PRACTICAL GUIDE, TO The Quarter, AND OTHER, SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. ADAPTED TO THE USE OF YOUNG MAGISTRATES, AND GENTLEMEN OF THE AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THEIR PUBLIC DUTIES. cr BY THE AUTHOR OF "A Practical Exposition, of the Office and Duties of a LONDON: PRINTED FOR REED AND HUNTER, LAW-BOOKSELLERS, DEDICATION: To His Grace the DUKE of PORTLAND. FAVORABLE as was the reception, and rapid as has been the sale, of my Treatise on "The Office and Duties of a Justice of the Peace,' I am not presumptuous enough to attribute to intrinsic merit alone its extraordinary success. I assumed the liberty of confiding it to the protection of your Grace, and the result has more than fulfilled the expectations, with which I flattered myself in the choice of a Patron. Thus encouraged, pardon me, my Lord Duke, if I again trespass upon your indulgence, and offer to you another tribute of that regard which induces me to subscribe myself Your Grace's, Most devoted, And obedient Servant, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. Ir any apology be necessary for the Author of the following pages having obtruded himself upon the Public a second time, within so short a period, it must be sought in the flattering reception which his "Practical Exposition of the Office and Duties of a Justice of the Peace" met with; especially from those for whose particular service it was intended. That work was, indeed, a voluntary offer, but compiled, nevertheless, under some circumstances of considerable disadvantage, and presented to the world with correspondent diffidence. The present volume has been called for by very many persons, in different districts of the Kingdom, to whom the author is known only through the medium of his former work. The design of it is to supply to young Magistrates that information, respecting their public duty, as mem |