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reason, it would be for the public interest that examination should be wholly or partially dispensed with, the Civil Service Commis4 June 1870. sioners may dispense with examination, wholly or partially, and may grant their certificate of qualification upon evidence satisfactory to them that the said person possesses the requisite knowledge and ability, and is duly qualified in respect of age, health, and character.

VIII. And it is lastly hereby ordered, that the situations mentioned or referred to in the Schedule marked B., hereto annexed, shall be wholly excepted from the operation of this Order, provided that the chief authorities of any department, with the concurrence of the Lords of the Treasury, by notice in the London Gazette, may from time to time add situations to either of the said schedules, or withdraw situations therefrom, or restore thereto situations which may have been withdrawn.




Departments to which the principle of Open Competition, provided in Clause V. of this Order, is to be applied.*

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* For departments and situations which have since been added to or withdrawn from Schedule A., see p. 147.


ORDER IN COUNCIL. 4 June 1870.

SITUATIONS altogether excepted from the operation of this Order. SCHEDULE B.

1. All situations to which the holder is appointed directly by the Crown.

2. All situations included in any Order or Warrant made by the Commissioners of the Treasury under Section 4. of the Superannuation Act, 1859.

3. All situations which are filled, in the customary course of promotion, by persons previously serving in the same Department.

At the Court at Balmoral, the 19th day of August 1871.



WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Order in Council of the 4th June 1870, whereby rules were laid down for testing the qualifications of persons proposed to be appointed to situations or employments in Her Majesty's Civil Establishments.

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, doth order, and it is hereby ordered-

I. In Clause II. of the said Order the words "until he shall "have been reported by the said Commissioners to be qualified

to be admitted on probation to such situation or employment," are hereby cancelled; and instead thereof the words "until a "certificate of his qualification shall have been issued by the Civil "Service Commissioners" shall be substituted.

II. Clause VI. of the said Order is hereby cancelled, and instead thereof shall be substituted the following clause:

"After the candidate has passed his examination, and his certificate of qualification has been issued by the Commissioners, he shall enter on a six months' period of probation, during which his conduct and capacity in the transaction of business shall be subjected to such tests as may be determined by the chief of the Department for which he is intended, and he shall not be finally appointed to the Public Service unless his six months' probation shall furnish to the head of his Department satisfactory proof of his fitness to be permanently employed in that Department."

III. A report by the Commissioners under the Order in Council of the 4th June 1870, that a person is qualified to be admitted on probation to a situation or employment, if given before the date of this Order in Council, shall, for the purposes of this present Order in Council, be deemed to be a certificate of qualification.



* For departments and situations which have since been added to or withdrawn from Schedule B., see p. 149.


19 Aug. 1871.


At the Court at Balmoral, the 19th day of August 1871.



WHEREAS in pursuance of Her Majesty's Order in Council, 19 Aug. 18:1. dated 4th June 1870, Her Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners therein named have framed, and the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury have approved, sundry regulations for testing the qualifications of persons proposed to be appointed to situations or employments in Her Majesty's Civil Establishments, and part of such regulations (viz., the regulations contained in the schedule hereto,) relate to temporary writers, whose services are not confined to any single Civil Establishment, but who represent, to whatever Establishment they may happen for the time being to be attached, the same description of labour:

And whereas it is expedient to place at the service of every Department where temporary writers are for the time being needed persons whose wages and conditions of employment are the same:

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, doth order, and it is hereby ordered as follows, viz. :

I. That no temporary writers be attached henceforth to any Establishment of Her Majesty's Civil Service except in conformity with the annexed regulations,* or with such further regulations as the said Civil Service Commissioners may, with the concurrence of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, issue in execution of their powers in that behalf.

II. That a week's notice, which may, at the discretion of the chief of the Department, be extended to a month's notice, be given to all acting writers (except such as fall within the terms of Clause III. of this present Order) who are not willing to continue their service upon the terms of the regulations hereto appended.; III. That temporary writers heretofore certificated by the Civil Service Commissioners for service in any particular Department, and temporary writers now borne upon the Register of the Civil Service Commissioners who have been respectively serving in the same Department continuously from a date preceding 4th June 1870,† be excepted from Clause II., and be retained, but only so long as their services are required in the same Department, at the salary or wages, and on the other terms, which they were actually receiving, and were actually subject to, on 4th June 1870,† without any addition thereto, or alteration therein, on account of service following that date.

