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New South Wales; and Lima, the capital of



To find all places on the globe that have the same longitude as any given place.


RULE. Bring the given place to the brazen meridian, then all places under the same edge of the meridian, from the north to the south pole, have the same longitude.

All those places situated under the same meridian, from the tropic of Cancer to the tropic of Capricorn, have noon at the same time: or, if it be one, two, three, or any other number of hours before or after noon with one particular place, it will be the same hour with every other place situated under the same meridian.


1. Find all those places that have the same, or nearly the same longitude as Lima.

The longitude of Lima is found to be 76° 50′, and all the places that have nearly the same longitude are those required.

By proceeding according to the rule, the following places are found to be the answer to the above example: Port Royal and Kingston in Jamaica; Norfolk in Virginia; Edenton in North Carolina; Baltimore in Maryland; and Kingston in Upper Canada.

2. What places have the same, or nearly the same longitude as Stockholm, the capital of Sweden ? 3. When it is nine o'clock in the morning at New-York, what inhabitants of the earth have the same hour ?

4. Find all those places that have nearly the same longitude as London; or, which amounts to the same thing, find all those places that have no longitude.

5. When it is noon at Vienna, the capital of Austria, what inhabitants of the earth have the same hour?

6. What inhabitants of the earth have the same longitude as Washington city?

7. What inhabitants of the earth have the same longitude as Dublin ?

8. What inhabitants of the earth have the greatest longitude; or, which amounts to the same thing, what inhabitants have nearly the same longitude as Antipodes Island, in the South Pacific Ocean?

9. Find all those places that have nearly the same longitude as the following places: Charleston, the capital of South Carolina; New-Orleans, the capital of Louisiana; Mexico, the oldest city in America; New-Haven, the capital of Connecticut; Cincinnati, the capital of Ohio; and Pekin, the capital of China.


The longitude and latitude of any place being given, to find that place on the globe.

RULE. Find the longitude of the given place on the equator, and bring it to the brazen meridian; then under the given latitude, found on the meridian, is the place required.


1. The longitude of a place is 77° 40′ east, and the latitude 28° 37' north; find that place on the globe.

Answer. Delhi, a celebrated city, and, for many years, the capital of Hindostan.

2. The longitude of the greatest commercial town in Germany is 9° 55′ east, and latitude 530 34' north. What is the name of that town?

3. The longitude of a town in Norway is 100 23' east, and latitude 63° 25' north. What is the name of that town?

4. The longitude of a city, which was one of the most populous and splendid cities of the world, is 44° 24' east, and latitude 23° 20 north: Where is that city situated, and what is it called ?

5. The longitude of a remarkable cape in South America, is 67° 21 'west, and latitude 55° 58' south. What is that cape called ?

6. The longitude of a city in South America is 58° 24' west, and 34° 35' south. What is that city called, and of what country is it the capital ?

7. The longitude of a commercial city in the United States, is 71° 4' west, and latitude 42° 23′ north. What is that city called, and of what state is it the capital?

8. Find those cities, and other conspicuous places, whose longitudes and latitudes are as follows:

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To find the difference of latitude between any two given


RULE. Find the latitude of each place, by Prob. I. Then, if both places are on the same side of the equator, subtract the less latitude from

the greater, and the remainder will be the difference of latitude; but, if the latitudes be one north and the other south, add them together, and their sum will be the difference of latitude.

Or, bring one of the places to the brazen meridian, and mark the degree over it; then, bring the other place to the meridian, and likewise mark the degree over it: the number of degrees between these two marks, counted on the meridian, will be the difference of latitude required. This rule is not so convenient for. exercising the student as the above.


1. What is the difference of latitude between Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, and Athens, anciently the capital of Attica in Greece ?

By bringing Amsterdam to the brazen meridian, its latitude is found to be 520 22' north; and, in like manner, the latitude of Athens is found to be 37° 58′ north. Consequently, their difference 40 24' is the difference of latitude required.

2. What is the difference of latitude between Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, and Mozambique, the capital of the Portuguese possessions on the eastern coast of Africa ?

Copenhagen being brought to the brazen meridian, its latitude is found to be 55° 41' north; and, in like manner, the latitude of Mozambique is found to be 15° 1' south. Consequently, their sum 70° 42' is the difference of latitude required.

3. Find the difference of latitude between Juan Fernandes, in the Pacific Ocean, and Bermudas, in the Atlantic.

4. Find the difference of latitude between Savannah, the capital of Georgia, and Candia, the capital of the island of Candia, in the Mediterra

nean sea.

5. What is the difference of latitude between Petersburgh and Detroit, the capital of Michigan Territory?

: 6. What is the difference of latitude between Astracan in Asiatic Russia, and St. Louis, the capital of Missouri ?

7. Required the difference of latitude between the north and south poles.

8. Required the difference of latitude between the following places: Alexandria and the Cape of Good Hope; London and Charleston in South Carolina; Cadiz and Kaskaskia, the capital of Illinois; Cape Horn and North Cape, on the coast of Norway; Quebec, capital of Lower Canada, and Potosi, a city in the United Provinces of La Plata, celebrated for the richest silver mines in the world.


To find the difference of longitude between any two given places.

RULE. Find the longitude of both places, (by Prob 1.) then, if both places are situated on the same side of the first meridian, subtract the less longitude from the greater, and the remainder will be the difference of longitude; but, if the longitudes be one east and the other west, add them together, and their sum, (when it does not exceed 180,) will be the difference of longitude; and if the sum of their longitudes should exceed 180 degrees, subtract it from 360; and the remainder will be the difference of longitude.

What is usually understood by the difference of longitude between any two places, is the nearest distance of their meridians from each other, measured at the equator; hence, the last part of the above rule is evident.

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