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River Basin in Illinois, 462; Section F (Zoology), Prof. H.
F. Osborn on the Mammals of the Upper Cretaceous, 462;
Section G (Botany), Evolution and Classification, C. E.
Bessey, 534; Section H (Anthropology), Dr. Brinton on the
Mexican Calendar System, 462; Section I (Economic Science
and Statistics), 463; Theories of the Origin of Mountain
Ranges, Prof. Le Conte, 551; Geological Society of America,
578; Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's
Office, U.S. Army, Dr. A. T. Myers, 611

Ammonia Vapour as a Disinfectant, Herr Rigler, 298

Amoebæ, Artificial, Prof. Bütschli's, Dr. John Berry Haycraft,


Amphioxus and its Development, the, Dr. B. Hatscheck, 613
Amphipods, Swarms of, Prof. W. A. Herdman, F. R. S., 28
Ampère's Swimmer, a Substitute for, Alfred Daniell, 294, 370
Amsterdam Royal Academy of Sciences, 96, 168, 312
Analytical Statics, a Treatise on, Edward John Routh,
F.R.S., Prof. A. G. Greenhill, F. R.S., 609
Anatomy, Human and Comparative, at Oxford, Prof. E. Ray
Lankester, F. R. S., 616

Anderson (Dr. William, F.R.S.), the Interdependence of Ab-

stract Science and Engineering, 65

Andouard (A.), the Desert Sands of Lower Egypt, 336
Anemometrical Observations at Vienna, 1873-92, Dr. J. Hann,

Aneroid, the Corry "Protected," Edward Whymper, 160
Anglo-Saxon Remains and Coeval Relics from Scandinavia, on,
Prof. Hans Hildebrand, 557

Angot (M.), the Eiffel Tower Experiments, Variation with
Height of the Meteorological Elements, 12

Animal Heat and Physiological Calorimetry, Prof. Rosenthal,

Animal Intelligence, the Limits of, Prof. C. L. Morgan, 350
Animal Life, Types of, St. George Mivart, F.R.S., 148
Animals, the Intelligence of, Charles William Purnell, Dr.
Alfred R. Wallace, 73

Annalen des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 92

Anomalous Dispersion, a Mechanical Analogue of, 527

Antarctic Exploration: Cruise of the Dundee Whalers, W. S.
Bruce and C. M. Donald, 555

Antarctic Whaler Balana, Return of, 112

Antarctic Whaling Expedition, Norwegian, 574

Antennæ, Trilobites with, at last! H. M. Bernard, 582

Anthrax Bacilli, Production of Sporeless, M. Phisalix, 545

Anthropology: the Population of France, 108; Anthropolo-

gical Institute, 118; Index to Publications, 482; the Baram

District of Borneo, Charles Hose, 118; Anthropological

Society of Washington, Prize Subjects for 1893, 229; Racial

Dwarfs in the Pyrenees, J. S. Stuart-Glennie, 294; Strange

Heathen Ceremony at Raiates, Miss Teuira Henry, 398;

the Ancient Burial Mounds of Japan, Romyn Hitchcock,

398; the Breaking of Clay Vessels as a Funeral Rite in

Modern Greece, Prof. N. G. Politis, 445; Dr. Brinton on

the Earliest Men, 460; Opening Address in Section H of the

British Association, by Dr. Robert Munro, 503; Ethno-

graphic Aspect of Dancing. Mrs. Lilly Grove, 557; on

Anglo-Saxon Remains and Coeval Relics from Scandinavia,

Prof. Hans Hildebrand, 557; Origin and Development of

Early Christian Art, J. Romilly Allen, 558; Ethnographical

Notes on the Congo Tribes, Herbert Ward, 558; the "Mad

Head," Dr. Crochley Clapham, 558; on the Structure of

Lake-dwellings, Dr. Munro, 558; on a British Village of

Marsh Dwellings, Arthur Bulleid, 558; Chicago International

Congress of Anthropology, 570

Anthropometrical Measurements, A. Bertillon's System of, 250

Antibes, Four Simultaneous Water-spouts at, M. Naudin, 360

Antipodean Retrenchment, Dr. E. A. Abbott, 249

Antiquities, Assyrian, the Thieving of, 343; H. Rassam, 508,


Antiquities, the Thieving of, Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrie, 613

Ants, the Use of, to Aphides and Coccidæ, Dr. Geo. J.

Romanes, F. R. S., 54; Alfred O. Walker, 54

Ants, the Sound-producing Organs of, Dr. D. Sharp, F.R.S.,


Ants, the Fungus Gardens of certain South American, John C.

Willis, 392.

Antwerp Exhibition, "Castle in the Air" for forthcoming, 569
Apex of the Sun's Way, the, Prof. II. G. Van de Sande Bak-
huyzen, 401

Aphides and Coccidæ, the use of Ants to, Dr. Geo. J. Romanes,
F. R.S, 54; Alfred O. Walker, 54

Aphis, What becomes of the, in the Winter? J. A. Sharpe, 77
April Meteors, the, W. F. Denning, 5
Arago, a New Statue of, 154, 223

Ararat, Mount, Ascent of, H. F. B. Lynch, 548
Arcangeli (Dr. G.), Growth of Leaf-stalk of Nymphæaceæ, 92
Archæology: Congress of Archæological Societies, 251; the
Archæological Survey of England, 272; the Thieving of As-
syrian Antiquities, H. Rassam, 343, 508, 540; the Thieving
of Antiquities, Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrie, 613

