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ROYAL INDIAN 3. What are the laws of the loss of charge from an insulated conductor?
Describe the method by which they have been established.


If two insulated small spheres a given distance apart repel one another with a force of 144 units, and if in each minute the force is diminished by one-eighteenth of the whole, what proportion of the whole charge will remain on each of the spheres at the end of 20 minutes.

4. State the character of the secular and of the diurnal variations to which the declination needle is subject. Explain how they are experimentally determined.

5. Describe the method employed by Gauss to determine the earth's horizontal magnetic force, and state, with reasons, how many and what experiments are necessary for an accurate result.

6. What is meant by electromotive force? State the laws which determine the strength of current which a battery of given electromotive force will produce in a given circuit, and show with what arrangement of cells the strongest current will be produced.

A battery of 24 cells is joined up so as to give the strongest current through a galvanometer whose resistance is 2 ohms, the resistance of each cell of the battery being 0·8 ohms, what is the arrangement of the cells?

7. What is meant by the absolute value of the strength of a current ? Describe some method of determining it.

8. State Kirchhoff's laws relating to the currents and resistances in a compound circuit.

Show how they apply to the Wheatstone's bridge method of determining the resistance of a conductor.

9. Describe an arrangement by which a coil of copper wire may be made use of to determine the magnetic dip and the earth's total magnetic force.

10. What is the arrangement of Grove's gas battery, and what is it intended to illustrate?

Wires are attached to its poles, and their other extremities are first attached to the two poles of a battery which is capable of decomposing water, and are then joined together; describe and explain the action which takes place.


Tuesday, 26th June 1877. 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

1. By what means has the size of the earth been determined? State the results arrived at.

2. Draw vertical sections of the continent of Europe, from the mouth of the Danube to the mouth of the Garonne, and from Hamburg to Rome, and of North America from San Francisco to New York, showing the relative heights of mountains and table lands, and the depths of seas and lakes, and marking the position of important rivers which the line of section traverses.

3. What are cyclones? Define the area of the earth's surface within which cyclones are experienced.

4. Draw an outline map of Africa, showing the principal lakes and


5. Explain the fact that Edinburgh and Moscow, although situated in the same latitude, have very different climates.

6. State the order of succession of the botanical zones through which ROYAL INDIAN you would pass in ascending a mountain situated within the E. COLLEGE, tropics which rises above the snow line.

7. Describe the physical characters, mineralogical constitution, and chemical composition of basalt.

8. Draw a section running E. and W., showing strata of shale and
limestone, dipping W. 10°, which have been affected by a trough
fault, and subsequently covered unconformably by horizontal
beds of conglomerate.

9. Explain the distorted condition of the fossils in slate rocks.
10. Describe and explain the mode of origin of the terminal, lateral, and
medial moraines of glaciers.

11. In what member of the geological series does the iron ore of the
Cleveland district occur? Name three fossils which you would
expect to find in this deposit.

12. In what respects does an Ammonite differ from a Nautilus? To what class of animals do both belong? Compare the distribution in time of these two forms?



Monday, 25th June 1877. 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

[N.B.-The constructions should be neat and accurate; they must be strictly geometrical, and particular care should be taken not to efface the lines necessary for the correct solutions. Al lines should be inked in either with common or Indian ink.]

1. Construct an isosceles triangle with a base of 4 inches and a vertical angle of 65°. Construct a square of equal area with the triangle.

2. Describe a circle with a radius of 2.58 inches, and by means of 4
concentric circles divide its area into 5 equal parts.
From any

point in the outermost circle draw a tangent to the innermost

3. Construct a scale, in which 5 furlongs are represented by 9 inches,
to show miles and furlongs, and (diagonally) chains; mark the
representative fraction. The scale should be long enough to
measure 5 miles. Show the calculation.


4. Seven straight lines making equal angles (3) with each other

radiate from a common centre. Make these lines respectively,
taken in order, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 55, and 25 ft. long. Join their
extremities. Reduce the irregular seven sided figure thus formed
to a triangle of equal area. Write down the length (in feet) of
each of the 3 sides and the size of each of the 3 angles of the

Scale (which need not be drawn), 25 feet 1 inch.

