6. राजा की कथा सुनकर मन्त्री ने कहा महाराज पची ०. कोटर नगर में एक देवशमी नाम ब्राह्मन रहै । तिन PRIZE EXAMINATION. CANDIDATES OF 1875. PRIZE EXAMINATION. और । या भांति जब धन बधेगी तब नारियर सुप्यारी ले बड़ो CANDIDATES ब्यौपार करि धन बढ़ाय चार विवाह करिहों को है ब्राह्मन OF 1875. चार विवाह करे श्री चारों बरन ब्याहै चत्री तीन वैश्य दे शूद्र एक व्याहै । पुनि जब वे स्त्री आपस में लरिहें तब हों जा को श्रीगुन देखिहों ता के मारिवे कों ऐसें लोठिया घालूंगी। यह कहि ज्यों लौठिया घाली त्यों सतुआ के करवा समेत उ नि कुम्हार के भांड़े फोरे । बहुरि कहनि लाग्यो कि हाय मेरो कियो करायो घर गयौ । श्रागै भांड़े फूटे देखि कुम्हार ह नें वा के सब कपरा खोस वा हि तिरस्कार करि घर तें निकार दियो । ता तें हों कहतु हों कि आगे को मनोरथ करै म्रो दुख पावै। . For translation into Hindi: II. The most incessant occupation of the human intellect, throughout life, is the ascertainment of truth. We are always needing to know what is actually true about something or other. It is not given to us all to discover great general truths that are a light to all men and to future generations; though, with a better general education, the number of those who could do so would be far greater than it is. But we all require the ability to judge between the conflicting opinions which are offered to us as vital truths. And the need we have of knowing how to discriminate truth is not confined to the larger truths. All through life, it is our most pressing interest to find out the truth about all the matters we are concerned with. SANSKRIT. Professor E. B. COWELL. Monday, 2nd July 1877. 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Translate into English: I. ऋऋणानि त्रीण्यपाकृत्य मनो मोचे निवेशयेत् । Manu. II. नमो विश्वसृजे पूर्व विश्वं तदनु बिभ्रते । दयालुमनघस्पृष्टं पुराणमजरं विदुः ॥ III. Raghuramsa. How is it that some sages, though possessed of the highest knowledge, have not attained liberation but have been born in new births? 'विदुषो वर्तमान देहपातानन्तरं देहान्तरमुत्पद्यते न वा इति चिन्त्यते । ननु विद्यायाः साधनभूतायाः संपत्तौ कैवल्यप्राप्तिः स्यान्न वेति नेयं चिन्तोपपद्यते । न हि पाकसाधनसंपत्तावोदनो भवेत् न वेति चिन्ता संभवति, नापि भुञ्जानस्तृप्येत् न वेति चिन्त्यते । उपपन्ना वियं चिन्ता, ब्रह्मविदामपि केषाञ्चित् इतिहासपुराणादे: देहान्तरोत्पत्तिदर्शनात् । तथा ह्यपान्तरतमा नाम वेदाचार्यः कलियुगे कृष्णद्वैपायनः संबभूवेति स्मरणम् । एतेषां देहान्तरोत्पत्तिदर्शनात् प्राप्तं ब्रह्मविद्यायाः पाचिकं मोचहेतुत्वम् श्रहेतुत्वं वेति । श्रुत उत्तरमुच्यते । न । । । तेषामपान्तरतमःप्रभृतीनां वेदप्रवर्तनादिषु लोकस्थितिर्हेतुय्वधिकारेषु नियुक्तानाम् अधिकारैकाग्रत्वात् स्थितेः । यथाम्रो भगवान् सूर्यः सहस्रयुगपर्यन्तं जगतो ऽधिकारं चरित्वा तदवसाने कैवल्यमनुभविष्यति । * Pákshikam ' conditional,' not ‘absolute.’ Sankara. "PRIZE EXAMINATION. CANDIDATES OF 1875. Translate into Sanskrit: IV. If I am left alone for a short time my old thoughts return to my mind; but they are soon dispelled by the sage's conversation. I am like a man habitually afraid of spectres, who is set at ease by a lamp, and wonders at the dread which harassed him in the dark; yet if his lamp be extinguished, he feels again the terrors, which he knows that, when it is light, he shall feel no more. But I am sometimes afraid lest I should be criminally negligent in indulging my love of quiet, and be voluntarily forgetting the great charge with which I am entrusted. After this, he began to eat with her, and lo, his two brothers came in to him. The news had reached them through a man of that quarter who said to them: your brother hath come mounted on a horse, with a slave before him, wearing a wonderful dress. So they said, one to the other, would that we had not distressed our mother, for she will doubtless acquaint him with what we have done, and we shall be disgraced. But one of them said, our mother is tender hearted, and if she inform him, our brother is more tender hearted than she, and when we excuse ourselves to him, he will accept our excuse. Then they went to him, and he rose to them upon his feet, and saluted them with the best salutation, and said to them, come and eat with me. So they sat and did eat, and as they were weak from hunger, they ceased not to eat until they were satiated. And when they had finished, the remainder of the food was given to the poor and needy. E. COLLEGE, 1877. 5.-EXAMINATION PAPERS SET AT THE OPEN ROYAL INDIAN ARRANGEMENTS for the OPEN COMPETITION of 1877. The following extract from the Prospectus of the Royal Indian Civil Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, for 1875, will show the regulations under which the open competition of 1877 was held : 2. Admission to the College is obtained by competitive examination, at which all British-born subjects, between the ages of 17 and 20 years on the 1st day of July 1877, of sound constitution, free from any serious physical defects that would render them unfit for service in the Public Works Department, and of good moral character, will be admissible. Evidence as to age and character must be sent to the Civil Service Commissioners not later than June 1st, 1877. If this should be primá facie satisfactory, applicants will be allowed to compete; but further evidence as to character may be required from the successful candidates,* who will also be subjected to a medical examination by the Medical Board at the India Office before being admitted to the College. 3. The course of special education for the candidates selected by this competition extends over three years, and all the students who pass through it successfully, including such of them as, instead of entering the Cooper's Hill College, prefer to undergo their course of preparation elsewhere, and succeed in passing the same final test of qualification as the students of the College (vide para. 18), will be appointed to the Indian Public Works Department as Assistant Engineers; nine-tenths as Assistant Engineers, Second Grade, the salary of which grade is Rs. 4,200 per annum,-and the remaining one-tenth as Assistant Engineers, Third Grade, the salary of which grade is Rs. 3,000 per annum. Provided, nevertheless, that of the one-tenth last mentioned, any student may be appointed to the Second Grade in the event of his being certified to have passed a sufficiently creditable college and practical course examination. The passed students will all be provided with a free passage to India. 4. The competitive examination for 1877 will be held in the latter end of June or beginning of July, under the orders of the Civil Service Commissioners, and will embrace the following subjects: *The needful forms of application, with instructions for filling them up and as to the nature of the evidence required, may be obtained from the Secretary, Civil Service Commissioners, Cannon Row, Westminster, S.W., at any time after May 1, † No candidate may take up more than three out of these four subjects. |