Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, V. XXVII, Iran, Iraq, 1973-1976Government Printing Office, 2013 M03 21 - 977 pages The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity of the United States Government. Part of a subseries of the State Department's Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series that documents the most important issues in the foreign policy of the administrations of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford, this volume documents U.S. policy towards Iran and Iraq from 1973 to 1976. The volume's six chapters are divided into two chronological sections. The first section documents the increasingly close political, economic, and strategic relationship, which developed between the U.S. and Iran during the mid-1970s. The second section covers Washington's somewhat more distant interactions with Iraq, with whom the United States did not maintain formal diplomatic relations following the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Historians, researchers, and students in high school and above, including debate teams, may want to use this resource for the chronological timeframes for U.S. involvement with Iran druing the mid-1970s. High school, public, community college, and academic/university libraries will want to include this primary source reference work in their Middle East reference collections. Table of Contents Edited by Monica Belmonte. General Editor, Edward C. Keefer. |
From inside the book
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... Country Files . The Back- channel files are a major source for Kurdish aid support and meetings and communications with Kurdish leaders . U.S. views on Iran - Iraq re- lations can be found in the Iran and Iraq Country Files . At the ...
... countries paid highly publicized official visits to Tehran . Putting muscle into Iran's emerging new role , the Shah has launched his country on a major military buildup that when completed within a few years will give Iran a posi- tion ...
... country on the political map is evidenced by his recent visit to London in June and to Moscow in Oc- tober , the ... countries especially his neighbors couched in terms of peaceful co - existence ; support of the United Nations and ...
... countries of the world , including India , on oil from Gulf countries . The other three dynamics , and this could be of key significance , are centered on Iran and probably still are not so well appreciated by much of the world . These ...
... countries - Iraq and India , for example — will be uneasy with a situation in which the Shah has in his hands the military capability both to interdict the movement of Iraqi oil exports and Indian imports from the Gulf . For these two ...