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" Is there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic Faith, by which Catholics are justified in not keeping faith with heretics, or other persons differing from them in religious opinions, in any transaction, either of a public or a private nature... "
Impartial Detail of the Proceedings and Debates Both Houses of the Imperial ... - Page 167
by Great Britain. Parliament - 1805 - 387 pages
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Memoirs of the Reign of George III. to the Session of Parliament Ending A. D ...

William Belsham - 1801 - 428 pages
...Mr. with his majesty's subjects from their oath of allegiance on any pretence whatsoever ? Thirdly, Is there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic...differing from them in religious opinions, in any transaction either of a public or private nature ? It is scarcely-necessary to say, that all the universities...
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Memoires of the Reign of George III. to the Commencement of the Year 1799

William Belsham - 1802 - 592 pages
...difi'enfc with his rruijefly's fubjc&i from their oath of allegiance on any pretence whatl'ocver ? Thirdly, Is there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic faith by which Catholics aro juftifi=d in not keeping faith with heretics, or other pi:rfons differing from them in religious...
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An Historical Review of the State of Ireland from the Invasion of ..., Volume 4

Francis Plowden - 1806 - 516 pages
...theses, &c. &c. &c. To the third question the sacred faculty answers — That there is no principle of the Catholic faith, by which Catholics are justified in not keeping faith with Heretics, who differ from them hi religious opinion. On the contrary, it is the unanimous doctrine of Catholics,...
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An Historical Review of the State of Ireland from the Invasion of ..., Volume 4

Francis Plowden - 1806 - 516 pages
...applies to the second, &c. Answer to the third query. — There is no tenet in the Catholic church, by which Catholics are justified in not keeping faith with Heretics, or those who differ from them in matters of religion. The tenet, that it is lawful to break faith with...
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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, Volume 11

1807 - 542 pages,;m their Oath of Allegiance, upon any pretext whatsoever'— 3. Is (here iirry principle in tlv: tenets of the Catholic Faith, by which Catholics are...differing from them in religious opinions, in any transaction, either of a public or a private nature? The Universities answered unani-notisly, — 1....
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A History of the Penal Laws Against the Irish Catholics: From the Treaty of ...

Sir Henry Parnell - 1808 - 270 pages
...difpenfe with hi3 Miijefty's fubjefts from their oath of allegiance, upon any pretext whatfoever ? 3d. Is there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic faith, by which Cati-o]ics are juftified in not keeping fa'.th 148 with heretics, or other perfons differing from them...
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Annual Register, Volume 49

Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1154 pages
...dispense his majesty's subjects from their oath of allegiance, upon any pretext whatsaever ? • 3. Is there any principle in the tenets of the catholic...differing from them in religious opinions, in any transaction, either of a public or a private nature ? The universities answered unanimously, 1. That...
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Annual Register, Volume 49

Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1138 pages
...or dispense his majesty's subjects from their oai/i of allegiance, upon any pretext whatsoever ? 3. Is there any principle in the tenets of 'the, by which, catholics are justified in not keeping failli with heretics, or other persons differing fr<.m thorn in religious opinions, in any transaction,...
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A View of the Natural, Political and Commercial Circumstances of Ireland

Thomas Newenham - 1809 - 448 pages
...doctrines, which they no longer can, in almoft any inftance, without danger, purfue; in « vdiatfoever ? Is there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic faith, by which Catholics are juftified in not keeping faith with heretics, or other perfons differing from them in religious opinions,...
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A view of the natural, political, and commercial circumstances of Ireland ...

Thomas Newenham - 1809 - 440 pages
...doctrines, which they no longer can, in almoft any inftance, without danger, purfue; in whatfoever ? Is there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic faith, by which Catholics are jufliiied in not keeping faith with heretics, or other perfons differing from them in religious opinions,...
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