Archibald (E. Douglas), the Greatest Rainfall in Twenty-four

Hours, 77, 317; the Big and Little Monsoons of Ceylon, 175

Architecture : Prehistoric Naval Architecture of Northern

Europe, G. H. Boehmer, 274; Institution of Naval Archi-
tecture, 277; Fast Ocean Steamships, Dr. F. Elgar, 278;
Experiments on Combination of Induced Draughts and Shot
Air, applied to Marine Bilers, J. D. Ellis, 278; Transmission
of Heat through Boiler Plates, A. Blechynden, 278; Water
Tube Boilers, J. T. Milton, 278; the Bulkhead Question, G.
H. Bryan, 279; the Mechanics of Architecture, E. Wynd-
ham Tarn, 515

Arcimis (Prof. Augusto), Afterglows in Spain, 29

Arctic Exploration: Death of Capt. Richard Pike, 82; the

Race to the North Pole, Dr. H. R. Mill, 250; an Expe-
dition to the North Magnetic Pole, Col. W. H. Gilder, 250;
Sailing of Dr. Nansen's Expedition (June 24, 1893), 205;
Dr. Nansen's Expedition, 301, 425, 574; Departure of Lieut.
Peary on his Second Expedition, 234; Departure of Mr. F.
G. Jackson for Nova Zembla, 327; the Steam Whaler
Newport's Voyage, 574

Arctic Problem, the, and Narrative of the Peary Relief Expe-
dition of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,
Prof. Angelo Heilprin, 434

Aren's (Herr), Method of Detecting Cholera Bacillus in Water,

Argentinia and Chile, Flora and Fauna of, Dr. Philippi, 619
Argyll, a Vertebrate Fauna of, and the Inner Hebrides, J. A.

Harvie-Brown and T. E. Buckley, 123

Ascending Meteor, Prof. Von Niessl, 209; a Remarkable

Meteor, J. Lloyd Bozward; J. Lovel, 567; August Meteors,

601; the Genesis of Nova Auriga, Richard A. Gregory, 6;

Nova (T) Aurige Spectrum, W. W. Campbell, 524; Our

Astronomical Column, 15, 39, 61, 81, 111, 135, 158, 183, 208,

233, 254, 276, 300, 326, 355, 379, 401, 425, 447, 483, 512,

524, 548, 573, 600, 622; South Polar Cap of Mars, Prof.

George Comstock, 15; the Brightness of the Major and Minor

Planets, Dr. G. Müller, 15; Astronomy Popularised in

America, 15; Optical Tests for Objectives, Dr. Ludwig

Mach, 16; Photograph of a Bolid, 16; Meridian Circle

Observations, 39; the Lunar Atmosphere, 40; the Recent

Solar Eclipse, 40; Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F. R. S., 53; the

Total Solar Eclipse (April, 1893), M. Deslandres, 81; M.

Bigourdan, 111; M. N. Coculesco, 135; Observations

made during the Eclipse of April, 1893, 326; a Method

of Detecting the Existence of Variable Stars by Continuous

Photometric Observations, Dr. J. Joly, F.R.S., 47; Dis-

tortion of Photographic Star Images due to Refraction, Prof.

A. A. Rambaut, 47; Roche's Limit, Prof. G. H. Darwin,

F.R.S., 54; Finlay's Comet (1886 VII.), 51, 81, 112,

135, 158, 184, 208, 276, 300, 326, 355; M Schulhof,

233, 254; Comet Finlay and the Præsepe, 512; the

Greatest Brilliancy of Venus, Dr. G. Müller, 61;

L'Astronomie, 62, 158, 254; the Lunar Atmosphere,

M. Spée, 62; Bulletin Astronomique for April, 62; Vari-

able Star Nomenclature, 81; the Moon's Surface, G.

K. Gilbert, 82; Amédée Guillemin, 82; the Satellites of

Jupiter, Prof. W. H. Pickering, 81, 209; Observation on

Jupiter, M. Lumsden, 158; Sun, Moon, and Stars: As-

tronomy for Beginners, A. Gilberne, 101; Death of Dr.

Charles Pritchard, F. R.S., 107; Aurora Observations, 112;

the Constant of Aberration, Prof. Chandler, 112; the As-

tronomical Day, 112; Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 112;

Washburn Observations, 135; the Cause of Sunspots, Dr.

G. J. Storey, F.R.S., 143; Determinations of Gravity, 158;

Solar Observations at the Royal College, Rome, Prof.

Tachini, 158; a New Variable u Cygnus, 183; a Bright

Comet, 184, 233; Observations of Nebulæ, Dr. Rudolf

Spitaler, 184; the Yerkes Telescope, 184; the Smithsonian

Report for Year ending 1892, 184; the Smithsonian Astro-

Physical Observatory, 184; Practical Astronomy, P. S.

Michie and F. S. Harlow, 197; Stars having Peculiar

Spectra, 208; Stars with Remarkable Spectra, T. E. Espin,

233; the Sun's Motion through Space, 208; the Period of

Rotation of Venus, 233; the Newall Telescope, 233; John-

ston's Notes on Astronomy, 233; the Hodgkins Fund Prizes,

233; a New Comet, 254, 622; Ephemeris of the New

Comet, Prof. E. Lamp, 276; the Discovery of the New

Comet, 300; Himmel und Erde for July, 254; for August,

355; Observations of the Planet Victoria, 276; Difference

of Longitude between Vienna and Greenwich, 277; Photo-

graphs of the Milky Way, Prof. E. E. Barnard, 277;

Changes in the Spectrum of 8 Lyræ, 301; the Variable Star
Cygni, Prof. N C. Duner, 301; New Determination of

the Constant of Universal Attraction, 301; the Coronal

Atmosphere of the Sun, 301; Variable Stars, 301; Remarks

on Herschel's Second Method of Calculating Probable Orbit

of Binary Star, J. A. C. Oudemans, 312; the Astronomical

History of On and Thebes, J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S.,

