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Mr. Wesley's sickness in Ireland. Letter to
the Commissioners of Excise. Visit to the Isle of
Man. Opening of City-road Chapel. "Armi-
nian Magazine." Disputes in the society at Bath.
Mr. Wesley's Letter to a Nobleman. His visit to
Holland. "Deed of Declaration." Remarks.. 72

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His parentage. Loss of his mother. Poetic

description of her character. First school. Cru-

elty he experienced there. First serious im-

pressions. Is placed under the care of an emi-
nent oculist. Entrance upon Westminster School.
Character while there. Removal thence. En-
trance upon an attorney's office. Want of em-
ployment there. Unfitness for his profession.
Early melancholy impressions...



Removal to Huntingdon. Sensations there.
Engages in public worship for the first time after
his recovery. Delight it afforded him. Com-
mences a regular correspondence with some of
his friends. Pleasure he experienced in writing
on religious subjects. Anxiety of his mind for
the spiritual welfare of his former associates. At-
tributes their continuance in sin chiefly to infi-
delity. Folly of this. Beauty of the Scriptures.
Absurdity of attributing events to second causes,
instead of to the overruling providence of God.


Cowper becomes an inmate of Mr. Unwin's
family. Is much delighted with their society.
Describes the manner in which they spent their

105 time. His opinion respecting the knowledge
which Christians will have of each other in hea-
ven. What will engage their thoughts there.
Just views of Christian friendship. Strength of
his religious affections. Humbling views of him-

self. Melancholy death of Mr. Unwin. Cow-

per's reflections upon it. Mr. Newton's unex-

pected but providential visit to Mrs. Unwin. Cow-

per's determination to remain with the family.

Their removal from Huntingdon to Olney...... 118


Great severity of Cowper's mental depression.
His presentiment of it. Its consequences. Re-
marks upon its probable cause. Absurdity of at-
tributing it, in any degree, to religion. Mrs. Un-
win's great attention to him. His aversion to the
company of strangers. Symptoms of his reco-
very. Domesticates three leverets. Amusement
they afford him. Mr. Newton's removal from
Olney. Introduction of Mr. Bull to Cowper.

[blocks in formation]

Commencement of Cowper's acquaintance with

Lady Austin. Pleasure it affords him. Poetic

epistle to her. Her removal to Olney. Benefi-

cial influence of her conversational powers on

Cowper's mind. Occasion of his writing John

Gilpin. Lines composed at Lady Austin's re-

quest. Induced by her to commence writing The

Task. Principal object he had in view in com-

posing it. Sudden and final separation from

Lady Austin. Occasional severity of his depres-

sive malady. Hopes entertained by his friends of

his ultimate recovery. His own opinion upon it.
Pleasing proofs of the power of religion on his
mind. Tenderness of his conscience. Serious
reflections. Aversion to religious deception and
pretended piety. Bigotry and intolerance, with
their opposite vices, levity and indifference, deplor-
ed. Sympathy with the sufferings of the poor.
Enviable condition of such of them as are pious,



Mrs. Unwin much injured by a fall. Cowper's
anxiety respecting her. Continues incessantly
engaged in his Homer. Expresses regret that it
should, in some measure, have suspended his cor-
respondence with his friends. Revises a small
volume of poems for children. State of his mind.

compared with the rich who disregard religion... 134 Receives as a present from Mrs. Bodham, a por


Extracts from his correspondence. Description
of the deep seriousness that generally pervaded
his mind. His remarks to justify his removal
from Olney. Vindicates himself and Mrs. Un-
win from unjust aspersions. Reasons for under-
taking the translation of Homer. His opinion of
Pope's. Unremitting attention to his own. Im-
manse pains he bestowed upon it. His readiness
to avail himself of the assistance of others. Vex-
ation he experienced from a multiplicity of critics.
Just remarks upon criticism. Determination to
persevere in his work. Justifies himself for un-
dertaking it. Pleasure he took in relieving the
poor. Renewal of his correspondence with Ge-

