Department and Qualifications required. Limits of Age. Fee for nation. ADMIRALTY-continued. ENGINEERING DRAUGHTSMEN-cont. qualify themselves for a situation of this nature. Evidence V. [SCH. A.] DRAUGHTSMEN IN THE HYDROGRAPHICAL 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions). 4. Practical Geometry (so far as relates to perpendicu- 6. Topographical Plan-drawing (i.e., the principles of 7. Translation from French, Spanish, or some other modern language. Candidates must pass to the satisfaction of the Civil Service Commissioners in all the first six subjects. They will also be required to show what preliminary training or technical education they have undergone to qualify them for a situation of this nature, and they must satisfy the Commissioners that they possess the special qualifications necessary for the office. These include particularly aptness in hydrographical chart drawing, and on this point the Commissioners will ask for a report from the Hydrographer of the Admiralty. 20 and 24. 5s. 17. Department and Qualifications required. ADMIRALTY-continued. JUNIOR ASSISTANTS IN THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, d. The differential calculus; including Taylor's e. Mechanics; including the parallelogram of forces Candidates are not required to pass in subjects 6 and 7, but great weight will be attached to a knowledge of them. The successful Candidate will not be finally appointed unless on probation he shall satisfy the head of the Department as to his fitness in respect of the following, among other qualifications, viz. :— Manual dexterity in the use and adjustment of instrumental mechanism. Accuracy of eye in observation. Distinctness of ear in time-reference. Promptitude in decision. Punctuality contingent on variable circumstances. Department and Qualifications required. ADMIRALTY-continued. JUNIOR ASSISTANTS FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC AND SPECTRO SCOPIC OBSERVATIONS-cont. OPTIONAL. 7. German (translation). 8. Mathematics, viz. : a. The binomial theorem; De Moivre's theorem. c. Spherical trigonometry, and its applications to d. The differential calculus; including Taylor's e. Mechanics; including the parallelogram of forces Candidates are not required to pass in subjects 7 and 8, but great weight will be attached to a knowledge of them. The successful Candidate will not be finally appointed unless on probation he shall satisfy the head of the Department as to his fitness in respect of the following, among other qualifications, viz. :— Manual dexterity in the use and adjustment of instrumental mechanism. Accuracy of eye in observation. Distinctness of ear in time-reference. Promptitude in decision. Punctuality, contingent on variable circumstances. Department and Qualifications required. Limits of Age. Fee for Examination. ADMIRALTY-continued. CHIEF ASSISTANTS, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE-cont. 5. German (translation). 6. Mathematics, viz.:— a. The binomial theorem; De Moivre's theorem. c. Spherical trigonometry, and its applications to d. The differential calculus; including Taylor's e. Mechanics; including the parallelogram of forces f. Optics; including the laws of reflexion and re- |