318, 371; Rordame-Quénisset Comet, 1893, 326, 401; Herr

E. Lamp, 355; the Spectrum of the Rordame-Quénisset

Comet, Prof. Campbell, 379; Earth Movements, Herr E.

von Rebeur-Paschwitz, 326; the Observatory of Yale Uni-

versity, 327; Astronomische Gesellschaft, 327; Observa-

tions of Aurora, Dr. M. A. Veeder, 355; New Determination

of the Constant of Universal Attraction, 355; Total Solar

Eclipses, 355; Photography of Comet b, 1893, F. Quénisset,

360; Old and New Astronomy, Richard A. Proctor, 361;

the Origin of New Stars, Prof. A. W. Bickerton, 379; At-

mospheric Refraction and Star Photographs, Prof. A. A.

Rambaut, 379; Astronomy Popularised, 380; Comet Ap-

pearances in the Year 1892, Proi. H. Kreutz, 380; Astrono-

mical Photography, Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., 391;

the Cordoba Durchmusterung, 401; a Simple Equatorial

Mounting, 401; a Remarkable Source of Error, 401; the

Apex of the Sun's Way, Prof. H. G. Van de Sande Bakhuy-

zen, 401; the Origin of New Stars, 402; an Old Device

Resuscitated, F. W. Levander, 416; Old and New

Astronomy, A. C. Ranyard, 416; the Reviewer, 416;

Honorary Distinctions, 425; a Meteor, 425; a Bequest to

Astronomy, 425; Old and New Astronomy, Mrs. S. D.

Proctor-Smyth, 438; the Reviewer, 438; the Early Asterisms,

J. Norman Lockyer, F. R. S., 438, 518; the Transit of Venus

of 1874, 447; the Planet Venus, Ellen M. Clerke, 447 ;-

Memorie della Societa, &c., 448; Variations of Latitude, Prof.

C. L. Doolittle, 451; Latitude Determination at Bethlehem,

1892-93, Prof. Doolittle, 460; Astronomical Photography,

Dr. A. A. Common, F.R.S., 459; H. F. Newall, 517; Sir

Robert S. Ball, F. R.S., 541; a Determination of the Con-

stant of Aberration, Prof. Geo. C. Comstock, 460; Mr.

Tebbutt's Observatory, 483; Universal Time in Australia,

484; Bishop's Ring, T. W. Backhouse, 509; Double Star

Measures, 512; Pubblicazioni della Specola Vaticana, 512;

Fireball of January 13, 1893, Prof. H. A. Newton, 524;

Report of the Committee on Solar Radiation, 525; the

Moon's Atmosphere and the Kinetic Theory of Gases, G. H.

Bryan, 526; Shooting Stars of August, 1893, P. F. Denza,

535; the Constellations of the Far East, Kumagusu Minakata,

541; on the Parallax of the Planetary Nebula B. D. +

41°4004, 548; Solar and Lunar Ephemeris for Turin,

548; Observatory on Mont Blanc, 549; Astronomy at

the World's Fair, 573; the Aurora of July 15, 1893, M.

A. Veeder, 573; New Variable Stars in Cygnus, Herr Fr.

Deichmüller, 573; Deductions from Pulkowa Latitude Obser-

vations, S. Folie, 583; the Scintillation of Stars, M. Dufour,

600; a Universal Telescope Stand, 600; Popular Astronomy,

600; Astronomy of the Fellahin of Palestine, P. J. Balden-

sperger, 601; Determination of Geographical Longitude, Herr

C. Runge, 623; Astronomy and Astro-Physics at Chicago,

623; a New Astronomical Observatory at Manila, 623; the

Visibility of Venus to the Naked Eye, 623; Meyer's Con-

versational Lexicon, 623

Asymmetrical Frequency Curves, Prof. Kar! Pearson, 615

Atlantic Water, Density and Alkalinity of, J. Y. Buchanan, 168

Atlas, the Universal, 147

Atlatl, or Throwing Stick, the Mexican, P. T. Mason, 597

Atmosphere, the General Motions of the, W. L. Dallas, 341

Atmosphere, High, Thermometer Soundings in the, W. de

Fonvielle, 160

Atmosphere, the Lunar, 40; M. Spée, 62

Atmosphere of the Sun, the Coronal, 301

Atmospheric Oxygen, Origin of, T. L. Phipson, 384

Atmospheric Phenomenon in the North China Sea, Capt.

Chas. J. Norcock, 76

Atmospheric Refraction and Star Photographs, Prof. A. A.

Rambaut, 379

Atom, Prof. Ebert's Method of Estimating the Radiating Power

of an, 527

Atomic Weight of Oxygen, Prof. Morley's Final Determination

of the, 461

Aubel (M. van), Resistance of Bismuth, 571

Augen-Structure in Relation to the Origin of Eruptive Rocks

and Gneiss, J. G. Goodchild, 532

August Meteors, the, 1893, W. F. Denning, 374
Aurora Observations, 112

Aurora of July 15, 1893, M. A. Veeder, 573

Aurora Borealis, Observation of an, M. le duc Nicolas de

Leuchtenberg, 608

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Bacchus Marsh Boulder Beds, the, Graham Officer, Lewis

Balfour, 342; R. D. Oldham, 416

Backhouse (T. W.), Bishop's Ring, 509

Bacteriology: the Nitrogen-fixing Micro-organisms,

Berthelot, 23; Bacteria, their Nature and Function, Dr. E.

