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Tamil.-Pope's Reader, pp. 104–145.

Panchatantram, 1st Book.

Rhenius' Grammar, pp. 43-75, 187–220.

Candidates of

1876. Third periodical

Sanskrit.-Hitopadesa, from the beginning of Hiranyaka's History examination.
in Book I. to the end of the "Sandpiper and the Sea
in Book II.

Arabic.-Alif Laila (Macnaghten's Ed.), vol. i., pp. 148–176.
El Fachiri, pp. 55-76.

Persian.-Gulistán, chapters IV., V., and VII., pp. 96-120, 126–144.
Anwári Suhaili, pp. 135-158.

Gujarati.-Shapurji Edalgi's Grammar.

Fifth Reading Book, pp. 1-80 (omitting poetry).


1. General Jurisprudence.-The books or portions of books to be studied are:

Justinian's Institutes (Sandars's edition), from Tit. x. of Book II. to the end of Book IV.

Maine's Ancient Law, chapters vi.-x.

2. Notes of Cases and Law of Evidence. - Not fewer than six reports must be supplied by each candidate, drawn up as required by the General Instructions, and referring exclusively to cases of importance tried before juries in the Courts of Assize, in the Central Criminal Court, or in the Superior Courts of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. Three of these reports must relate to civil actions, and three to criminal trials. The civil cases must consist entirely of actions tried before special juries. The criminal cases must be selected for some special quality, such as the gravity of the offence charged (e.g., varieties of homicide, perjury, forgery, aggravated assaults, &c.), the nature of the evidence produced, the number of prisoners, &c.

No case should be taken in which either party is unrepresented by counsel.

Particular attention should be paid to clearness of language and method in the analytical summaries.

The Law of Evidence is to be studied in the manner indicated in the "General Instructions."

3. Indian Law :

The Indian Penal Code.†

The Indian Law of Contracts (1872).

Hindu Law.§
Mahommedan Law.§

Special instructions.

Three reports of civil cases must be sent in so as to reach the office of the Commission by September 1st, and the remainder by October 1st.

An early opportunity of reporting special jury cases will occur at the sittings after Term, at Guildhall and Westminster, about the middle of June.

† See notes to General Instructions.

Copies will be given to candidates on application.

§ The Tagore Lectures on Indian Law (1870, 1871, 1872, and 1873) and Rumsey'e Charts of Hindu and Mahommedan Inheritance may be consulted with advantage on the subjects to which they relate.

Candidates of








Mill's History of British India, edited by Wilson, vols. iii. and iv.
Marshman's History of India, chap. viii.-xviii.

The Map of India, and Thornton's Gazetteer (in one volume) with special reference to the prescribed portion of History.


Principles of Political Economy, by J. S. Mill, Books I., II., and first 15 chapters of Book III.

After the examination prizes will be awarded as follows:

For the greatest proficiency in Law (Jurisprudence)

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Law (Notes of Cases, &c.)
Law (Indian)

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No prize will be given except for a respectable degree of proficiency; no candidate will receive a prize who does not exhibit satisfactory proficiency in each of the prescribed subjects; and no candidate will receive a prize in respect of any subject for which a prize was awarded to him at the previous examination.

Candidates of 1877.

General instructions.


May 1877.

It is necessary that the selected candidates should at once commence their special preparation. They will remember that they have been selected on the ground of superior proficiency in subjects which (with, perhaps, the exception of Arabic and Sanskrit) are included within the ordinary range of English education. The Civil Service Commissioners believe that no better presumptive evidence of fitness can be obtained; but it must rest with the candidates themselves to give more conclusive evidence, by showing aptitude in acquiring the special knowledge necessary for them in the positions which they hope to gain. They will be expected and required to devote their whole time to the pursuit of this


special knowledge. They must bear in mind that at the several exami- Candidates of nations which they have to pass, the requirements of universities or 1877. colleges will not be regarded as affording any excuse for imperfect instructions. preparation; and further, that any one who should accept the position of a selected candidate without the intention of using all diligence to qualify himself for the service, would be acting unfairly alike to the Government of India and to the candidate who might have been selected in his place.

The regulations relating to the periodical examinations to be undergone during the period of probation have already been communicated to every candidate. That there may be no misapprehension on the subject, a second copy of those regulations is herewith enclosed. After each examination, the half-yearly allowance will be paid to those candidates who shall have passed to the satisfaction of the Commissioners. Deductions may be made from this allowance in the case of candidates whose examination is unsatisfactory, in proportion to the degree of their deficiency. After each examination prizes will be awarded.

The following instructions will suffice to indicate generally the course of study to be pursued in the several subjects, but special instructions with reference to the preparation required for each of the periodical examinations will be given at the proper time.


Every candidate will be required to pass to the satisfaction of the Commissioners in the language prescribed for his presidency, viz., for,




The final test of qualification in each of these languages will be as nearly as possible that which was formerly imposed on civil servants in India before they were appointed to active duties: it will include a sound knowledge of the grammar, facility in translating from and into the language, familiarity with the written character, and some proficiency in speaking the language.†

In addition to the prescribed language, candidates may take up any one or more of the following, viz.,-Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, and (with the previous permission of the Commissioners‡), one vernacular language, viz. :

Bengali, if assigned to Bengal (Lower Provinces).

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Bengal (N.W. Provinces, &c.)


Proficiency in additional languages will not be accepted as compensating for deficiency in those which are prescribed; and no candidate, who in any of the prescribed subjects shall fail to show satisfactory proficiency, will receive marks in respect of an additional language.

* i.e., 50l. after the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, and 150l. after the final examination. † Extract from 13th Report of the Civil Service Commissioners as to the necessity of acquiring a competent knowledge of the vernacular languages :-"We consider "that at the Final Examinations' no amount of proficiency in other subjects "should be accepted as compensating for deficiency in this essential qualification."