Publication of his Homer. Anxiety respecting

it. To whom dedicated. Benefits he had derived

from it. Feels the want of employment. Pre-
pares materials for a splendid edition of Milton's
poetic works. Vindicates his character. Attempts
of his friends to dissuade him from his new en-
gagement. His replies. The commencement of
his acquaintance with Mr. Hayley. Pleasure it af-
forded Mr. Hayley. Mrs. Unwin's first attack of
paralysis. Manner in which it affected Cowper.
Remarks on Milton's labors. Reply to Mr. New-
ton's letter for original composition. Continu-
ance of his depression. First letter from Mr.
Hayley. Unpleasant circumstances respecting it.
Mr. Hayley's first visit to Weston. Kind manner
in which he was received. Mrs. Unwin's second
severe paralytic attack. Cowper's feelings on

the occasion. Mr. Hayley's departure. Cowper's
warm attachment to him. Reflections on the re-
cent changes he had witnessed. Promises to visit
Eartham. Makes preparations for the journey.


kindly undertaken by Lady Hesketh. Mr. Hay.
ley's anxieties respecting him. Is invited by Mr.
Greathead to pay Cowper another visit. Com-
plies with the invitation. Arrival at Weston.

Peculiarity of his feelings on the occasion....... 166 How he is received by Cowper. Inefficiency of


Journey to Eartham. Incidents of it. Safe

arrival Description of its beauties. Employ-

ment there. Reply to a letter from Mr. Hurdis,

on the death of his sister. State of Cowper's

mind at Eartham. His great attention to Mrs.

Unwin. Return to Weston. Interview with Ge-

neral Cowper. Safe arrival at their beloved re-

treat. Violence of his depressive malady. Re-

grets the loss of his studious habit. Ineffectual

efforts to obtain it. Warmth of his affection for

Mr. Hayley. Dread of January. Prepares for

a second edition of Homer. Commences writing

notes upon it. Labor it occasioned him. His
close application. Continuance of his depres-
sion. Judicious consolatory advice he gives to his
friends. Letter to Rev. J. Johnson on his taking
orders. Pleasure it afforded him to find that his
relative entered upon the work with suitable feel-
ings. Reply to Mr. Hayley respecting a joint
literary undertaking...


Description of his person, his manners, his dis-
position, his piety. His attachment to the Esta-
blished Church. His attainments. Originality
of his poetry. His religions sentiments. The
warmth of his friendship. His attachment to the
British constitution. His industry and persever-
ance. Happy manner in which he could console


173 the afflicted. His occasional intervals of enjoy-
ment. Character as a writer. Powers of de-
scription. Beauty of his letters. His aversion
to flattery, to affectation, to cruelty. His love of

liberty, and dread of its abuse. Strong attach-

ment to, and intimate acquaintance with the

Scriptures. Pleasure with which he sometimes

viewed the works of creation. Contentment of

his mind. Extract from an anonymous critic

Poetic tribute to his memory...


Mr. Spencer's parentage and early years. Love

of learning. Religious impressions. His inclina-

tion to the Christian Ministry. Apprenticed to

a glover in London. Rev. Mr. Heward. Ac-

quaintance with Thomas Wilson, Esq. commenc-

ed, under whose patronage he enters upon his

preparatory studies with the Rev. Mr. Hordle, of
Harwich. Rapid progress in learning. Returns
to his father's residence in Hertford.....

Liverpool. Preaches at Newington chapel. His

popularity as a preacher. Correspondence. Re-

turn to the academy. Invited by the congregation

of Newington to become their pastor. Calls from

other congregations. Acceptance of the call from

Liverpool. Last sermon at Hoxton.......

Mr. Spencer commences his pastoral labors at
195 Newington chapel. Correspondence. Success
of his ministry. Lays the foundation stone of a
new chapel for his congregation. Correspond-

ence. Ordination. His first administration of

the Lord's Supper. Death. Funeral. Sketch

204 of his character....

A Poem on the Death of Mr. Spencer, by

James Montgomery.

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