Klein, F.R.S., 82; a Manual of Bacteriology, George

M. Sternberg, 172, B. Griffiths, 219; Bacilli in the Saliva

of Domestic Animals, 181; Antagonistic Effect of Bacillus

Fluorescens Liquefaciens on other Organisms, Herr Olitzky,

181; the Cholera Bacillus, Herren Bujwid and Linkelburg,

207; Method of Detecting Cholera Bacillus in Water, Koch

and Ar ns, 523; Discovery of the Bacillus Anthracis in Well-

mud, M. Dia roptoff, 230; Interaction of Micro-organisms,

274; Effect of Ammonia Vapour on Bacilli, Herr Rigler,

29; Bacilli in Norwegian Ice, 323; Loeffler's and Laser's

Bacilli and Mouse Plagues, 323; Sulphuretted Hydrogen-

producing Bacillus of the Black Sea, 323; Loeffler's Bacillus

Typhi Murium and Laser's Bacillus der Mäuse-seuche, 323;

Bacillus Hydrosulfuricus Ponticus, 323; Micro-organisms

producing Sulphuretted Hydrogen, Fromme and Stagnitta-

Balistreri, 352 Susceptibility of Micro-organisms to Various

Strengths of Disinfectants, Signor Trambusti, 352; Resist-

ance of some Micro-organisms to High Temperatures, Herr

Heim, 377; Greater Efficiency of Disinfectants at High

Temperatures and with Moisture, MM. Chamberland and

Fernbach, 377; Diagnostik der Bakterien des Wassers,
Dr. Alexander Lustig, Mrs. Percy Frankland, 387;
Modification of Loeffler's Method for Exhibiting in Stained
Preparations the Cilia of Micro-organisms, MM. Nicolle and
Morax, 399; Chemical and Bacterial Condition of Elbe at
Magdeburg, Herr Ohlmüller, 399; Production of Ammonia
in Soil by Microbes, Émile Marchal, 406; Microbian Origin
of Purulent Surgical Infection, 407; Bacteria in their re-
lation to Vegetable Tissues, Mr. Russell, 422; the Vitality of
Pathogenic Bacteria in Vegetable Tissues, Herr Lominsky,
445; Prof. P. Frankland on the Present Position of Bacteri-
ology, 530; Production of Sporeless Anthrax Bacilli, M.
Phisalix, 545; Manual of Bacteriology for Practitioners and
Students, Dr. S. L. Schenk, 562; Bactericidal Action of Per-
oxide of Hydrogen, Richardson, Traugott, Van Tromp and
Altehoefer, 599; Strauss's Method of Colouring Cilia of
Living Micro-organisms, 621

Baginsky (Dr.), Relation of Glossopharyngeal and Olfactory
Nerves to Sensory End-organs, 408

Bailey (E. H. S.), Effects of Cyclone of June 21 in Kansas,


Baily (Francis G.), Telephone Lines and their Properties,
William J. Hopkins, 99

Baker (H. B.), Influence of Moisture on Chemical Action, 118

Bakhuyzen (Prof. H. G. Van de Sande), the Apex of the Sun's

Way, 401

Baldwin (James Mark), Elements of Psychology, 292

Balfour (Lewis), New Conclusions, 342

Ball (Sir Robert S., F.R.S.), Wanderings of the North Pole,

349; the Discussion on Quaternions, 391; Astronomical

Photography, 541

Bal! (Prof. Valentine), Relationship between Physical Geography
and Geology, 554

Balland (M.), Interior Temperature of Bread coming out of

Oven, 632

Ballooning: Electrification suggested as Cause of Ignition of

Balloon Humboldt, Prof. Börnstein, 120; Thermometer

Soundings in the High Atmosphere, W. de Fonvielle, 160;

Trial of Langlois' Screw for Vertical Propulsion, M. Mallet,

360; "Castle in the Air" for forthcoming Antwerp Exhibi-

tion, 569

Ballou (H. M.), the Chinook Wind, 21

Baluchistán, the Earthquake in, 348

Baly (E. C. C.). Sodium Potassium High Temperature Thermo-
meters, 63

Bancroft (T. L.), the Habit and Use of Nardoo (Marsilea

Drummondii), 407

Banks's (Sir Joseph) Correspondence, 205

Barker (David Wilson), the Glaciation of Brazil, 614; Scintil-
lation of Stars, 614

Barker (Geo. F.), Physics, Advanced Course, Prof. Oliver

Lodge, F.R.S., I

Barnard (Prof. E. E.), Photographs of the Milky Way. 277
Barnavave Carlingford, on the Igneous Rocks of, Prof. W. J.

Sollas, 532

Barrett (Charles G.), the Lepidoptera of the British Islands, 585

Barrier Reef of Australia, the Great, its Products and Poten-

tialities, W. Saville-Kent, Prof. Alfred C. Haddon, 217

Bartoli (Prof.), Corrected Formula of Heat necessary to Raise

a Gramme of Water to ° C., 299

Barton (E. H), Electric Interference Phenomena, 527

Basic Eruptive Rocks of Gran (Christiana Region), on the

Genetic Relations of the, Prof. W. C. Brogger, 531

Basset (A. B., F. R.S.), Toroidal Functions, 23; Electro-Optics,

34; the Publication of Physical Papers, 222, 292; Prof.