5. In a circle of 24 inches radius inscribe a regular pentagon, and in the pentagon inscribe an equilateral triangle.

6. Determine geometrically the values of 5 and of

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7. The plan of an equilateral triangle of 3 inches side is a triangle having 2 of its sides 2 and 1 inches, and the included angle 70°. Determine the scale of slope (or the traces) of the plane


in which the triangle lies and the inclination of this plane, and of the third side of the triangle, to the horizon.

8. Draw the plan of a right hexagonal prism 4 inches long, of which each side of the base measures 1 inches, supposing one side of the base to rest on the horizontal plane and a face containing that side to be inclined 50° to the horizon.


Saturday, 30th June 1877. 10 A.M. to 1 P.M.

1. Define the term "vanishing point" of a line. Explain where would
be the vanishing point, (1) of a line perpendicular to the picture
plane, (2) of a horizontal line parallel to the picture plane.

2. Draw a line 3 inches long parallel to neither edge of your paper.
It represents the perspective picture of a horizontal line. Divide
this line into three equal parts. Assume a "horizontal line."
3. A circle whose plane is vertical, 3 inches in diameter, touches the
picture plane at a point 2 inch to the spectator's right, and is
inclined at 50° to the picture plane, towards the spectator. Dis-
tance of eye, 4 inches; height above the centre of the circle,
1 inch. Draw the perspective picture.

4. A cube, 1 inch edge, rests on a horizontal plane. Its nearest
vertical edge is 3 inches from the picture plane, and 1 inch to
the left of the eye. The near vertical face is inclined at 60° to
the picture plane. Distance of eye, 4 inches; height above base
Draw the perspective picture.

of cube, 2 inches.


Saturday, 30th June 1877. 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

1. The plane of an equilateral triangle, 3 inches side, is inclined at 35°; one of its sides at 20°. Draw the plan.

2. Draw a line parallel to the bottom edge of your paper. This represents the intersection of a vertical and a horizontal plane. From any point in this line draw two lines, one on each side, making with it angles of 45° and 70°. These lines represent the vertical and horizontal traces of a plane. Determine its inclination to both planes.

3. Explain the nature of an isometric projection. In what respects does it differ from a perspective picture? For what purposes would you adopt it?

4. An ink bottle of the form of a truncated square pyramid is made of -inch plate glass; side of base 3 inches; length of sloping edge 2 inches; side of upper section 13 inches. The top is a square prism of the same glass, hinged at one of the far sides. It lies open to its full extent. Draw the isometric projection.




Thursday, 28th June 1877. 10 A.M. to 2 P.M.

Make a careful copy of the chromo-lithograph supplied to you, shading it and colouring it to the best of your judgment, and carrying it as far as time will permit.


Thursday, 28th June 1877. 3 P.M. to 5 P.M.

Give as complete a representation as you can of the object supplied to you, using sepia, pen, or pencil, according to your own choice; and making your drawing not less than six inches in length.





NOTE. The following extract from the Tenth Report of the Civil Service Commissioners refers to a change in the mode of assigning marks :-"It has already "been mentioned as one of the ruling principles of these examinations that no can"didate should be allowed any credit at all for taking up a subject in which he is a mere smatterer. Hitherto we have thought it enough, in conformity with this "principle, to strike out all marks which indicated less than a competent knowledge "of the subject selected; leaving those whose knowledge exceeded, by ever so "little, the minimum of competence, to count all the marks assigned to them. We 66 are of opinion, however, that superficial study may be more effectually discouraged "by allowing no credit for slight knowledge even to those candidates who succeed "in passing beyond it. We propose, therefore, that from the marks of all can"didates alike a number answering to this slight knowledge shall be deducted; "but that it shall be possible, nevertheless, for any candidate who may show "remarkable proficiency in any subject to obtain the full number of marks allotted "to that subject."

On this occasion a deduction of 125 has been made from the marks assigned in each subject.

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