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Printed for J. Wilford, at the Three Flower-de-Luces,
behind the Chapter-Houfe, St. Paul's.

[ Price One Shilling.]

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To the READER.

HE Author has been induced to publish thefe Epiftles Separately for two Reasons;

The one, that he might not impofe upon the Publick too much at once of what he thinks incorrect; The other, that by this Method he might profit of its Judgement on the Parts, in order to make the Whole lefs unworthy of it.


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NOW then Thy-felf, prefume not God to fcan;

The only Science of Mankind is Man.

Plac'd on this Ifthmus of a Middle State,
A Being darkly wife, and rudely great:
With too much Knowledge for the Sceptic Side,
With too much Weaknefs for a Stoic's Pride,
He hangs between; in doubt to act, or rest,
To deem himself a Part of God, or Beaft;

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