Of Nature trusts the mind which builds for aye."-WORDSWORTH
ABBADIE (M. AND MME. D'), Gift to Paris Academy of Sciences by. 421
Abbe (Prof. Cleveland), Smithsonian Institution Documents,
6; Ice Columns in Gravelly Soil, 20; Charts of Storm
Frequency, 140
Abbott (Dr. E. A.), Antipodean Retrenchment, 249 Abbott (Geo.), Potstones found near Seaford, 315
Abercromby (Hon. Ralph), Prize offered for study of “Southerly Burster" by, 77
Aberration, the Constant of, Prof. Chandler, 112 Aberration, a Determination of the Constant of, Prof. Geo. C. Comstock, 460
Abney (Capt., F.R.S.), Failure of Photographic Law of Equal Chemical Action, 285; Colours of Sky, Sun, Cloud, and Candle Light, 333
Abraham (M.), a New Standard Condenser, 206
Academy, Belgian, Prize Subjects for 1894, 107
Acephala, Elimination of Foreign Bodies in, Henri Coupin, 484
Acoustics: The Motion of Vibrating Strings, Messrs. Krigar
Menzel and Raps, 324; Sound Interference Illustrated, C. J.
Woodward, 159; Apparatus for Demonstrating Oscillation of Air, Prof. V. Dvorak, 13
Acquired Characters, Non-Inheritance of, Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, F. R.S., 267; Dr. C. Herbert Hurst, 368
Actinometer, the Electrochemical, M. Rigollot, 38
Adams (Prof. F. D.), the Norian Rock of Canada, 298
Adams (Prof. John Couch), Memorial to, 107
Adelaide, Meteorological Observations (1890) in, 132
Adler (Hanna), a Substitute for Ampère's Swimmer, 370
Adriatic, Earthquake on Shores of, 376
Acronautics: Thermometer Soundings in the High Atmo-
sphere, W. de Fonvielle, 160; New Flying Apparatus, Otto
Lilienthal, 571; Chicago Congress on Aerial Navigation,
Etiology and Life-History of some Vegetal Galls and their In- habitants, on the, C. B. Rothera, 575
Africa: Death and Obituary Notices of W. Cotton Oswell,
62; the Arrow-Poison of East Equatorial Africa, Dr. T.
R. Fraser, F.R.S., and Dr. Joseph Tillie, 92; Oil Rivers
Protectorate renamed Niger Coast Protectorate, 112;
Adoption of Responsible Government by Natal, 112; Gun
and Camera in Southern Africa, H. Anderson Bryden, 125;
Capt. Stairs' Katanga Expedition, Dr. Moloney, 135; Report
of South African Museum, 207; South-West Africa, Count
Pfeil, 301; the Alleged Death of Emin Pasha, 356, 481;
Return of Rev. R. P. Ashe, 356; Geographical Society
established at Tunis, 356; Projected Railway in French
Congo, 380; Commencement of the Central African Tele-
graph Line, 380; Habits of South African Animals, Dr.
