PRINTED BY COX AND BAYLIS, GREAT QUEEN STREET; PUBLISHED BY RICHARD BAGSHAW, BOW STREET, COVENT GARDEN; 1805, ADVERTISEMENT. : THE reader will observe, that this Volume, like each of the two preceding ones, contains thirty three sheets. This is to be the number of sheets in every succeeding Volume; and the fixed annual cost of the work is, of course, £2. 15. 0. The PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, which formed a large part of the 2d, 3d, and 4th Volumes, now make a separate work. They begin with the Session of 18034; and, at the end of the present Session, will make five Volumes of about the same bulk, and printed in the same manner as the Register. For a description of The SPIRIT OF THE PUBLIC JOURNALS, another work of the same form, and printed in the same manner, and, which is closely connected with the other two, I beg leave to refer the reader to p. 117 of the present Volume. : : Duke-Street, June 30th, 1805. WM. COBBETT. 1 : : TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Order issued by the Court of Madrid for making Reprisals on English Property, dated November 27, 1804 44 12, 1804 - Declaration of War made by Spain against England, dated Madrid, December Report of a Letter from the Emperor of Russia to Louis the XVIIIth, under his Declaration of War made by England against Spain upon the Subject of the Deportation of Sir G. Rumbold Answer given by Lord Mulgrave, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Letter from Lord Robert Fitzgerald to M. d'Aranjo d'Arevado, Minister of Foreign.. Abstract of a Convention concluded by the French Minister Sallicetti, with the Ligurian Republic, on the goth October, 1804 - 353 Note of the Portuguese Minister to the English Minister at that Court, in Answer 735 Note delivered by the Swedish Chargé d'Affaires at Berlin to the Prussian Cabinet, ८ M. Talleyrand's Report made to the Conservative Senate of France, relative to the Overtures of Peace made by the Emperor Napoleon to the King of En- M. Segur's Speech in the Legislative Body of France, upon the Subject of the Overtures of Peace with England, dated 4th February, 1805 M. Regnault's Speech in the Tribunate of France, relative to the Overtures of American Finance. Report (annually made) of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress, dated 19th Nov. 1804 Copy of the Orders of the Prefect of Guadaloupe to all American Captains, for- bidding the Introduction of any Newspapers, &c, into the Colony Page French Finances. Report of a Discussion and Statement in the Legislative Body, 21st February, 1805 395 Inaugural Speech of the President of the United States, March 4, 1805 Proceedings relative to the Assumption of the Crown of Italy by Napoleon, Em- Sketch of the Plan of the New Constitution of Holland, and an Account of the successive Proceedings relative to the Adoption of that Plan Proclamation of General Ferrand, Commander in Chief in the Island of St. Do- Speech of M. Schimmelpennick, at the Opening of the Session of the States Ge- neral, under the New Constitution, May 15th, 1805 Extracts from the French Official Paper, the Moniteur, relative to England, Russia, Letter from Lord Keith, dated on Board the Monarch, off Ramsgate, Ith De- cember, 1804, containing an Account of the Attack on Fort Rouge Circular Note from the Secretary of State, Lord Hawkesbury, to the Lords Lieute- Order of Council relative to the Detention of Spanish Ships, and Ships bound to King's Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Opening the Session, 15th Ja- Mainwaring, 28th January, 1805 - 164 Memorial presented to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, relative to the Sequestration of British Ships and other Property in the Spanish Dominions, Resolution of the Governor and Council of Jamaica, dated 21st November, 1804 Address of the Assembly to the Governor of Jamaica, dated 8th December, 1804, Petition of the Assembly of Jamaica to His Majesty, dated 12th December, 1804 King's Proclamation relative to the Quarantine, dated 6th February, 1805 Circular Letter from Lord Hawkesbury, Secretary of Sate, to the Lords Lieutenant of Counties, relative to the Parish Army Fines, dated February 18, 1805 Antigua. Proclamation of Lord Lavington, Governor of the Leeward Islands, Resolutions adopted by the House of Assembly of Jamaica, relative to the Go- vernor's Speech at the preceding Prorogation, dated 12th December, 1804 Extracts of a Letter from Lord Camden, dated 7th June, 1804, to the Lieutenant- Governor of Jamaica, relative to Pieachers in the Island Message to the Jamaica Assembly, relative to the Intercourse with America, 388 383 |