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[SCH. A.] Situations thus marked are included in "Schedule A." of the Order in Council of June 4, 1870, and are therefore open to competition under regulations framed or to be framed, in pursuance of Clause V. of that Order, by the Civil Service Commissioners, with the approval of the Lords of the Treasury. The "General Regulations" printed at p. 131 apply to all such competitions.

[O. C.] Situations thus marked are open to competition, not under the clause above mentioned, but by arrangement with the authorities of the Departments to which they belong. Such competitions are not subject to the "General Regulations."

[L. C.] Situations thus marked are filled by "limited competition" among candidates nominated by the heads of the Departments to which they belong.

[N.] Situations thus marked are usually filled by nomination, subject to a qualifying examination only, but they may be offered for competition at the discretion of the head of the Department.

[N. Cl. vii.] For situations thus marked certificates are granted under Clause VII. of the Order in Council of the 4th June 1870, which empowers the Commissioners to dispense with examination on evidence satisfactory to them that the candidate possesses the requisite qualifications.

NOTE.-Some situations for which separate schemes of examination are here set down will probably be filled hereafter by clerks of the "Lower Division." See clauses 1-4 of the Order in Council of 12th February 1876.


In all cases where not otherwise ordered, candidates are required to be of the prescribed age on the first day of their examination. The manner in which the limits of age are understood by the Civil Service Commissioners is shown by the following example:If the rule is that persons must be between 17 and 20 years of age on the 1st of January in any year, a candidate born on the 1st January would be admitted on the 17th, and also on the 20th anniversary of his birth, but not on the day preceding the former, nor on the day succeeding the latter of these anniversaries.

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By the 10th of the General Regulations (see p. 131) it is provided that in reckoning age for competition the following allowances will be made, viz., (1) members of the military and naval services (whether commissioned or non-commissioned) may deduct from their actual age any time during which they have served; (2) persons who have served for two full consecutive years (a) in any Civil situation to which they were admitted with the certificate of the Civil Service Commissioners, (b) in the Royal Irish Constabulary, or (c) as registered writers in connexion with the Civil Service, may deduct from their actual age any time not exceeding five years which they may have spent in such service.

The following is a list of departments to which Class I. clerks have been assigned:-Civil Service Commission; Colonial Office; Ecclesiastical Commission; India Office (Correspondence Department); Lunacy Commission; Patent Office; Post Office (Secretary's Office, Grade I.); Record Office, England; Record Office, Ireland; Treasury; Inland Revenue (Assistant Surveyor of Taxes).

Fee for Examination.

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* The following is a list of the Departments to which Lower Division Clerks (men or boys) have been assigned :-Admiralty; Charitable Bequests Commission (Ireland); Charity Commission; Chief Secretary's Office, Ireland; Civil Service Commission; Colonial Office; Constabulary, Ireland, Inspector-General's Office; Dublin Metropolitan Police (Commissioners' Office); Dublin Metropolitan Police (Divisional Offices); Education Office; Exchequer and Audit Office; Fisheries Inspector's Office, Ireland; Friendly Societies Registry; Home Office; Inland Revenue; Judge Advocate General's Office; Local Government Board (England); Local Government Board (Ireland); Lunacy Commission; Mint; National Education Office, Ireland; Patent Office; Paymaster-General's Office, including Chancery Pay Office; Post Office; Prisons Service (Ireland); Privy Council Office; Public Works Loan Office; Public Works Office, Ireland; Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office (Scotland); Reformatories' Office; Registrar-General's Office, England; Registrar-General's Office, Scotland; Registrar General's Office, Ireland; Seamen's Registry Office; Trade (Board of); Treasury; War Office; Office of Woods (Quit Rent Office, Dublin); Works (Office of).

For the Regulations at length, see p. 31.

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Department and Qualifications required.


Limits of Age.

Fee for Examination.

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13. Specifications for Architectural and Building Works. 14. Measurement of Quantities in Building Works.

15. Estimates of Cost of Building Works.

16. Any one Modern Language.

Candidates must pass to the satisfaction of the Commissioners in the subjects numbered 1 to 15. The remaining subject is optional.

Candidates will be required to show what preliminary training or technical education they have undergone to qualify themselves for a situation of this nature. Evidence

on this point must be sent in at least a week before the date
of the examination. If it prove primâ facie satisfactory,
the Candidate will be admitted to examination, subject to
such further inquiry as may be necessary.

IV. [SCH. A.] Engineering Draughtsmen in the De-

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9. Calculations of Strength of Materials of Construction. 10. Calculations of Power and Work of Machines.

11. Use of Materials of Construction.

12. Details of Construction in Earthwork, Foundations, Brickwork, Masonry, Carpentry, &c.

13. Details of Construction in Ironwork.

14. Details of Construction in Hydraulic Engineering Works.

15. Specifications for Engineering Works.

16. Measurement of Quantities in Engineering Works.

17. Estimates of Cost in Engineering Works.

18. Levelling and Surveying.

19. Any one Modern Language.

Candidates must pass to the satisfaction of the Commissioners in the subjects numbered 1 to 18. The remaining subject is optional.

Candidates will be required to show what preliminary training or technical education they have undergone to

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