Oliver Lodge, F. R S., 292; Mr. Love's Treatise on Elasti-

city, 415, 543; Organisation of Scientific Literature, 436;

the Publication of Scientific Papers, 529

Batchelder (S. F.), New Series of Isanomalous Temperature

Charts, 239

Battersby (J.), Crocodile's Eggs with Solid Shell, 248

Battin (Joseph), Death of, 481

Baumann's (Dr.), Exploration to North-East of Lake Tangan-

yika, 548

Beadle (C.), Cellular Thiocarbonates, 94

Bean (T. E.), Sex Proportions of Butterfly production, 231

Beard (Dr. J.), Obituary Notice of Carl Semper, 271

Beaumont (Mr.), Automatic Balance of Reciprocating Me-

chanism, 556; a Variable Power Gear for Electrical Loco-

motives, 557

Beaver Creek Meteorites of May 26, 1893, E. E. Howell, 351 ;

Prof. B. J. Harrington, 426

Bebber (Prof. Dr. W. J. Van), Katechismus der Meteorologie,

Beevor (Dr. C. E.), Analysis by Electric Stimulation of Motor
Region of Cortex Cerebri in Macacus sinicus, 142
Belgian Academy, Prize Subjects for 1894, 107
Belgique, Bulletin de l'Academie Royale de, 188, 332, 406, 583
Bell (Dugald), the Shell-beds of North Scotland, 181; In-
vestigation into the Shell-bearing Clays of Clava in Nairn,

Bell (Prof. F. Jeffery), Singular Swarms of Flies, 127
Ben Nevis, the Meteorological Observatory on, 428
Benda (Dr.), Microscopical Investigations on Development and
Function of Mammary Gland, 408

Bendigo Gold-fields, the, E. J. Dunn, 207

Bengal Duars, Experiences in the, E. Heawood, 555
Benham (W. B.), New Species of Nais, 115
Benischke (Dr. G.), Alternate Current Utilised for Investigating
Dielectric Constants of Solids, 378

Bennett (Alfred W.), Popular Botany, 104

Benson (C.), Normal Distribution of Rainfall in Madras

Presidency, 230

Berget (Alphonse), New Determination of Mass and Density of

Earth, 251

Bergholz (Dr. P.), Bremen Meteorological Observations for

1892, 422

Berlin Geographical Society, 40

Berlin Meteorological Society, 120

Berlin Physical Society, 48, 144, 288, 407

Berlin Physiological Society, 47, 119, 288, 408

Berliner Wetter-Buch, das älteste, Prof. Hellmann, 11
Bernard (H. M.), Trilobites with Antenna at Last! 582
Berthelot's Principle Applied to Magmatic Concentration, A.

Harker, 532

Bertillon (A.), System of Anthropometrical Measurements, 250

Bertillonage, E. R. Spearman, 249

Berzelius and Liebig, Correspondence of, 561

Bessey (Prof. C. E.), Evolution and Classification, 534

Bevan (E. J.) Cellulose Thiocarbonates, 94

Bezold (Prof. von), Meteorology as Physics of Atmosphere,

140, 239

Bible, Helps to the Study of the, Henry Froude, 539

Bickerton (Prof. A. W.), Origin of New Stars, 379
Bidgood (John), Popular Botany, 175

Bifurcation of the Sciences, Thoughts on the, suggested by the

Nottingham Meeting of the British Association, Prof.

Oliver J. Lodge, F.R.S., 564

Bigourdan (M.), the Eclipse of April, 1893, 111

Binswanger (Mr.), Electric Heating Applicances for Domestic
Use, 546

Biology: Aids to Biology, Joseph W. Williams, 26; Medical

Biology, 29; Biological Institute at Heligoland, 59; the

Conjoint Board's Medical Biology, Walter E. Collinge, 75;
Turbellaria of the Black Sea, Dr. Sophie Pereyaslawzewa,
109; Biological Station started on Heligoland, 231; Bio-

logical Station established at Gall Lake, Minnesota, 324;

the Minute Structure of Plant Hybrids, Prof. J. Muirhead

Macfarlane, 402; Projected Biological Survey of Indiana,

421; Origin and Meaning of the Term Biology, J. S. Burdon

Sanderson, F. R. S., 464; Opening Address in Section D of

the British Association, by Rev. H. B. Tristram, F.R.S.,

490; Biology at the British Association, 574; Marine

Biology, Dredging Expedition of the Liverpool Committee,

14; the Week's Work of the Plymouth Station, 14, 39, 61,

81, 111, 134, 158, 183, 208, 232, 253, 275, 300, 326, 354,

379, 401, 425, 447, 483, 524, 547, 573, 600, 622; Plankton

of Northern Lagoon of Jan Mayen, G. Pouchet, 119; Whit-

suntide Work of Liverpool Committee, Prof. Herdman, 133;

Submarine Borers and Submarine Cables, W. H. Preece,
F.R. S., 160; Animal Phosphorescence, D. Zabolotny, 92;
Marine Biological Association, 236; European Laboratories
of Marine Biology, 404; the Port Erin Station, 423
Birds' Method of Steering, F. W. Headley, 293; F. A. Lucas,

Birds, Sexual Colouration of, T. C. Headley, 413
Birds in a Village, W. H. Hudson, 409

Birds, Weight of, in Relation to their Bulk, 501

Birkeland (M.), Reflection of Electrical Waves at Extremity
of Linear Conductor, 14

Biscay, Bay of, Currents of, A. Hautreux, 601
Bishop's Ring, T. W. Backhouse, 509

Black Sea, Turbellaria of the, Dr. Sophie Pereyaslawzewa,
109; Sulphuretted Hydrogen-producing Bacillus of the, 323
Blake (Prof. J. F.), Felsites and Conglomerates between
Bethesda and Llanllyfni, 118

Blake and Franklin (Messrs.), Is Colour-Blindness a Product
of Civilisation? 206

Blakesley (Mr.), Dr. Lodge's Foundation of Dynamics, 166;
Photometry, 190

Blanford (W. T., F.R.S.), Catalogue of the Snakes in the
British Museum, George Albert Boulenger, 313

