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1. When it is forty minutes past four o'clock in the morning at Philadelphia, on the 5th of February, find all the places of the earth where the sun is rising, setting, &c.

Answer. The declination of the sun will be found to be 15° 54' south; therefore, elevate the south pole 15° 54'; then bring Philadelphia to the meridian, and set the index of the hour circle to twelve; turn the globe westward till the index has passed over 7 hours 20 minutes, what the given time wants of noon.

Let the globe be fixed in this position; then, the sun is rising at the northern part of Labrador, or near Hudson's Straits; Upper Canada; States of Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama; and that part of Mexico, situated between the bays of Campeachy and Honduras. Setting at Russian Lapland, &c.; Tartary; the eastern part of Cabulistan; a part of Hindoostan; the eastern part of the island of Ceylon, &c.

Noon at Falmouth in England; Cadiz; Fez; Ivory Coast, &c.

Vertical at St. Helena.

Morning twilight at the north-western part of Hudson's Bay; Missouri Territory; the internal provinces of Mexico, &c.

Evening twilight at the western coast of New-Holland; Batavia; Sumatra; Malacca; Birman Empire, &c.

Day in all Europe, Africa, and all that part of Asia, comprehended between Ceylon and Little Tibet, &c. towards the east; in all South America; the whole of the West Indies, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, New-York, &c.

Night in all that part of North America, comprehended between the eastern part of Cuba and Hudson's Straits, &c. towards the west; in all that part of Asia, comprehended between the island of Ceylon and the sea of Obe, towards the east.

2. When it is fifty-two minutes past four o'clock in the morning at London, on the 1st of March.

find all places of the earth where the sun is rising, setting, &c.

3. When it is seven o'clock in the morning at Washington city, on the 17th of February, where is the sun rising, setting, &c.

Questions to exercise the learner in the foregoing

The questions referring to the rules are in italics, in order that the student may distinguish them from those questions which refer to the examples.

1. On what circles of the terrestrial globe are the latitude and longitude of places counted?

2. Required the latitude and longitude of Bombay, city and island, on the west coast of Hindoostan, and capital of all the British possessions on that side of the peninsula.

3. How do we find all the places that have the same latitude as any given place?

4. Which places have the same latitude as Berne, the capital of a canton of the same name in Switzerland?

5. How do we find all the places that have the same longitude as any given place?

6. Which places have the same longitude as Hanover, a city of Germany, and capital of the kingdom of the same name?

7. How do we find what place is situated in a particular latitude and lor.gitude?

8. What place in the Austrian dominions is in 48° 12' north latitude, and 16° 12′ east longitude ? 9. How do we find the difference of latitude between two places, situated either on the same, or on contrary sides of the equator?

10. What is the difference of latitude between Cape Ortegal in Spain, and New Madrid, a town in Missouri, on the Mississippi, 70 miles below the mouth of the Ohio ?

11. What is the difference of latitude between Boston and Buenos Ayres?

12. How do we find the difference in longitude between two-places, when both have either east or west longitude, also, when one has east and the other west longitude ?

13. What is the difference in longitude between Augusta, a city in the state of Georgia, and the mouth of Columbia river?

14. What is the difference in longitude between Raleigh, the capital of North Carolina; and Florence, the capital of the grand Duchy of Tuscany, and one of the finest cities of Italy, or perhaps in Europe?

15. How do we find the shortest distance between any two places on the globe?

16. What is the nearest distance between Damascus, a city of Syria, in Asiatic Turkey; and Mocha, an extensive city of Yemen, in Arabia, and the principal port on the Red Sea?

17. How do we find all those places that are at the same distance from a particular place as any other given place?

18. Required all those places that are at the same distance from London as Milan, the capital of Austrian Italy.

19. How do we find that place on the globe, the latitude of which is given, and its distance from a particular place?

20. A place in latitude 50° N., and situated in east longitude, is 2700 geographical miles from Medina, a town in Africa, and capital of the

kingdom of Woolly, situated a few miles north of the Gambia, about 400 miles from its mouth: required the place.

21. How do we find that place, the longitude of which is given, and its distance from a particular place?

22. A celebrated island in the Mediterranean, and in longitude 27° 32′ E., is 5114 English miles from New-York; what is that island called?

23. How do you illustrate the circumstances of the antaci?

24. Which are the antæci of the inhabitants of Porto Rico, an island in the West Indies, belonging to Spain?

25. How do you illustrate the circumstances of the periæci?

26. Which are the periceci of the inhabitants of Barbadoes, one of the Caribbees, and the most eastern of the West India islands?

27. How do you illustrate the different circumstances arising to the inhabitants who are antipodes to each other?

28. Which inhabitants of the earth are the antipodes of Paraiba, the capital of a province of the same name, in Brazil?

29. How do we find the antæci, periæci, and antipodes of any particular place?

30. Required the antœci, periœci, and antipodes of Bencoolen.

31. How do you find the angle of position between places on the horizon of the globe?

32. What is the angle of position between NewYork and St. Antonio, the most northerly of the Cape de Verd Islands?

33. How do we find the bearings of places to each other? name the different methods.

34. What is the bearing between Friendly Islands and Navigation Islands, both in the south Pacific Ocean?

35. How do you find the number of miles contained in a degree of longitude on any given parallel of latitude?

36. How many geographical and American miles make a degree of longitude in the latitude of Quebec?

37. How do you find at what rate per hour the inhabitants of any given place are carried from west to east, by the earth's rotation on its axis.

38. At what rate per hour are the inhabitants of Cayenne, capital of French Guiana, carried from west to east by the revolution of the earth on its axis?

39. How do we find by the globe, the hour of the day at different places at the same instant?

40. When it is six o'clock in the morning at Lima, what o'clock is it at the following places: Pernambuco, capital of the province of the same name in Brazil; Sierra Leone in Africa; Dublin, Madrid, London, Palermo, Mocha a city in Arabia, and Canton in China?

41. How do you find those places where it is noon, or any other given hour, when the hour at any particular place is given ?

42. What places have noon, when it is seven o'clock in the morning at Philadelphia ?

43. How do you find the sun's place in the ecliptic,

and his declination, on a given day?

44. What is the sun's longitude and his declina

tion, on the 23d of September?

45. How do we find what latitude the sun will be

vertical to, on a given day?

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