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Candidates desiring this permission should make early application for it, on the occasion of each examination.

Candidates of 1877. General instructions.


Examinations will be held under the following heads :—

1. General Jurisprudence.

2. (A.) Proceedings in English Courts of Justice; (B.) Law of Evidence.

3. Laws of India.

1. Under the head of General Jurisprudence candidates will be expected to have mastered the contents of the following books, or such portions of them as may be indicated by special instructions:Blackstone's Commentaries, edited by R. M. Kerr, LL.D., Vol. I. (containing the "Introduction" and the "Rights of Persons"). Austin's Jurisprudence, Vol. I.

The Institutes of Justinian, edited by Sandars.

Maine's "Ancient Law."

Studies in Roman Law, with comparative views of the Laws of
France, England, and Scotland. By Lord Mackenzie.
Bentham's Theory of Legislation. By Dumont.

2. (A.) Proceedings in English Courts of Justice.-Every candidate is required to send in, at such times as may be named in the special instructions, reports of a specified number of cases heard by himself in courts of justice,* in accordance with the regulations set forth below. Should, however, the set of reports sent in by a candidate in any half year fall below a reasonable standard, either in the choice of subjectmatter or in the manner of treating it, or should the vivâ voce examination show that no sufficient knowledge of the meaning and conduct of the proceedings reported has been gained, the candidate may be required to attend and report a further number of cases from such courts as the Civil Service Commissioners may prescribe.

The object aimed at in this course of reporting is, that the candidate should acquire clear ideas as to the conduct of a judicial inquiry into such facts as form the ordinary staple of business in the civil and criminal courts of this country, and some familiarity with the principles on which the rules of evidence and procedure enforced in those courts are founded. Candidates will, therefore, do well to avoid (for the first year at least) cases involving abstruse legal questions or difficult technicalities.

Candidates are advised, before commencing their attendance in court, to read either in Blackstone's Commentaries, or in some other elementary work, an account of the proceedings in a civil action and a criminal trial; and they are required to attend to the following points in the preparation, &c. of the reports:

(a.) Each report should contain the title of the court, the names of the judge and the parties, the time and place of trial, and the matter of the charge, cause of action, &c. The reports should state, fully and methodically, the substance of the evidence given (reporting it in the first person, and marking whether it was elicited in chief, cross, or re-examination)- the objections made to evidence, whether oral or documentary-the points, if any, on which a conflict of evidence has arisen-the arguments of counsel-the view taken by the judge-and the ultimate result; besides noting the course of procedure, and any other details which may appear worthy of observation.

The Commissioners will, if applied to, endeavour to facilitate the admission of candidates to those courts of justice in which any special arrangement for their accommodation can be made.

(b.) The candidate is to underline, in the body of his report, such Candidates of portions of the evidence as appear to him specially cogent and 1877. material, and to state in the margin opposite, in the shortest instructions. possible note, the reason why.

(c.) In addition to the more extended report, a very short analytical statement of each case is to be given, showing, in criminal cases, the facts necessary to constitute the offence charged, and in civil cases, the exact points in issue, with the bearing of the evidence upon them. In working out this summary, clearness and precision should be steadily kept in view.

(d.) Each candidate is to append to his reports a declaration that they have been obtained by his personal attendance in court, and are bona fide his own composition, without revision or help given by another person or derived from another report.

(e.) The reports are to be written on detached sheets of white foolscap paper of the ordinary size. One side only of the paper is to be used; and attention must be paid to handwriting, which should be clear and large.

(B.) Law of Evidence.-Candidates will be expected to master the principles of the Law of Evidence as laid down in the Indian Evidence Act, and in Sir J. F. Stephen's "Digest of the Law of Evidence," Macmillan, 1876. They will also be expected to refer, for the purpose of illustrating and applying the principles of the Law of Evidence, to the reported cases mentioned in Sir J. F. Stephen's book. The reports will be found in any law library, but in case they should not be accessible, such parts of the treatises of Taylor, Best, or Goodeve as illustrate the principles of the Law of Evidence should be read with care. The questions at the first examination will be of an elementary character, but at each succeeding examination candidates will be expected to show a more extended knowledge of the subject and of its illustrations.

At each Periodical Examination a paper will be set, and vivâ voce questions will be asked, to test both the familiarity of the candidates with the Law of Evidence as limited above, and the practical knowledge which they have gained by following the procedure of courts of justice in their course of reporting.

3. The examination in the Laws of India will include papers and vivá voce examination in the following branches :—

(a.) The Code of Civil Procedure.*

(b.) The Indian Penal Code.†

(c.) The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1872.

(d) The Indian Law of Contracts, 1872.§

(e.) The Indian Limitation Act, 1871.§ (f) Hindu Law.

(g.) Mahommedan Law.||

*The book recommended is the work by William Macpherson, Esq., published by R. C. Lepage & Co., 1, Whitefriars Street, Fleet Street. By the favour of the author candidates will be permitted to purchase this work at the trade price, on making direct application to the publishers.

† Candidates are recommended to read the Indian Penal Code, illustrated by Mr. Mayne, or the work by Messrs. Morgan and Macpherson; of which the former may be obtained from Mr. Bain, 1, Haymarket, and the latter, on the terms mentioned in the preceding note, from Hay & Co., 31, Essex Street, Strand.

Copies will be given to candidates on application.

§ Copies will be given to candidates at the proper time. The Succession Act has been published with a Commentary and Notes, by Mr. W. Stokes.

The Tagore Law Lectures (1870, 1871, 1872, and 1873) and Rumsey's Charts of Hindu and Mahommedan Inheritance, may be consulted with advantage on the points to which they refer.


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