Blanyulus guttulatus, a New Enemy of the Vine, M. Fontaine,

Blechynden (A.), Transmission of Heat through Boiler-
plates, 278

Bleeding Bread, M. C. Cooke, 578

Blind, the Sense of Touch in the, Dr. Goldscheider, 48

Blomefield (Rev. Leonard), Death of, 445, 483

Blyth (A. Wynter), Lectures on Sanitary Law, 246

Bodenstein (Herr), the Action of Heat on Hydriodic Acid

Gas, 111

Bodily Powers of Man and other Animals, Jeremiah Head, 498
Boehmer (G. H.), Prehistoric Naval Architecture of Northern
Europe, 274

Bohr (Dr. Christian) on the Effect of the Stimulation of the

Vagus on Disengagement of Gases in the Swim-bladder of

Fishes, 575

Bois (H. E. G. G. du), Polarisation of Undiffracted Infra-red
Radiation by Metal Wire Gratings, 406

[blocks in formation]

Bonney (Prof. T. G., F.R.S.). Louis Agassiz: his Life and

Work, Charles Frederick Holder, 52; Relationship be-

tween Physical Geography and Geology, 554; Coral Reefs,


Boothby, Guy, Journey across Australia, 40

Borel (Charles), Question of true Hysteresis in case of Dielec-

trics, 110; Dielectric Constants of Biaxial Crystals, 240

Borneo, the Baram District of, Charles Hose, 118
Borneo, North, Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, John White-
head, 564

Börnstein (Prof.), Electrification suggested as Cause of
Ignition of Balloon Humboldt, 120

Boron, on the Quantitative Determination of, M. Henri
Moissan, 96

Boscher (E.), Imitation or Instinct by a Male Thrush, 369
Botany: Italian Stations for Economic Investigations of Plant
Diseases, 13; Colours of Canadian Flowers with relation to

Time of Flowering, A. T. Drummond, 37; Difficulty of

Determining Plants by Local Names, B. B. Smyth, 37;

Beiträge zur Biologie und Anatomie der Lianen, im Beson-
deren der in Brasilien einheimischen Arten, Dr. H. Schenck,
53; Some Protococcoida (Algæ), Al. Artari, 92; a New

(Bay) Gall-Insect, Dr. C. Massa Congo, 92; Growth

of Leaf-Stalk of Nymphæaceæ, Prof. G. Arcangeli, 92;

a Fall of Rain from Lime-trees, Prof. F. Pasquale, 92;

Bolletino della Societá Botanica Italiana, 92, 333; Chemistry

and Physiology of Foliage Leaves, H. T. Brown and G. H.

Morris, 94; Popular Botany, Alfred W. Bennett, 104; John

Bidgood, 175; the Transpiration of Tropical Plants, Herr

Haberlandt, 108; the Protective Function of Oxalic Acid in

Plants, Herr Giessler, 109; Nuovo Giornale Botanico

Italiano, 115, 333; Flora of Pollard Willows near Cam-

bridge, J. C. Willis and J. H. Burkill, 143; Plants dis-

tributed by Cambridge Dust Carts, J. H. Burkill, 143; the

New Flora and the Old in Australia, A. G. Hamilton, 161;

Multiplicity of Homologous Parts in Relation to Gradation of
Species, A. Chatin, 167; Hygroscopic Plants, G. Falken-
horst, 253; Tobacco Culture in Trinidad, 275; Botanical
Gazette, 284, 333, 359, 559; Oligodynamic Phenomena of
Living Cells, Prof. Carl v. Nägeli, 331; Journal of Botany,
333, 559; Studies in Morphology of Spore producing Mem-
bers, I. Equisetineæ and Lycopodineæ, F. O. Bower, F. R.S.,
334; Failure of Efforts to introduce Cultivation of Japanese
Paper Mulberry into India, 353; Cattle Poisoning Species of
Homeria (Cape Tulip) in Victoria, Dr. McAlpine, 378; In-
fluence of Solar Radiation upon Plants, G. Landel, 384; the
Habit and Use of Nardoo (Marsilea Drummondii), T. L.
Bancroft, 407; Tubulane, a Caucasian Truffle, A. Chatin,
407; Grasses of the Pacific Slope, including Alaska
and the adjacent Islands, Dr. Geo. Vasey, 411;
the Anatomy of Magnoliaceæ, Sadahisa Malsada, 482; Ad-
ditions to Kew Herbarium, 510; Gesammelte Abhandlungen
über Pflanzen-physiologie, Prof. Sachs, 513; Pollination of
Yucca, Prof. C. V. Riley, 523; Botanical Exploration of St.
Vincent, H. H. Smith and G. W. Smith, 544; Subtropical
Botanical Laboratory established at Eustis, Florida, 545;
Madison Botanical Congress, 597; Localisation of the Active
Principle in Capparideæ, M. Léon Guignarel, 608; Lehrbuch
der Botanik nach dem Gegenwartigen Stand der Wissen-chaft,
612; Insects and Flowers: Labiatæ, Chas. Robertson, 619
Bothamley (C. H.), the Composition of Mineral Waters, 22
Boulder Clay, Intrusive Masses of, Percy F. Kendall, 370

Boulders, Ice, as an Excavator of Lakes and a Transporter of,

Sir Henry H. Howorth, F. R. S., 247

Boulenger (George Albert), Catalogue of the Snakes in the

British Museum, W. T. Blanford, F. R. S.., 313

Boundoulaou Grotto, the, E. A. Martel and Émile Rivière, 231

Bourdon (M.), Curious Optical Illusion, 180

Bourquelot (Em.), Emulsine-like Ferment in Mushrooms, 512
Bourne (Gilbert), Coral Reefs, 576

Boussiresq (J.), Simplification of Formulæ Depending on Resist-

ing Power of Solids by introducing Greatest Linear Extension

▲ supportable by Material in Place of Corresponding Elastic

Force, 216

Boutan (Louis), Submarine Photographs, 377
Boutille (M.), New Electric Fire Alarm, 423

Bouty (M. E.), the Capacity of Polarisation, 180; Researches

of Polarisation, 336

Boulder Beds, the Bacchus Marsh, R. D. Oldham, 416

Bower (F. O., F. R. S.), Studies in Morphology of Spore Produc-

ing Members; I, Equisetineæ and Lycopodineæ, 334

Bowman (Sir William, F.R.S.), the Collected Papers of J.

