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"which on the behalf of our said Sovereigtu "Lord the King, shall be enjoined to them;"also that you make known to all Coroners, "Keepers of Gaols, and Houses of Correction,


High Constables and Bailiffs of Liberties, " within the County aforesaid, that they may be "then there to do and fulfil the things which, " by reason of their offices, shall be to be done. "Moreover, that you cause to be proclaimed "through the said County in proper places "the aforesaid Session of the Peace, to be "holden at the day and place aforesaid, and " do you be then there to do and execute those "things which belong to your office. And " have you then there as well the names of the "Jurors, Coroners, Keepers of Gaols, and "Houses of Correction, High-Constables and "Bailiffs, aforesaid, as also this precept. "Given under our hands and seals at

" in the County aforesaid, the " in the

day of

year of the reign of"

When the Sheriff shall have received this precept, it becomes his duty to direct several warrants to the bailiffs of liberties and hundreds, containing the substance of it in the following form.


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"P. Q. Esquire, Sheriff of the County aforesaid, to G. H. bai

"liff of the hundred of in the said County, "greeting: By virtue of a precept under the hands and seals of A. B. and C. D. Esquires, "two of his Majesty's Justices, appointed to "keep the Peace in the said County; and also "to hear and determine divers felonies, tres" passes, and other misdemeanors, committed " in my said County, one of them being of "the Quorum, to me directed.

" These are in his Majesty's name to will " and require you, that you forthwith make "known by open proclamation, in every mar"ket town, and all other places convenient " within the hundred of, aforesaid, that "the next general Quarter Session of the Peace " of, and for, the County aforesaid, is to be "holden and kept at in the town of " in the County aforesaid, on Wednes. "day, the day of now next ensu"ing, at the hour of nine of the clock in the "forenoon of the same day; and that you give "notice to all Justices of the Peace, coroners,


keepers of gaols, and houses of correction, " and high constables of the said hundred, that "they be then and there present, to do and "perform that which to their several offices "doth appertain : And that all those who " ought to prosecute any prisoner or prisoners "in the gaol of the said County, or who are "bound over then to appear and answer, be "then, and there, present, to prosecute against "them according to law: And also that you "summon and warn the persons whose names



are underwritten, that they be then, and there, " present to serve on the grand jury, and to in. "quire on his Majesty's behalf, for the body " of the County aforesaid, for all such matters " and things as shall be then, and there, given "them in charge: and also that you summon "and warn the persons underwitter, being "able and sufficient freeholders of the said "hundred that they be then, and there, pre"sent to serve on the petty jury for his Ma"jesty's service: And that yourself be then, and "there, present to make return thereof. And " herein neither you nor them may fail, at your " and their perils. Given under the seal of in the



my office the

day of

year of the reign of our sovereign Lord "George the Third, by the grace of God of "the united Kingdom of Great Britain and "Ireland, King, defender of the faith, &c. " and in the year of our Lord."

Then the Sheriff makes his return of the summons to the Sessions, thus:

"The execution of this writ appears in cer"tain schedules to this writ annexed."

"P. Q. Sheriff."

To this are annexed divers pannels fairly ingrossed on Parchment, containing the names of the Jurors, &c.


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in and for the

day of


year of the reign of our Sovereign "Lord George the Third, of the United King"dom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, "defender of the faith, and so forth, before


and Esquires, and others, "Justices of our Sovereign Lord the King, assigned to keep the Peace in the said "County; and also to hear and determine di"vers felonies, trespasses, and other misdemea.


nors in the said County committed, and of "the quorum, and so forth,"

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Custos Rotulorum.

Herein of the Custos Rotulorum, Justices, Sheriff, Clerk of the Peace, Coroner, Gaolers, Constables, Jurors, Suitors, Pleaders, &c. with their, and every of their, Duties, Oaths, Fees, Privileges, Indemnities, &c.

THE CUSTOS ROTULORUM is the principal personage in the Constitution of the Sessions of the Peace.

He is the first civil officer in the County, as the Lord Lieutenant is the highest military one : Of late years, indeed, it has been usual for the same person to hold both offices, but they are entirely distinct in their appointments and duties.* He has, as his title implies, the custody of the Rolls, or records of the Sessions of the Peace, and of the Commission of the Peace. He is nominated by the King under his sign manual, selected, as Lambard informs us, "either for wisdom, countenance, or credit."† He is always himself a Justice of the Peace

* 4. Black. Comp. 272. † Lamb. b. 4. c. 3.

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