* The regulations here referred to have been superseded by others applicable to temporary "copyists" in accordance with the provisions of the Order in Council of 12th February 1876. The new regulations will be found on page 31.

A subsequent Order in Council dated 9th August 1872, provides that the above Order is to be read as if the date 19th August 1871 had been inserted instead of this date.



IV. That Departments connected immediately with Courts of Justice, or with the registration of legal titles or instruments, 19 Aug. 1871. be excepted from this Order, so long as the chiefs of such Departments shall not have signified their consent to be bound by it.


At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 9th day of
August 1872.


THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Order in Council, dated the 19th day of August 1871, relating to writers in the Civil Service :

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, doth order, and it is hereby ordered as follows, viz. :—

That where the words "4th June 1870" occur in the third clause of the said Order, the words "19th August 1871" be substituted instead thereof.

ORDER IN COUNCIL. 9 Aug. 1872.

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At the Court at Windsor, the 10th day of December 1875.


THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by an Order made by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty in Council, on the 4th day of June 1870, Her Majesty did, by and with the advice of the said Council, order that the Right Honourable Sir Edward Ryan, then First Commissioner under Her Majesty's Orders in Council of the 21st of May 1855 and the 26th of April 1862, and George Webbe Dasent, Esq., Doctor of Civil Law, or such other persons as Her Majesty might from time to time approve in the stead of them, or either of them, should be Her Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners for testing the qualifications of the persons proposed to be appointed to any situation or employment in any of Her Majesty's Civil Establishments, except as in the first therein recited Order is excepted, and should hold their offices during the pleasure of Her Majesty, the said Sir Edward Ryan continuing to be the First Commissioner, and the said George Webbe Dasent being the Second Commissioner, and should have power, subject to the approval of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, to appoint from time to time such assistant examiners and others as might be required to assist them in the performance of the duties thereinafter assigned to them:

ORDER IN COUNCIL. 10 Dec. 1875.


And whereas, since the date of the said last-mentioned Order, the said Right Honourable Sir Edward Ryan hath departed this 10 Dec. 1875. life; and whereas it is deemed expedient that the Right Honourable John Somerset Baron Hampton, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath, should be appointed First Commissioner in the place and stead of the said Right Honourable Sir Edward Ryan:

And whereas the number of Commissioners appointed under the said Orders in Council of 21st May 1855 and 26th April 1862, was three, and it is deemed expedient that this number should be restored, and for this purpose that Theodore Walrond, Esq., Companion of the Bath, Secretary to the said late Sir Edward Ryan and to the said George Webbe Dasent, Esq., as such Commissioners as aforesaid, should be appointed Commissioner together with, and in addition to, the said John Somerset Baron Hampton, and the said George Webbe Dasent, Esq.:

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, doth order, and it is hereby ordered, that the said Right Honourable John Somerset Baron Hampton, the said George Webbe Dasent, Esq., and the said Theodore Walrond, Esq., or such other persons as Her Majesty may from time to time approve in the stead of them, or any of them, shall be Her Majesty's Commissioners for testing, in conformity with the said Order in Council, dated 4th June 1870, or such further Order or Orders as Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, has issued or may issue in that behalf, the qualifications of persons proposed to be appointed to situations or employments in Her Majesty's Civil Establishments, and also for testing, in conformity with regulations to be from time to time issued by Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for War, the literary qualifications of candidates for first commissions in the army, and for admission to the Royal Military College at Woolwich, and shall hold their offices during the pleasure of Her Majesty; the said John Somerset Baron Hampton being the First Commissioner, and shall have power, subject to the approval of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, to appoint from time to time such assistant examiners and others as may be required to assist them in the performance of their duties.

And it is further ordered, that the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury do prepare and submit to Parliament an estimate for the remuneration of the said additional Commissioner. (Signed) C. L. PEEL.


At the Court at Windsor, the 12th day of February 1876.



WHEREAS the civil administration of Her Majesty's Govern

12 Feb. 1876. ment has, of late years, been greatly extended.

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