Burdon Sanderson, F. R.S., and J. W. Hulke, F.R.S., 26

Boyer (G.), Two New Diseases of the Mulberry, 432

Boys (C. V., F. R.S.), Drawing of Curves by their Curvature,


Bozward (J. Lloyd), Wasps, 459; a Remarkable Meteor, 567;

the Summer of 1893, 614

Brabourne's (Lord) Library; Sir Joseph Banks's Correspondence,

Brain of Women, the, Prof. L. Büchner, 350

Bramcote and Stapleford Hills, Composition of the Rock of,
Prof. Clowes, 532

Brandon, the Flint Industry at, Edward Lovett, 180
Braun (Dr. C.), a Simple Rule for finding the Day of the Week
corresponding to any given Day of the Month and Year, 222
Brazil Coffee Culture, 423

Brazil, the Supposed Glaciation of, Dr. Alfred R. Wallace,


Brew (William), a Peculiar Discharge of Lightning, 370

Bridge Construction, a Practical Treatise on, T. Claxton

Fidler, 612

Brightness of the Major and Minor Planets, the, Dr. G. Müller,


Brillouin (Marcel), Proper Vibrations of Medium indefinitely

extended outside a Solid Body, 287

Brinton (Dr. Daniel G.), on the Earliest Men, 460; on the

Mexican Calendar System, 462

British Agriculture, the Future of, Prof. Sheldon, 174

BRITISH ASSOCIATION: Meeting at Nottingham, 485; Prof.

Frank Clowes, 295, 344, 419, 443, 463, 520; Arrange-

ments for Work of Chemical Section of the, Prof. J.

Emerson Reynolds, F. R. S., 416; Inaugural Address by

J. S. Burdon Sanderson, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., 464

Section A (Mathematics and Physics)-Opening Address

by R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S., President of the Section,

473; Report of the Committee on Solar Radiation, 525;

Prof. G. F. Fitzgerald on the Period of Vibration of Dis-

turbances of Electrification of the Earth, 526; the Moon's

Atmosphere and the Kinetic Theory of Gases, G. H.

Bryan, 526; Grinding and Polishing of Glass Surfaces,

Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., 526; Apparatus for Observing

and Photographing Interference and Diffraction Pheno-

mena, W. B. Croft, 526; on Sun-spots and Solar En-

velopes, Rev. F. Howlett, 526; on Our Present Know-

ledge of Electrolysis and Electro-Chemistry, T. C. Fitz-

patrick, 527; on the Connection between the Ether and

Matter, Prof. O. Lodge, 527; a Mechanical Analogue

of Anomalous Dispersion, 527; Note on Prof. Ebert's

Method of Estimating the Radiating Power of an Atom,

527; on Electric Interference Phenomena, E. H. Barton,

527; on the Passage of Electric Waves through Layers of

Electrolyte, 527; W. B. Croft on the Plan of Science

Teaching at Winchester School, 527; on Standards of

Low Electrical Resistance, J. Viriamu Jones, 528; Appa-

ratus for Comparing Nearly Equal Resistances, F. H.

Nalder, Dr. O. Lodge, F. R. S., 528; a Simple Interference

Experiment, Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., 528; on Specula for

Reflecting Telescopes, Dr. A. Shafarik, 528; the Publica-

tion of Scientific Papers, A. B. Basset, 529; a New Form

of Air Pump, Prof. J. J. Thompson, 529; on a Peculiar

Motion assumed by Oil Bubbles in Ascending Tubes con-

taining Caustic Solutions, F. T. Trouton, 529

Section B(Chemistry)-Opening Address by Prof. Emerson

Reynolds, F. R. S., President of the Section, 477; G. J.

Fowler on the Preparation and Properties of Nitride of

Iron, 529; T. W. Hogg on Cyanonitride of Titanium,

529; Report of the Committee for Investigating the

Action of Light upon Dyed Colours, 529; the Method of

Isolation and the Properties of Fluorine, MM. Moissan

and Meslans, 529; the Iodine Value of Sunlight in the

High Alps, Dr. S. Rideal, 529; Report of the Committee

on the Action of Light on the Hydracids of the Halogens

in the Presence of Oxygen, 530; the Expansion of Chlorine

and Bromine under the Influence of Light, Dr. Richardson,

530; Prof. P. Frankland on the Present Position of Bac-

teriology, more especially in its Relation to Chemical

Science, 530; on Explosions in Mines, with Special

Reference to the Dust Theory, Prof. H. B. Dixon, Mr.

Hall, Mr. Galloway, Prof. Thorpe, Mr. Stokes, 530

Section C (Geology)-Opening Address by J. J. H. Teall,

F.R.S., President of the Section, 486; on the Genetic

Relations of the Basic Eruptive Rocks of Gran (Christiana

Region), Prof. W. C. Brögger, 531; on the Dissected

Volcano of Crandall Basin, Wyoming, Prof. J. P. Iddings,

531; on Structures in Eruptive Bosses which resemble

those of Ancient Gneisses, Sir Archibald Geikie, For. Sec.

