SITUATIONS to which APPOINTMENTS have been made under CLAUSE VII. of the ORDER IN COUNCIL of 4th June 1870. *** Appointments under Clause VII. of the Order in Council will, under present arrangements, be made as a general rule to those situations which are marked in the following list with an asterisk. Department. ADMIRALTY Situation. Draughtsman, Department of the Comptroller of the Assistant Draughtsman, Director of Works Branch. Clerk in the Jamaica Victualling Yard. Clerk in Malta Dockyard. Clerk in Jamaica Royal Naval Hospital. Demonstrator in Physics, Royal Naval College, Demonstrator in Chemistry, Royal Naval College, Instructor and Assistant Instructor in Mathematics, SCIENCE AND ART DEPART- Professional Assistant Examiner in Art. MENT. Assistant Naturalist. Assistant Naturalist in Museum of Royal Dublin Society. Supplementary Assistant Examiner for Science. *** In addition to the above, Men Clerks (Lower Division) have been appointed to various Departments under Clause VII. of the Order in Council of 4th June 1870, and Clause XII. of the Order in Council of 12th February 1876. † This situation has recently (8th May 1877) been gazetted into Schedule B. 15) APPENDIX IV. STATISTICAL TABLES, &c. RELATING TO THE HOME CIVIL SERVICE. A. Number of cases dealt with between 1st January and 31st December 1877 Page. 160 B. Number and Particulars of Competitions held between 1st January and 31st December 1877 173 C. Marks obtained in Open Competitions 177 D. Marks obtained in Limited Competitions 224 List of Certificated Candidates, Ist January to 31st December 1877 234 |