+ Except in the case of Natives of Foreign Countries, who are specially exempted from literary examination. In reckoning their age, Pensioners from the Navy, Army, and Royal Marines, and persons who have served continuously for a period of not less than two years in hired capacities in Naval Hospitals and Marine Infirmaries, may deduct from their actual age any time not exceeding five years spent in those Services. Department and Qualifications required. Limits of Age. ADMIRALTY-continued. ASSISTANT SCHOOLMASTERS IN DOCKYARDS-cont. No Candidate will be eligible who does not produce satisfactory proof of his ability and experience in teaching. Evidence on this point must be sent in at least a week before the date of the competition. If it prove prima facie satisfactory, the Candidate will be admitted to compete, subject to such further inquiry as may be necessary. "In the case of a person who has been trained in one of H. M. Dockyard Schools, a certificate from the President of the Royal Naval College that the candidate possesses the requisite practical qualifications will be regarded by the Commissioners as satisfactory evidence." XXI. [SCH. A.] SCHOOLMASTERS IN LEWES NAVAL XXII. [SCH. A.] CLERKS OF THE WORKS.-(Scheme not XXIII. [SCH. A.] FOREMEN OF WORKS IN A DOCKYARD. XXIV. [N. Cl. vii.] DISPENSERS IN H.M. NAVAL ESTAB- XXV. [N. Cl. vii.] CURATOR OF NAVAL MUSEUM IN XXVI. [N.] STORE ISSUERS.-(Scheme not yet arranged.) 20 and 25. 30 and 50. 25 and 45. 20 and 40. 25 and 45. 21 and 35. Pensioned non-commissioned officers of marines are eligible up to any age. 21 and 45. 21 and 35. Excepting hired men, who are to be considered eligible until the age of 45, provided that when placed on the hired list their age did not exceed 35 years, Fee for Examination. Candidates will also be tested as to their ability to read aloud with clearness, distinctness, and accuracy, and without hesitation. Stammering, or any imperfection of utterance, will be regarded as a disqualification. Candidates who fail to pass in the first four subjects (those marked with an asterisk), or in reading aloud, will be disqualified, and their other papers will not be examined. The candidates who obtain not less than 750 marks in the aggregate, will be classed in one general list in order of merit, according to the number of marks gained, and will be eligible for appointment as engineer students in one of the dockyards, according to the number of appointments which it may be decided to make that year. XXXVI. [o. c.] DOCKYARD APPRENTICES.‡ 14 and 15. The list of candidates for these appointments is kept at the Ad miralty in London. All applications for the forms to be filled up by persons wishing to compete must be sent to the Secretary of the Admiralty before the 1st of March in each year. Lists of candidates desiring to be examined at the different dockyards are kept by the superintendents. Those candidates who desire to be examined in London should address their applications to the Secretary, Admiralty, London, S.W. All applications should be sent in before the 1st of March in each year. The list of candidates is kept by the Superintending Storekeepers of the Victualling Yards. All applications must be sent in before 1st May or 1st November. These examinations are held at the various dockyards, &c., under the superintendence of the Civil Service Commissioners. The papers in professional subjects are, however, prepared and valued at the Admiralty. |