Alfred Wallace, F. R.S., 390; Dr. Gregory's Expedition to
Lake Baringo, 397; Return of Dr. J. W. Gregory, 618;
Return of Mr. Selous to Mashonaland, 426; Discovery of
Temple on the Limpopo, R. M. W. Swan, 426; Proposed
Exploration of Uganda by Mr. Scott Elliott, 444; Death of
Surgeon Major Parke, 481; Geology of Central East Africa,
Walcot Gibson, 533; Dr. Baumann's Exploration to North-
East of Lake Tanganyika, 548; Resurvey by Mr. Mohun
of Lake Leopold II., 601
Afterglows in Spain, Prof. Augusto Arcimis, 29
Agassiz (Louis), his Life and Work, Charles Frederick Holder, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R.S., 52
Agriculture: Agricultural Education, Durham College of Science Scholarships, 36; Photographs Relating to Working
of Rothamsted Laboratory, 63; the Rothamsted Jubilee Fund, 228; the Rothamsted Jubilee, 289, 296, 327; the
Quantities of Water contained in Arable Lands after a Pro-
longed Drought, MM. Demoussy and Dumont, 72; the
Principles of Agriculture, G. Fletcher, 73; Journal of Royal Agricultural Society of England, 91; the Disadvantages of Irrigation, W. Roe, 110; Hawks and Owls the Farmer's Friends, Dr. A. K. Fisher, 133; Agriculture-Teaching in Russian Schools, 156; the Future of British Agriculture, Prof. Sheldon, 174; Relation of Number of Eyes on Potato Seed Tuber to Crop obtained, J. C. Arthur, 353; Cattle-Poisoning Species of Homeria (Cape Tulip) in Victoria, Dr. McAlpine, 378; Statistics for 1891-2 of Cattle Losses in Madras, 424 ; Statue of Duhamel-Dumonceau, 596
Air Pump, a New Form of, Prof. J. J. Thompson, 529
Aitken (John), Breath Figures, 71
Alaska and the Adjacent Islands, Grasses of the Pacific Slope, including, Dr. Geo. Vasey, 411
Alaska, the Alleged Undiscovered Island off North, 356
Algæ, some Protococcoidæ, Al. Artari, 92
Allaire (H.), Chloroborate of Iron, 119
Allen (E. J.), Nephridia of Decapod Crustacea, 115
Allen (J. Romilly), Origin and Development of Early Christian Art, 558
Alpine Lakes, Glacier Theory of, Graham Officer, 198; Dr.
Alfred Russel Wallace, F.R.S., 198
Alps, the Iodine Value of Sunlight in the High, Dr. S. Rideal,
Altehoefer (Herr), Bactericidal Action of Peroxide of Hydrogen
Altschul (Herr), Critical Constants of Fatty and Aromatic
Hydrocarbons, 2c6
Amagat (E. H.), Crystallisation of Water by Decompression
below Zero, 632
Amazon Basin Scientific Expedition, Projected, 601
Amber, Burmite, a New Variety of, Dr. Noetling, 13 Amber, the Indian Origin of Ancient, A. B. Meyer, 422
America: An American Text-Book of Physics, Geo. F. Barker,
Prof. Oliver Lodge, F. R. S., 1; Astronomy Popularised in
America, 15; American Meteorological Journal, 20, 140, 239,
583, 631; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 38;
American Journal of Science, 70, 187, 309, 431, 535, 631;
American Journal of Mathematics, 140, 606; University and
Educational Endowment in America, W. T. Thiselton-Dyer,
F.R.S., 248; North American Butterflies, Samuel Hubbard
Scudder, W. F. Kirby, 338; the Fungus Gardens of certain
South American Ants, John C. Willis, 392; the Geography
of South America, 425; American Cyclone of August 28 and
29, the, 444; American Association for the Advancement of
Science, Dr. William H. Hale, 460; Meeting at Madison,
Wisconsin, 460; Dr. Daniel G. Brinton on the Earliest
Men, 460; Section A (Astronomy and Mathematics), Prof.
Doolittle on Variations of Latitude, 451; Latitude Deter
mination at Bethlehem in 1892-3, 460; Prof. Geo. C. Com-
stock on a Determination of the Constant of Aberration,
460; Section B (Physics), Prof. Wm. A. Rogers on the Mor-
ley Interferential Comparator, 461; Profs. Macfarlane and
G. W. Pierce on the Electric Strength of Solid Liquid and
Gaseous Dielectrics, 461; Joseph O. Thompson on Fatigue
in the Elasticity of Stretching, 461; Section C (Chemistry), Prof. Morley's Final Determination of the Atomic Weight of Oxygen, 461; Section D (Mechanical Science and Engineer- ing), Prof. J. J. Stevenson on the Use of the term Catskill, 462; Frank Leverett on Changes of Drainage in the Rock
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