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3. Give the Genitive, Singular and Plural, of, and OPEN


4. Give the Dual Nominative, m. f. n., of the Present Participles

and दधत्.

5. Give the Accusative Plural, masculine and feminine, of the Perfect Participle Parasmaipada of and ☎.

6. Give the Nominative and Locative Plural of (masc. and

fem.) and गिर् (fem.)

7. Give the Genitive Plural, masculine and feminine, of; what

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8. Give the Instrumental Plural, masculine and feminine, of

and अदस्.


What is the difference between दूह and श्रमुत्र
9. Write out the Third Person, in the three numbers, of the Present

Parasmaipada of (2nd conj.), and give the Nominative and
Accusative Plural Masculine of the Present Participle Paras-

10. Give the Second Person Singular of the Present, Imperfect, and
Imperative, Parasmaipada and Átmanepada, of f

and ग्रह् (गृह्णाति).


11. Give the Second and Third Person Singular of the Reduplicated Perfect Parasmaipada of वद्, यज्, हे, जागृ, and हन्.

12. Give the Third Person Singular of the Aorist Parasmaipada of अम् (अस्थति), या, दा, ātmanepada of कृ and दिश्, and

Passive of दृश् and दा.

13. Give the Third Person Singular of the Aorist Parasmaipada of the Causal of,, and .

14. Give the Third Person Singular of the Present Parasmaipada of the Desiderative of कृ, विद्, and ग्रह्.

15. Give the Indeclinable Past Participle (or gerund) and the Passive Future Participle in ♬ of fafa, dzɩ, and faa.

16. When is a final changed to before affixes of declension or conjugation?

17. Compare the formation of the Infinitive and the Indeclinable Participle in ; and illustrate your answer from the roots T बन्धु, यज्, स्पृश्, सृज्, and ग्रह्.


OPEN 18. When is the initial va of a root changed to u, and under what cirCOMPETITION, cumstances is the change forbidden? 1877.

19. Illustrate by examples the principal senses in which the locative case is used in Sanskrit.

20. Translate into Sanskrit:

a. Devadatta wishes to drink, but he has no water, and the village is far off.

b. I entered a ship and left the land, and I looked round with a pleasing fear, saying 'I shall surely gaze on the ocean without satiety for ever.' But I soon grew weary, for I could only see what I had already seen. ‘Surely,' I said, ' the sea and the land are very different; in the water there is only rest and motion; but the earth has mountains and lakes, deserts and cities, and it is inhabited by men of different laws and customs.'


Professor E. B. COWELL.

Monday, 2nd April 1877. 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

Translate into English:


उद्योगिनं पुरुषसिंहमुपैति लक्ष्मीः
दैवेन देयमिति कापुरुषा वदंति ।
दैवं निहत्य कुरु पौरुषमात्मशक्त्या
यने कृते यदि न सिध्यति कोऽत्र दोषः ॥

व्योमैकांतविहारिणोऽपि विहगाः संप्राप्नुवत्यापदं
बध्यंते निपुणैरगाधमलिलान्मत्स्याः समुद्रादपि ।
दुर्नीतं किमिहास्ति किं सुचरितं कः स्थानलाभे गुण:
कालो हि व्यवनप्रसारितकरो गृह्णाति दूरादपि ॥

पर्जन्य इव भूतानामाधारः पृथिवीपतिः ।
विकलेऽपि हि पर्जन्ये जीव्यते न तु भूपतौ ॥

कुर्वन्नपि व्यलोकानि यः प्रियः प्रिय एव सः ।
अशेषदोषदुष्टोऽपि कायः कस्य न वल्लभः ॥

अन्यच्च । श्रप्रियाण्यपि कुर्वाणो यः प्रियः प्रिय एव सः
दग्धमंदिरमारेऽपि कस्य वद्भावनादरः ॥





The queen Gándhárí wishes to curse the Pandavas for their victory
over her sons, but is stopped by her father-in-law, Vyása.
तस्याः पापमभिप्रायं विदित्वा पाण्डवान् प्रति ।

तं देशमुपसंपेदे परमर्षिर्मनोजवः ॥

दिव्येन चचुषा पश्यन् मनसा तद्गतेन च ।
सर्वप्राणभृतां भावं स तत्र समबुध्यत ॥

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म स्नुषामत्रवीत् काले हितवादी महातपाः ।
शापकालमवाक्षिप्य चमाकालमुदीरयन् ॥
'न कोपः पाण्डवे कार्यो गान्धारि शममाप्नुहि ।
वचो निगृह्यतामेतत् श्टणु चेदं वचो मम ॥
उक्ताऽस्यष्टादशाहानि पुत्रेण जयमिच्छता ।
“शिवमाशास्त्र मे मातर्युध्यमानस्य शत्रुभिः" ॥
सा तथा वाच्यमाना त्वं काले काले जयैषिणा ।
उक्तवत्यसि गान्धारि “यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः ॥
न चाप्यतीतां गान्धारि वाचं ते वितयामहम् ।
स्मरामि तोषमाणायास्तथा प्राणिहिता ह्यसि ॥
विग्रहे तुमुले राज्ञां गत्वा पारमसंशयम् ।
जितं पाण्डुसुतैर्युद्धे नूनं धर्मस्ततोऽधिकः ॥
क्षमाशीला पुरा भूला साद्य न चमसे कथम् ।
अधर्म जहि धर्मज्ञे यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः ॥


