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SECTION 4. That Alvin Foster, George J. Goodhue From Beloit to and Charles Johnston are hereby constituted a board Goodhue's mill. of commissioners to lay out a territorial road from Beloit in Rock county to Goodhue's mill at the head of Johnston's rapids on Rock river, passing through Janesville and Fort Atkinson on the east side of Rock river in the county of Jefferson on or before the first Monday of November next.

Pleasant to

SECTION 5. That Caleb Blodget, Isaac Butler and From Mount William Bowen be and they are hereby constituted a Belit. board of commissioners to lay out and establish a territorial road from Mount Pleasant in Racine county, by way of Geneva village, outlet of Geneva lake, Jef ferson Prairie and Beloit on Rock river.

to Mineral

to Freeport.

SECTION 6. That George H. Williston, Henry F. From Janesville Janes and James Briggs be, and they are hereby ap- Point. pointed commissioners to locate and make a territorial road commencing at Janes' ferry at Janesville, thence on the nearest and best route to Mineral Point. SECTION 7. That Josiah Rice, J. H. Palmer and From Madison Richard Palmer be, and they are hereby constitued a board of commissioners to locate and establish a territorial road as follows, to wit: beginning at Madison in Dane county, thence by the most practicable route to New Mexico, and to the southern boundary of Green county, thence by the most practicable route to Freeport. The said commissioners shall be required to meet at Madison on the first Monday in September next and proceed to the discharge of their duties agreeably to the provisions of the above recited act.

SECTION 8. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners above appointed be and they are hereby required to file with the clerks of the boards of commissioners of each county through which said roads may pass, a certified copy of the field notes and plat of said

[blocks in formation]

WHEREAS, By an act of the territory of Michigan, and which act was in force in the territory of Wisconsin, it was among other things required that justices

Justices' acts

not invalid from

giving his bond frregularly.

of the peace should give bond with securities, and that the said bond should be approved by the treasurer of the county for which said justice should be appointed, and whereas, in some instances that part of the law requiring the treasurer's approval could not be complied with from the fact of the absence or from the total want of such officer, and whereas, the ends of justice could be obtained as well without as with such bond and the mere neglect or want of such approval could not vitiate or make unjust that which would be otherwise just and equitable; therefore

Be it enacted by the council and house of representatives of the territory of Wisconsin, That hereafter no excep tions shall be taken or received in any court of law or of equity in this territory against any proceedings of any justice of the peace of this territory on account of not giving or having his bond approved of according to the provisions of the aforesaid act of Michigan, approved April 21, 1833, and all exceptions that may be taken and undetermined before the passage of this act shall be quashed and furthermore all acts, and proceedings of such justices, which may have been. done according to the laws of this territory and of the United States are hereby declared valid to all intents and purposes, as if such justice had qualified according to the act aforesaid.

Approved June 23, 1838.

[blocks in formation]

I, Thomas S. Allen, Secretary of State of the state of Wisconsin, do hereby certify that the foregoing laws, published pursuant to the provisions of chapter forty-four of the general laws of 1867, have been compared with the laws of 1836, 1837 and 1838, as the same appear in the printed laws of said years, and that they are correct copies thereof.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand [L. S] and affixed the great seal of the state at the capitol in Madison, this 25th day of October, 1867.


Secretary of State.

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]

CONVEYANCES, of St. Luke and Rosalie La Point, infants made valid..... 90 of infant heirs of Robert Irwin, deceased, authorized...........

COURTS, acts concerning the supreme and district courts and defining their

jurisdictiou, &c. ..."


when and where supreme court held.
to issue writs of habeas corpus, &c.

jurisdiction of judges in vacation
jndges failing to attend..

style of writs....

courts' opinion, how delivered.

jurisdiction of district courts.
law and equity...

civil and criminal.

style of process...

judges to make rules of practice

special terms in criminal cases, how had.
proceedings at special term

general powers of supreme and district courts..
an act to establish the judicial districts, &c....
Crawford and Iowa counties, first district, (Dunn).
Dubuque and Des Moines, second district, (Irwin)
Brown and Milwaukee, third district, (Frazer)..
vacancy, how filled

judge absent, what donc..

terms of courts, when, &c..
duties of clerks of courts..

[blocks in formation]




























[blocks in formation]

DIVISION OF COUNTIES, Des Moines county, divided how

[merged small][ocr errors]

EVIDENCE, of title to lands, what, receiver's receipts.


[blocks in formation]

FERRIES, act establishing a ferry across the Mississippi river at Eagle Point 110

[blocks in formation]

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, who members thereof...
contempt and misbehavior to, what..
how punishable

annual meeting of................




privilege of member from arrest, when



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