R.S., 531; on Berthelot's Principle applied to Magmatic

Concentration, A. Harker, 532; on the Igneous Rocks of

Barnavave, Carlingford, Prof. W. J. Sollas, 532; o

Augen-Structure in Relation to the Origin of Eruptive

Rocks and Gneiss, J. G. Goodchild, 532; on the Derby

shire Toadstone, Mr. Arnold-Bemrose, 532;

Igneous Rocks of South Pembrokeshire, Messrs. Howan 1

and Small, 532; Composition of the Rock of Bramcote

and Stapleford Hills, Prof. Clowes, 532; Source of Not-

tingham Water Supply, Prof. E. Hull, 532; Investigation

into the Shell-bearing Clays of Clava in Nairn, Dugald

Bell, 532; General Glaciation of Asia, Prince Kropotkin,

533; the Esker Systems of Ireland, Prof. Sollas, 533 F

Origin of the Glacial Period, C. A. Lindvall, 533+

Glaciers, Prof. Bonney, 533; on the Geology of Central

East Africa, Walcot Gibson, 533; Geology in Secondary

Education, 533

Section D (Biology)-Opening Address by Rev. H. B. Tris-

tram, F.R.S., President of the Section, 490; Zoology of

the Sandwich Islands, David Sharp, 574; on the Physico-

Chemical and Vitalistic Theories of Life, Dr. J. S. Hal-

dane, Mr. Langley, Prof. Cleland, Prof. Burdon Sander-on,

574; on the Digestive Ferments of a Large Protozoon, Prof.

Marcus Hartog and Augustus E. Dixon, 575; on the Effect

of the Stimulation of the Vagus on Disengagement of Gases

in the Swim-bladder of Fishes, Dr. Christian Bohr, 575;

on Nerve Stimulation, Prof. F. Gotch, 575; Physiological

Action of the Inhalation of Oxygen in Asphyxia, 575 =

Dredging Expeditions in the Irish Sea lying around the

Isle of Man, 575; on the Origin of Organic Colour, F. T.

Mott, 575; on the Roots of Lemna and the Reversing of

the Fronds in Lemna minor, Miss Nina F. Layard, 575;

on the Etiology and Life History of some Vegetal Galls

and their Inhabitants, C. B. Rothera, 575; Lime Salts in

Relation to some Physiological Processes in the Plant, Dr.

J. Clark, 575; Coral Reefs, Prof. W. J. Sollas, F.R.S.,

Dr. Hickson, 575; Dr. Rothpletz, Gilbert Bourne, Prof.

Bonney, Sir H. Howorth, Mr. Stebbing, H. O. Forbes,

576; the Lateral Canal System of Fishes, W. E. Collinge,

576; on the Ovipositor of the Cockroach, Prof. Denny,

576; on Certain Gregarinidæ and the Possible Connection

of Allied Forms with Tissue Changes in Man, Dr. C. H.

Cattle and Dr. J. Millar, 576; the Starch of the Chloro-

phyll Granule and the Chemical Processes involved in its

Dissolution and Translocation, Horace T. Brown, F.R.S.,

576; on Nuclear Structures in the Hymenomycetes, H.

Wazer, 576

Section E Geography)-Opening Address by Mr. Seebohm,
President of the Section, 554 on the Relationship between
Physical Geography and Geology, Clements R. Markham,
F.R.S., W. Topley, F.R.S., E. G. Ravenstein, Prof. C.
Lapworth, F.R.S., Prof. Valentine Ball, Dr. R. D.
Roberts, Dr. H. R. Mill, H. Yule Oldham, Prof. Bonney,
F. R.S., Sir Archibald Geikie, 554; Cruise of the Dundee
Whalers, Balana and Active, toward the Antarctic Regions,
W. S. Bruce and C. M. Donald, 555; Experiences in the
Bengal Duars; the Settlement of Santal Colonists in that
Region, E. Heawood, 555

Section G (Mechanical Science)-Opening Address by Jere-
miah Head, President of the Section, 497; Automatic
Balance of Reciprocating Mechanism, Mr. Beaumont, 556;
Warming and Ventilating, Frank Ashwell, 556; Watch-
making by Machinery, T. P. Hewitt, 556; Pneumatic
Caulking and Chipping Tool, Mr. Ross, 556; Relative
Cost of Conductors with Different Systems of Electrical
Power Transmission, 556; on Water Power as a Source of
Electricity, A. B. Snell, 557; a Variable Power Gear for
Electrical Locomotives, Mr. Beaumont, 557; Fla-hing
Lights for Marine Purposes, O. T. Olson, 557; an Auto-
matic Gem Separator, William S. Lockhart, 557; the
Wicksteed Testing Machine, Prof. Robinson, 557

Section H (Anthropology)—Opening Address by Dr. Robert

Munro, President of the Section, 503; Ethnographic

Aspect of Dancing, Mrs. Lilly Grove, 557; on Anglo

Saxon Remains and Coeval Relics from Scandinavia, Prof.

Hans Hildebrand, 557; Origin and Development of Early

Christian Art, J. Romilly Allen, 558; Ethnographical

Notes on the Congo Tribes, Herbert Ward, 558; Dr.

Crockley Clapham, the Mad Head, 558; Dr. Munro on

the Structure of Lake Dwellings, 558; Arthur Bulleid on

a British Village of Marsh Dwellings, 558; Thoughts on

the Bifurcation of the Sciences suggested by the Nottingham

Meeting of the British Association, Prof. Oliver J. Lodge,

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