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धर्मार्थो यत्र न स्यातां शुश्रूषा वापि तद्विधा ।
तत्र विद्या न वप्तव्या शुभं वीजमिवोषरे ॥
विद्या ब्राह्मणमेत्याह 'सेवधिस्तेऽस्मि रक्ष माम् ।
असूयकाय मां मा दास्तथा स्यां वोर्यवत्तमा ॥
यमेव तु शुचिं विद्यान्नियतत्रह्मचारिणम् ।
तस्मै मां ब्रूहि विप्राय निधिपायाप्रमादिनें ॥

ऊषर, barren land.


t विद्याधिष्ठात्री देवता कञ्चिदध्यापक ब्राह्मणमागत्य एवमवदत् । तवाहं निधिरस्मि मां रक्ष | Schol.

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'ब्रह्म ह्यस्य जगतः कारणं' इति लचितम् । तच्च लक्षणं घटरुचकादीनां मृत्सुवर्णादिवत् प्रकृतिले कुलाल सुवर्णकारादिवन्निमित्तत्वे च समानमित्यतो भवति विमर्शः । किमात्मकं पुनर्ब्रह्मणः कारणत्वं स्यादिति । तत्र निमित्तकारणमेव तावत् केवलं स्यादिति प्रतिभाति । कस्मात् । ईचापूर्वक कर्तृत्वश्रवणात् । स ईचांचक्रे स प्राणमसृजत इत्यादिश्रुतिभ्यः । ईचापूर्वकं च कर्तृत्वं निमित्तकारणेष्वेव कुलालादिषु दृष्टम् । Sankara.

* Ruchaka, a necklace.

Questions on Literature, Philosophy, and Religion.

1. Name some of the principal rishis of the Rig Veda. What is a mantra?

2. Name two of the most remarkable Upanishads and briefly describe their character.

3. What Hindu authors tell us most about Buddhism ?

4. Write a short account of the following Sanskrit works : - ' Vishnupurána,'' Sahitya-darpana,'' Meghadúta,' and 'Ratnávali.'


Colonel J. W. J. OUSELEY.

Friday, 6th April 1877. 10 A.M. to 1 P.M.


1. Give some account of the most remarkable and extraordinary miracles alleged to have been performed by Mahommed.

2. Describe the division of Yemen, or Arabia Felix, mentioning its boundaries, chief cities, climate, productions, with any other particulars worthy of note.

3. State what you know of the famous Abdullah Ibn Sina, usually called Avicena by European writers.

4. At what period and under what circumstances did the Abyssinians invade Arabia ?


5. Explain the following terms of Arabic grammar, giving an example of the use of each, viz. :–

مضموم ـ مشدد

مشدد ـ جزم and مسكن ـ تنوين ـ مكسور ـ مفتوح

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6. In what manner do the musders of the derivative or increased con

jugations, such us Jail Jawabi ghai> ! &c., form their plurals ? Give examples.

7. Write down the aorist, preterite, and active and passive participles of the triliteral, radical, and increased verbs:

ضرب - كرم - تقديم ــ تمارض ــ مق بله

8. Form the Js from the infinitive

from صفت المشبه and the عشق


the Jr from

Translate into Arabic:


When a pilgrim arrives at Mecca, the first thing he does, after finding a habitation and recovering from the fatigue of the journey, is to visit the Caaba. He is conducted thither by a personage called a Mutawif, who meets the pilgrim at the very door of his lodgings, and walks before him all the way, reciting as he goes along the suitable prayers. The pilgrim or pilgrims follow him after reciting the prayers till they reach the "gate of salutation." Here the pilgrim, if he has not already performed his ablutions, finds water deposited for this purpose, as is the case also at most of the other gates. From this point the Caaba becomes visible, and here the procession halts for a few minutes while the Mutawif, followed by the pilgrims, performs the devotions specially set apart for this stage of the ceremony.


Colonel J. W. J. OUSELEY.

Friday, 6th April 1877. 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

Translate into English:

1.—Alif Laila, Vol. I., pages 493, 494.

II-Nafat Al Yaman, pages 20, 21.

Parse and analyse the following words in the above papers :

منقوش ـ حسيت - ناظري - عقول ـ حافوا ـ لا جعلن

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