of Electric Oscillations and their Relations to Discharge Tubes, 91; Electrical Discharges, 140; Luminous Phenomena in Vessels filled with Rarefied Gas under Influence of Rapidly Alternating Electric Fluids, 607; Method of Estimating the Radiating Power of an Atom, 527 Ebermayer (E.), Climatic Effects of Forests upon Neighbourhood, 284 Ebonite for Heat-waves, Diathermanous Power of, Riccardo Arno, 299 Echinocyamus pusillus, Prof. Hjalmar Théel, 330; E. W. Echinoderms, Nutrition of, Marcelin Chapeaux, 583 Eckhardt (Dr.), Instrument for Trisecting Angles, 353 Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Proceedings of the, 340 Edser (Edwin), Apparatus illustrating Prof. Michelson's Method Edwards (Joseph), Differential Calculus for Beginners, 539 Eels, Electric, in Caraccas, Capture by means of Wild Horses, Egg, Crocodile's, with Solid Shell, J. Battersby, 248 Egg, Fowl's, Mechanical Genesis of Form of, Dr. J. A. Ryder 597 Egypt, the Eastern Desert of, E. A. Floyer, 40 Einthoven (Prof.), Perspective and Colour, 186 Elasticity, Mr. Love's Treatise on, A. B. Basset, F. R. S., 415, 543 Elasticity of Stretching, on Fatigue in the, Joseph O. Thompsen, 461 Elberfeld Farbenfabriken, Research Laboratories attached to, 29 Elbe at Magdeburg, Chemical and Bacterial Condition of, Herr Ohlmüller, 399 Elbs (Dr.), Improved Method of Preparing Ammonium Salt of Persulphuric Acid, 400 |