ON SACRIFICES: 992 THE FIRST ON ALL THE SACRIFICES OF THE JEWS, WITH REMARKS ON SOME OF THOSE OF THE HEATHENS; THE SECOND ON THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST: IN BOTH WHICH THE GENERAL DOCTRINE OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH ON BY WILLIAM OUTRAM, D. D. FORMERLY PREBENDARY OF WESTMINSTER. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL LATIN, WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES original pub-1677. BY JOHN ALLEN. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE TRANSLATOR: AND SOLD BY BURTON AND BRIGGS, LEADENHALL STREET; 1817. DIVINITY SCHOOE LIBRARY HARVARD UNIVERSITY 339.8 Outram THE TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. THE design of the following Dissertations is to defend the doctrine of ATONEMENT FOR SIN BY THE DEATH OF CHRIST: a doctrine which exhibits the only foundation of scriptural hope, has an essential connection with every other part of the gospel system, and extends its influence to all the duties and privileges of the Christian life. One irrefragable argument in support of this doctrine, arises from the correspondence and typical relation between, the priestly office and sacrifices under the Mosaic law, and the priesthood and sacrifice of Christ. This argument is here stated and enforced, in a manner at once clear, concise, comprehensive, and, as the Translator conceives, satisfactory. Some Christians consider the sacrifice of Christ as offered particularly and exclusively |