ANTI-ROMANUM. TRACTS ON THE POINTS AT ISSUE BETWEEN THE CHURCHES OF ENGLAND AND ROME. BISHOP TAYLOR'S DISSUASIVE FROM POPERY, IN TWO PARTS. AND HIS TREATISE ON THE REAL PRESENCE AND SPIRITUAL, &c. PREFACE. THIS Collection of Tracts on the points at issue between the Churches of England and Rome was begun by the late Dr. Burton, Regius Professor of Divinity, and has been continued since his death, with the view of bringing together such writings, as might appear to be best suited to the state of the controversy and the disposition of men's minds, in the present day. The Tracts were written by the most eminent Divines of the seventeenth century, and are most of them difficult to be procured separately from the other works of their respective authors. They are also arranged in this Collection in such a manner, as not only to furnish, when taken together, a complete view of the whole controversy, but also to make each volume an integral production in itself. The present volume contains two Tracts by Bishop Taylor, "A Dissuasive from Popery, in two parts," and "The Real Presence and Spiritual of Christ in the blessed Sacrament proved against the Doctrine of Transubstantiation." The latter work was published in the year 1654, when Taylor had been living in retirement at Golden Grove, a retirement however interrupted by the frequent vicissitudes of imprisonment and protection, which followed from the troubles of that disastrous period, and the respect and sympathy acquired by him from his character and sufferings. "a Here again," says he, speaking of his a Dedication to his Liberty of Prophesying. |